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Chapter thirteen
The Sequel to the Requel
Lacey's POV:
Ethan kissed my lips feverishly as he had just given me the best morning sex of my life and the only morning sex I'd ever had. I ran my hand through his curls and said "stay with me today. Please." Ethan kissed my cheek and said "we need to get dressed before Tara walks in and is scarred for life." I giggled softly and Ethan sat up, going to reach for his boxers. I quickly pulled my pajama shirt over my head and grabbed my panties. I ran my hand down Ethan's abs, tracing shapes into his skin. Ethan watched me curiously and I said "you're so pretty." "Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Ethan said. I shrugged and said "I can say it too." Ethan pulled his t-shirt onto his body and pulled me closer to him. His eyes went to my lips and his lips slowly parted. He then looked into my eyes and went to say something but stopped himself. "What is it?" I asked softly. Ethan gulped and went to answer me when Tara came into the room. "Guys, what are we having for breakfast?" I was thankful we were covered up by the blanket and I said "what did you have in mind?" Tara shrugged and said "I dunno. I could doordash some McDonald's?" "Chick Fil A's breakfast is better." Ethan said. Tara nodded and said "then I'll do that." Ethan stood up and went to grab his clothes. Tara furrowed her eyebrows at Ethan being in his boxers and he said "I sleep in my boxers, Tara. I have to change." He went into the bathroom and Tara quickly rushed over to me. "How are you feeling?" "Better. Ethan kept me company." "I think he did a little bit more than keep you company." Tara poked at a spot on my neck and I pushed her finger away. "Stop." I said. "He gave you a hickey!" I shushed Tara and went to pull on a pair of shorts. I had put on my pajama shirt late last night. "Come on." Tara started pulling me out of my bedroom and towards the living room. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I hummed as Ethan grabbed me. Tara turned around and said "Ethan, you had her all night." Ethan pulled me to his chest and kissed my cheek. "And she's my girlfriend, Tara." "Well, like I said. You had her all night. I wanna be around her. It's my turn." She shrugged. Ethan nodded in response and said "fine." Ethan followed the two of us, his arms slipping from my waist. We walked to the couch and awaited for our food to get here. Jenny was in the kitchen making coffee. She yawned loudly which caused Ethan to look over his shoulder. Anika pulled her hair up into a ponytail and plopped down in a chair next to the couch. "Hi, Ethan." She said with a smile. Ethan turned to her and said "hi, Ani." Tara scrolled through different apps and said "what should we watch?" "Nothing scary." I said softly. Tara shook out her hair and said "something Disney?" "Ooh, tangled!" Anika exclaimed. "No." Tara answered. Ethan shrugged and said "I like tangled." "The Black Cauldron!" Tara pointed to the screen with a smile. I nodded and said "I like that one." Anika shrugged and said "I've never seen that." "It's a fantasy movie. With a princess and a peasant boy. Kind of like Ethan and Lacey." Ethan kissed my cheek and I blushed as he wrapped his arms around me. I turned to face him and cupped his cheek. Ethan made kissy noises and pursed his lips. I giggled softly and Tara grimaced at the two of us. Ethan put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. I kissed his lips and Ethan smiled into the kiss. "Guys, enough." Kai said. I pulled away and said "it was just a kiss." "You guys are handsy, aren't you?" Tara said with a quirked eyebrow. Ethan leaned his head on my shoulder and said "no, she's my girlfriend so I think I have a right to touch her." Tara scooted closer to me and said "you hog her all the time. She isn't just yours." Ethan raised his eyebrows in shock and said "ok." I stood up and went to go get a cup of coffee. I winced softly as I slowly made my way over. "You ok?" Tara said. I looked over my shoulder and said "mmm-hmm. Yeah." Jenny leaned against the counter and gestured to the coffee machine. I grabbed a cup, putting sugar in, then coffee, then milk. I stirred the cup and felt the soreness in my hips from Ethan holding me so tight. I was also sore in the thighs and I took a soft breath. A knock on the door signaled that the food was here and Tara went to go grab it. I walked back to the couch and held back the wince as Ethan raised his eyebrows. "I'm sore." I whispered in his ear. Ethan's cheeks turned red and he said "sorry." I shook my head and kissed his cheek. "It's ok." Tara sat down and started to distribute food. She handed Ethan his chicken biscuit and his hash browns. Tara then handed me my chicken mini's and hash browns. "You got the chicken mini's?" I nodded at him and said "yeah. They're my favorite." Ethan smiled and said "you're adorable." I smiled and Tara said "gross I'm trying to eat." I pushed her playfully and said "don't be mean." "I'm not being mean, Lacey. You and Ethan are literally obsessed with each other." "Says the one who's in love with Chad." Ethan retorted. Jenny choked on her coffee and then laughed. Anika nodded and said "he's got a point, Tara." Tara shook her head and said "we're not talking about me." Kai laughed and the room got silent as we all ate our breakfast, watching The Black Cauldron.


