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Chapter ten
Ghostface Returns
Lacey's POV:
"Kai, are you guys almost ready?" I asked, awaiting her and Iz. "Yeah. Iz is changing. Give us a second. We'll be right there." She replied. "Change your shoes." Ethan said. I nodded and quickly rushed back to my room, taking off the heels. The relief on my feet was great. I decided on some flats and I also grabbed a sweater, pulling it over my dress. I turned around to be met with Ethan. I jumped and Ethan said "I'm sorry." "It's ok." I replied as I waved my hand. Ethan wiped his hands on his pants and said "can I kiss you?" I nodded with a blush. Ethan cupped my cheek and kissed my lips, pushing me up against the wall. Ethan moaned softly against my lips. I wrapped my hand around his neck, deepening the kiss. "Lacey, come on." Kai called. Ethan pulled away and I smiled at Ethan while blushing. I grabbed his hand and led him back into the living room. "I had to change my shoes and I wanted a sweater." I told my best friend. She chuckled while shaking her head. "You guys were kissing weren't you?" "No." Ethan shook his head and Iz said "they were totally kissing." "Oh yeah." The four of us started making our way to Tara's dorm. I knocked on the door and Chad let us in. "Hello, hello." He said. I smiled at Chad and said "hey." Ethan gave Chad a fist bump and then Chad greeted Kai and Iz. "Ladies." Iz smiled and said "hello, Chad." Ethan led me to a chair and then pulled me into his lap. I giggled softly as Ethan kissed my cheek. Mindy looked over and choked on her popcorn. "Mindy?" Anika said, fear in her voice. Mindy gasped for air as she caught her breath, spitting out a piece of popcorn. "Ethan and Lacey got together!" She wheezed. Chad clapped Ethan on the shoulder and said "oh shit! I knew it would happen!" "Told you it'd happen after the Halloween party." Anika said. Tara rolled her eyes and said "it's honestly bullshit. You guys should've gotten together weeks ago." Ethan blushed and wrapped his arms around me. "But they were both too chickenshit to tell each other they liked each other." Chad said. I sighed and said "you guys don't understand. I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Eth." "I thought the two of you were just going to be sexually frustrated one day and just fuck each other's brains out." Mindy said as she ate a handful of popcorn. I cleared my throat nervously and said "god, Mindy." She laughed and Ethan shook his head. "That's real nice, Mindy." He said. She pointed to him and said "you stared at Lacey every day like she was a piece of meat!" I looked at Ethan with a quirked brow. His eyes filled with embarrassment and worry. "Lace, I didn't! I didn't! I was just.." "I know." I told him. He half smiled and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Anika squealed and said "you guys are so cute!" Jenny came into the apartment with Kurt. "Why's Kurt here?" Tara said. "Cause he got locked out of his dorm and wants to chill here until his roommate comes back." Jenny retorted with a scoff. Kurt waved to everyone in the room, dapping it up with Chad. Iz pulled Kai next to her and said "as cute Ethan and Lacey are, me and Kai have finally gotten together." "I knew it! I knew it!" Mindy yelled. Tara clapped and said "I told you! I told you, Jenny!" Jenny rolled her eyes and said "whatever, Tara. You're right." "This entire friend group is coupled up then?" Kurt asked. Chad shook his head and said "I'm single. Tara's single and Sam most definitely is single." Kurt nodded and then went to sit on the floor cause the majority of the seating was taken. Chad pointed at Kai's neck and said "the hickeys! Oh my god!" Mindy busted out laughing and Anika said "you're so naughty! I thought Ethan and Lacey would have hickeys before the two of you." "You're definitely wrong on that." Ethan said. Iz covered her face as she started to blush. Kai shrugged and said "what can I say? Iz is hot." The group laughed and cheered. Mindy scrolled through some channels on the tv. I reached for a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the table, not the one in Mindy's lap on top of Anika's legs. I felt Ethan's thumb rub circles into my hip. Mindy stopped as a news report started talking about how a kid named Jason was murdered along with his roommate. "Oh my god, that's that chode from our film class!" Mindy said. Sam looked at the tv with her eyes wide. She immediately went to go pack a bag. Tara stood up and said "that might not even be related to us! Can you stop?! Are you seriously going to put my college education in jeopardy?!" "Tara, do you even hear yourself?! That was your friend!" Sam said. Tara rolled her eyes and said "he was in our class. He wasn't my friend." "Tara, that doesn't raise any alarms. He's murdered and we're all here at school? That just doesn't make sense." Tara scoffed, looking at the group. "Guys, come on." Chad winced and Mindy said "that's a little close to home, Tara. Think about it." Tara was beyond annoyed and she looked at me. "Don't look at me. I wasn't at Woodsboro with you guys. I have no idea what you all went through and I'll never pretend to know." Iz looked at her cousin and said "you should listen to Sam." "You weren't there either, Iz. You and Lacey's opinion doesn't matter. Quinn can you at least call your dad and see what's going on?" Quinn nodded and said "sure." I didn't even notice she was here. She'd been so quiet and the last time her and I interacted she was very hostile towards me. Then a phone rang. Everyone in the room looked at the phone and Tara's eyes widened. Sam declined the call and ran a hand through her hair. "Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Ethan asked. Anika shook her head with a sigh. "You gotta keep up my dude." Ethan looked up at Quinn who handed her phone to Sam. A small sliver of fear entered my body. Does this mean Ghostface was back? For Chad, Mindy, Tara, and Sam this has