These Guards are Confusing

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"One more and you're done, now hold still!" The scientist snapped, trying to inject another IV into my arm.

I growled, a deep rolling sound in the back of my throat, which didn't do much as he forced the fourth needle into me. I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Percy Jackson. I was donated to science by my mother when I was six, which was twelve years ago. Since then, I've been experimented on hundreds of thousands of times. Most the time, they end in excruciating pain that leaves me immobile for a few hours, then I'm tested on again. Get the chain? The rest of the time, I get weird abilities that not many- Sorry, no humans have. Back to the scene.

There was a pain like acid, which spread through all my veins. I let out a screech of pain, but it only got worse. Now fill the acid with shreds of glass. I could feel what felt like my veins, arteries and capillaries being torn to shreds. I let out a hollow scream and I noticed frost spreading at my feet. Oh, did I mention I was suspended in the air by iron cuffs? Oops.

The scientist took a step back as the frost started to spread quicker, leaving icy crystals and a white, thin carpet of ice on the metal floor. Great, another power. I added it to my list, which was insanely long for something in your mind.

The scientist scrambled out of the room and my iron cuffs and chains dropped to the ground, taking me with them. I groaned and rolled my shoulders as I stood from my crouching position. The frost had started to recede, melting and leaving nothing behind, like it had never been there. I knew better though.

Two burly guards came out of the vaulted door after the scientist ran out. Well, one burly guard. The other one was kind of small. I grunted and stood full height which, due to some weird growth chemical they put in my blood, was 6'6. You might be thinking that that's not extremely tall, but I was about 5'8 before that. So I grew ten inches. The tall guy was about four inches smaller, and the short guy was smaller than me by about a foot. "Hey buddy, you mind not tazer-ing me this time?" I grunted as I popped one of my shoulder blades back into place.

"No promises." The taller one grumbled. "Stop trying to escape."

I shrugged. "Sorry fellas, that's never gonna happen. I'll keep your life interesting though, that's for sure."

I couldn't read there expressions as they were wearing tight frowns, black sunglasses, and a black suit. Accompanied by a black tie and a black fedora. Talk about Al Capone cosplay. All they needed were big machine guns and they'd be good to go. "Let's go." the taller one told me.

I just realized I didn't know their names. And they were acting... Different today. "You got a sore throat today? Different shade of black? Oh no, did you get in a relationship crises? You guys aren't as mean as you usually are." I asked. I could just read their minds, but I don't like that power.

They tensed as they approached the door. Once we got to it, the shorter one pulled a gun. I thought they were going to shoot me, but instead they aimed behind me at a security camera and fired. Sparks flew everywhere and it made a sad whirring sound before popping without a sound.

"What did you do to the poor security camera!?" I exclaimed in shock.

"You're coming with us." They commanded, grabbed my arms and running through the now open vault-like door.

"Woah woah woah, where in the world are we going? And why'd you shoot the security camera? Where are the scientists?" I asked. It was true, we ran through halls that were usually bustling with scientists holding chemicals that would blow up. Most would end up getting injected into me.

I got no reply, so I decided to use my handy power I hated to use.

My god would he just shut up? We're trying to break him out for gods sake! The tall one thought. He sounded slightly upset at me. Oh well.

Why, god why did we do all of this to break an idiot out of a lab? If I were his mother I wouldn't want him back. The short one thought bitterly. My only thought- Ouch. Also, what's this about my mom? She didn't care about me.

We ran through the now empty halls until I saw the first vault door was wide open. As well as the second. The third one, the final one outside, was shut tight. As we continued to run towards the final door, I saw we weren't slowing down. "Um, I mean, you guys look like you know what you're doing but just so you know we're running full speed at a solid titanium door that is feet thick." I said, looking at them. They didn't reply. Of course.

Instead we ran. Right for a solid door, made of one of the strongest metal ever that was feet this. Five seconds until collision. Four seconds until I make a complete fool of myself. Three seconds until I bashed my own skull in the stupidest way possible. Two seconds I'm almost dead. One second until I die.

Instead of ramming into the door, we ran through it. I blinked to comprehend what was going on, but everything was going on too fast. Let me retrace my steps.

New power. Check. Scientist fled. Check. Guards came in to bring me to my cell. Check. Guards acted weirdly. Check. Guards shot the only person- Err, thing I had to talk to. Check. Guards grabbed my arms and ran. Check. Scientists missing. Check. One of them probably has mommy issues. Check. We ran through a solid door. Check. I'm outside. Also check. Still not processing.

       I sighed as they still tugged me along through the thick woods that surrounded the base until they found a large, white van. "Are you kidnapping me? Because I would think that would be a bad idea." I asked.

       "We're saving your ass." The shorter one grumbled.

       "Hey!" The older one proclaimed. "Be nice!"

        "Well he's really annoying! What was I supposed to say?" The younger one asked. I really was starting to not like this kid.

        "It's not like you're much better. You're just upset because you haven't seen Calypso for a while." The taller one scolded.

        "Oh be quiet, you get huffy without Piper too!" The younger one argued. Piper and Calypso. The men's girlfriends? Wives? Best friends? The last one was doubtful.

        They didn't talk anymore but slowed to a stop at the vehicle. "Get in." The taller one said, swinging into the front seat. The shorter one got in the passengers side.

       I sighed and got in back, shutting the door behind me. "Now, where are we going?" My head was bent down slightly in the short vehicle.

       "To my friends house." The taller one said, which explained a lot.


1200 words exactly! Bam! Hope you enjoyed this frantic, fast-paced chapter.



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