Chapter 25

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Gauri usher Omkara to his cabin...

Gauri  walk so fast , Omkara felt like she was running .

Omkara : Can you walk slowly ? What's the rush ?

Gauri doesn't bother to listen to him...and increase her speed

While Omkara was worriedly looking at her each step.

Omkara : careful Gauri ...don't forget you are very heels.

Gauri got annoyed and she did a quick to face him ...seems like her heels also on Omkara side...due to quick turn...her heels lose quick balance and she almost feel down but been hold by 2 strong arms .

Gauri open hers eyes...her amber eyes collided with dark brown orbs...both of them got lost in each other's eyes...

Omkara was totally in her eyes..
Beautiful he whisper softly ...
Hearing that ...gauri came into senses...her lovely gaze turn into anger....

Gauri : Let go of me !

Omkara : Are you sure ?

Gauri : Yes!

Omkara : Fine as your wish ! Don't blame me later .

Omkara release the hold.
Thud! Gauri fall down on the floor.

Gauri look at Omkara with anger .

Gauri : You !

Omkara : You ask for it !
Omkara starts to walk as he unable to control his smile and he doesn't want her to see it ... so he took a few step leaving her behind ...a smile curves on his lips.

Meanwhile gauri , remove her heels and get up ...

Gauri : Moron!
She murmured by loud enough to heard by Omkara.

Omkara : I heard that!

Gauri frown and clenched her fist!
Gauri put on her heels 👠 and try to catch with him.

Omkara heard her steps and stopped .
Thud! Gauri bumped into Omkara's back .

Gauri mad .
Gauri : Whats wrong with you! Why you stopped walking suddenly!

Gauri yelled.

Omkara turns and look at his angry tigress, he wanted to laugh so hard but controlled.

Omkara : Execuse me ? First , you should mind you steps , second when you walk please see infront not your heels . And Last one , learn to say sorry .

Gauri : Sorry ? Why I need to say sorry ?

Omkara: You just bumped on me , don't you remember?

Gauri : But it's happened because of you ! I wouldn't have bumped if you didn't stop all of sudden.

Omkara : So you are trying to say it's my mistake ?

Gauri : I'm not trying ! It's is !
She said it with crossed arms.

Omkara : why she is so cute ? This girl will be death of you Omkara!
Omkara murmured to himself .

Gauri : What did you say ?

Omkara : Nothing! Can you bring me to my cabin fast !

Gauri start to walks without saying anything.
Omkara follows her.

Gauri stops walking and stand infront of a 🚪.
She opens the door and made a way to omkara to walk in.

Omkara look around his cabin.

Omkara : beautiful

Gauri : Shivaay bhaiyaa personally choose the ID for your cabin and...he had checked each and every detailing ...not only that ...he had made sure everything is white because it's your favourite color .

Omkara : Yeah I can's so perfect ...just as I like ...

Knock knock.
Omkara and gauri turns and look towards the door.
It's Shivaay.
Shivaay comes in .

Shivaay wrapped his arms around Omkara shoulder....

Shivaay : So bhai like your cabin ?

Omkara : Like ? Are you kidding me Shivaay ? I love it ! This is awesome .

Shivaay : Well thanks to Gau...
Before Shivaay complete it , Gauri cuts in ...

Gauri : Bhaiya ,havdyou sign the documents which I put on your table ?

Shivaay : Which one ?
Gauri sign to Shivaay don't tell him...

Shivaay understand.
Shivaay : Oh ya ..I haven't ...I will signed it later .

Gauri sighed.

Shivaay : Okay omkara...enjoy your first day at Office ...and gauri show him all the important documents and clients data's.

Gauri : Ok Bhaiya but where do I sit ?

Shivaay : Oh ya , I will arrange a table for you , meanwhile you share table with Omkara .

Gauri eyes almost bulged out.
Omkara smirk.

Shivaay : Okay I take leave .
Shivaay left .

Omkara sits on his chair...

Gauri came and puts documents stacks infront of him and sit infront of him .

Omkara looks at her .
Omkara : What is this ?

Gauri : This the important documents which Bhaiya was telling about . You may run though this .

Omkara smirk .
He push the documents towards Gauri .

Omkara point his finger to her .
Omkara : You , enlighten me about this company and Client details .

Gauri : No I won't ! Why should I ?

Omkara : Because I asked you too...

Gauri clenched her fist and gave her fakest smile .

Gauri stand up ...she started to explain about the company and their clients .

Omkara lost in her.

Hope you guys like it ....
I have lost my draft....
I retyped everything all
Over again.😭😭😭😭

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