to be awful. Sam then told everyone her and Tara had to go to the station. "Should we all stay here?" Anika said. Mindy shrugged and said "let's just go back to our dorms." I looked at Ethan and said "did you want me to come to yours or did you want to come to mine or did you want to go separate for tonight?" Ethan blushed and said "come to mine?" I nodded and said "ok." "I'll give you one of my shirts to sleep in." Ethan, Chad and I started making our way back to their dorm. Chad saluted us and then went into his bedroom. Ethan handed me a shirt and said "you can change. I'll come back when you're finished." Ethan left his bedroom and I took off my shoes, slowly changing out of my dress and bra. I pulled Ethan's long sleeve shirt over my head. It smelled like him and I wondered if he had worn it earlier in the week. "You can come back in, Eth." Ethan came back inside the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He kicked off his shoes and I looked away as he changed into some sweatpants. I got under the covers in his bed since it was chilly. Ethan got in bed next to me, pulling me close to him. He immediately cupped my cheek, kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss with a soft laugh. Ethan's lips moved against mine feverishly. Ethan didn't pull away from me as he went to hover over me, settling his lower body in between my legs. I ran my fingers through his hair and I felt his hand go up the shirt I wore. I moaned softly as his hand rested on my hip. His large hand squeezed my hip, his fingers hooking into the waist band of my thong that sat on my hip. Ethan moved to my neck, going to make a hickey. He sucked on my neck harshly. I pushed on him gently and said "ow, Eth." He pulled away and said "sorry. I'm sorry." I shook my head and said "it's ok. I'm just not used to getting a hickey." "I figured you'd like it." "I didn't hate it. I'm not used to the sensation." "I'll make it feel better." Ethan went back down, licking over the hickey and sucking softly. My eyes fluttered closed as Ethan started to relieve the pain. My hips bucked up into his and I immediately scolded myself. Ethan's hips went down to meet mine, his slight hard on rubbing perfectly against my clit. A muffled moan came from my lips. I pulled on his hair, Ethan grunting softly. Ethan's hips started to move into a rhythm. "Oh, Eth. Gosh, Eth." Ethan removed his face from my neck, his mouth hanging open. I watched him screw his eyes shut, his face scrunching up into pleasure. "Mmm, ah. L-Lacey." His breathing started to pick up and he groaned. A bang was heard and I jumped. "What was that?" I said. Ethan's hips stuttered against mine. "F-Fuck." My eyes darted around the room, looking to see what caused the bang. Another bang happened and I started to push Ethan off of me. "Ethan." I said fearfully. Ethan finally opened his eyes and looked around the room. He slowly got off of me, trying to hide his obvious boner. My eyes widened as I saw his dick straining against his boxers and the tight joggers he wore. Ethan stuck his head outside his bedroom door as he opened it. "Chad." He called out. "I hear it too." Chad replied. "What is it?" "I don't know. Stay with Lacey." Ethan closed the door and didn't face me as he exhaled deeply. "I'm sorry." He said softly. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "huh?" "I wasn't trying to...you know. I just got caught up in the moment." I shook my head. Neither one of us was ready for sex. I had just started dating Ethan and as much as I wanted to be intimate with him, I wasn't sure if I was ready. "It's ok. It's fine. Are you going to be ok?" I said. Ethan nodded and said "yeah. I'll be fine." "Ethan, come here!" Chad said in a hushed tone. Ethan huffed softly and slipped out of the bedroom. Another bang was heard and I jumped. I pulled my knees to my chest, fear starting to bubble up in my chest. "Ethan?" I called out. "Fuck you!" Chad said as a door slammed. I stood up and left the bedroom. Chad huffed and Ethan said "fucking asshole." "What happened?" I asked. Chad looked over and said "just some asshole messing with us. He was dressed as ghostface. I think he was trying to scare me." Ethan looked at Chad and said "that's fucked up. You should report it." "It's whatever. I'll kick their ass if they come back. Also, the walls here are kinda thin and I could hear everything." Chad smirked. Ethan's eyes widened and I cleared my throat. "Thanks a lot, Chad." "Hey, it's not my fault you guys are loud." Ethan walked away while flipping Chad off. Ethan grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into his bedroom, closing the door. I sat down on Ethan's bed and said "do you really think ghostface is back?" Ethan shrugged and said "I dunno. It's probably a prank." I reached for Ethan's hand, pulling him to the bed. "Eth, I'm scared." Ethan cupped my cheek and said "don't be. Everything will be ok." Ethan laid back on his bed, wincing. I noticed his hard on had went down a little bit. I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him. "Hold me." I whispered. Ethan looked at me, pulling the blanket up onto our chests. I kissed Ethan's cheek and he quickly went to kiss my lips. I closed my eyes as he pulled away, wanting to fall asleep. The alcohol from earlier made my eyes heavy and the warmth from Ethan's body was lulling me to sleep.


I woke up to Ethan sitting up really fast. I squinted at the sun and said "Eth? What's wrong?" I rubbed at my eyes and Ethan didn't answer. "Guys!" Chad burst in the room. Ethan panted softly and I noticed the light layer of sweat on his body. "What?" Ethan said. Chad gulped and said "Sam and Tara were attacked by ghostface last night. In a bodega!" "What?" I said, shocked. Chad nodded and said "yeah. Ghostface is back!"

The end is wack asf but this chapter was kinda cute and I really liked writing it! Also thank you for 1k!! That's crazy!!

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