After convincing Tara I would be ok, she went back to her dorm and we were all going to meet up later in the afternoon. I took a shower and my eyes went to the bruises on my hips from Ethan. I shook my head and then got dressed, heading to class. The day was going by fast for whatever reason. Ethan and Tara were both texting me throughout the day, checking up on me. Even though I had classes with both of them, they seemed stressed. "How're you holding up?" Chad asked. I looked up at him and said "I'm fine." "Listen, I know Ghostface called you and that can be scary. But don't let it freak you out. We're all friends and we'll stick together. Sam suggested we should all spend the night at her apartment. It'd be the safest option." I nodded in agreement and said "yeah." Chad put his arm around me and said "Ethan and I will protect you. And have you seen Sam? She's badass." I laughed softly and said "yeah. You're right." "Come on. The rest of the group is waiting for us." Chad and I made small talk as we made our way to the quad. Quinn made eye contact with me. She nodded at me and I gave her a half smile. "Sorry about that Ghostface call. That sucks." She said. I looked down and said "yeah. It scared me." "To me it seems like you're lucky. If Ghostface is as bad as they say he is." Quinn said. Ethan's head snapped in her direction and Mindy said "Ghostface is as bad as we say he is. Why would we lie? He freaked Lacey out. Our sweet little Lacey." I looked up and Tara said "he's not going to get you, Lacey. Ignore Mindy and Quinn." Mindy threw her arms in the air and said "I wasn't trying to scare her. I'm defending her from Quinn who seems to be in a bitchy mood." Quinn rolled her eyes and said "no. I just wasn't included when she got the call." "We're not really friends so it makes sense." I said as I went to sit next to Ethan. Chad sat opposite Tara and Ethan put his arm around me. "You ok?" I nodded at him and said "I missed you today." Ethan kissed my forehead and said "I missed you too. I'm sorry about marking you up. It doesn't hurt too bad does it?" Ethan's hand ghosted over my hip, gently rubbing it. "It's ok. I promise you didn't hurt me." "Lovebirds, I'm making my requel speech so pay attention." Mindy announced. Anika shook her head at her girlfriend who started to go on about Ghostface's plan. Ethan's hands laid in his lap as Mindy talked about how major characters die in franchises to keep them going. Which meant Sam, Tara, Chad, and herself were up for grabs. Even Gale Weathers. And it made sense that they knew her since she is from Woodsboro like they are. "Let's start with our suspects. Lacey." I looked up at Mindy as she started to talk. "The girl who happens to be rooming with my girlfriend and is as sweet as apple pie. The girl who's grown incredibly close to Tara and who got a call from Ghostface." I shrugged and said "I didn't call myself. And I didn't know you'd end up dating Anika. I wanted to get a place with Kai because her and I are best friends. And because I'm friends with Tara I'm Ghostface?" Mindy nodded and said "could be. Everyone's a suspect. Kai." Kai looked at Mindy. "The sporty girl who was fucking my girlfriend before me and is magically linked to Lacey and is always hanging around. You were also the one to first arrive when Lacey got her call." "Actually no, that was Ethan." Kai retorted. Mindy smirked as she turned to my boyfriend. I grabbed one of his hands, playing with his fingers out of nervousness. "Ethan. The quiet dorky virgin boy who falls in love with the sweet as apple pie girl. The one who's rooming with my brother and seems to be best friends with him. He'll probably die a virgin." Ethan scoffed and said "I'm a suspect because I happen to be Chad's roommate? That's stupid." "Dorm lotteries can be juked. For all we know you purposely roomed with him." Ethan rolled his eyes and said "sure. I'm also not a virgin so next time you accuse someone of that, make sure you know what you're talking about." Chad almost broke his neck as he looked over at the two of us. "You and Lacey?" Chad was smiling so big I swear it was going to stretch across his face. Ethan nodded and said "duh." "That's why you were acting all sore this morning!" Tara yelled. I cleared my throat and Chad said "my man!" He stood up and went to give Ethan a high five. "Ooh!" Ethan chuckled at Chad's antics and Mindy for the first time in her life was flabbergasted. Quinn shook her head and said "that's gross." "Says the whore of the group." Jenny mumbled. Mindy picked up her mouth that was currently hanging open and said "well, kind of an overshare." "No I'm just stating facts. You all think I'm this dorky idiot who can't pull a girl. It's so fucking annoying." Ethan's tone got defensive and I could see the prominent vein in his neck. Mindy chuckled and said "Ethan, you know I say those things to get a rise out of you, right? To fuck with you? We're friends." "Whatever." Ethan replied. Mindy then moved onto Jenny, Iz, and Quinn. Quinn was quick to question how Mindy herself wouldn't be a suspect. Or even Sam. "The things they're saying online about Sam are-" Ethan started but was cut off by Tara. "Don't you fucking dare." She spat. Ethan raised his eyebrows and I said "it's fine, Tara." She rolled her eyes and said "your boyfriend is an idiot." "Heard that." Ethan said. "And finally Anika." Mindy began. Anika blew a kiss to Mindy and Mindy did the same back. "Never trust the love interest." Anika's smiling face turned into a face of worry and Mindy looked at me. "That goes for you too, Ethan and Lacey." I looked at Ethan and he looked at me. I was pretty sure Ethan couldn't be Ghostface. No. He couldn't. My sweet loving boyfriend. Sam then announced we were all going to spend the night at her apartment. It was strength in numbers. The group started to dissipate and agreed we'd all meet up at Sam's. "I won't be there." Ethan said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what?" "Yeah, why aren't you coming, bro?" Chad asked as he overheard. Ethan looked down at his shoes and said "I have a class. I'll be there for a while. For hours." "What class?" "Econ." I huffed softly and Chad said "bro, skip that shit." "I can't." Ethan replied. The two of them conversed about how he should skip the class and be with us but how he can't because he doesn't want to fail. "I want you there with me." I spoke up after a minute. Ethan frowned and said "I know, babe. But, it's just a class. I'll see you in the morning. And you'll be safe with Chad." "I won't let anything happen to her. We'll be eating popcorn and watching stupid movies to destress." Chad told Ethan. I turned away from them as I got a text from Tara telling me to meet up with her soon. "Promise me, Chad." Ethan said softly, not thinking I could hear him. "Dude, I got her. She'll be fine. We'll all be there." Chad reassured him. I turned back to face the both of them and Ethan cupped my cheek, kissing my lips passionately. "I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded with a frown. "Hey." Ethan gave me a hug and buried his face into my hair. I seemed to squeeze him, holding handfuls of the baby blue polo he wore. "It's just a little while. Only for a little while. I'll be back with you soon, babe. It's fucking Econ." I half smiled and said "ok. You promise you'll text me?" "Yeah, when I'm able. I'll let you know when I'm going in and when I'm leaving. I'll attempt to text during the class." I stood on my tiptoes, going to whisper in his ear. "I love you." I whispered. I pulled away and Ethan stared at me in shock. He gulped and said "m-me too." I nodded and Chad said "come on, Lace." Chad and I started to walk away. A grimace was on my face as Ethan didn't say the words back to me. I felt like I had messed everything up and was regretting the words. "Lacey!" Ethan called. I looked over my shoulder and he made his way over, panting as he had to run a little bit. "I love you too." He said breathlessly. I smiled really big and gave him a hug. Chad pretended to wipe tears from his eyes. "Oh, this is so beautiful." "Shut up!" Ethan said while laughing, his grin unbelievably huge. Chad smirked and Ethan said "I'll come see you before I go to Econ. How about that?" I nodded eagerly and Ethan kissed my head before walking away.


I was attempting to pack an overnight bag to sleep at Tara and Sam's. I was currently trying to pick which pajamas I'd take. I also packed a pair of joggers because I knew the cold air would make me end up getting cold since I was in a skirt. Out of nowhere I felt arms snake around my waist. I immediately gasped and pushed on whoever was grabbing me. "Spacey, it's me. It's me." Ethan said as he pulled me to his chest. His head dropped onto my shoulder and I slowly relaxed in his arms. "You're so tense." He whispered. I quickly turned around to face him. "You scared me." I told him. Ethan smiled and said "I didn't mean to. You're just extra jumpy." "You know why, Eth." I went to push him off of me and his arms tightened around my waist. "I wanted to see you before class. And I totally understand why you're jumpy. That asshole called you. I don't want you to be scared." I nodded and said "I wish you were going to be there." Ethan sighed and said "me too. I have like an hour to kill. So I'll just hang out with you until it's time to go." I pushed my bag off the bed and pulled Ethan next to me. He laughed softly as the both of us fell onto our backs. I kissed his cheek and Ethan was quick to get on top of me. A lovesick look appeared on his face. "Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby. Not while I'm around. I'll protect you from ghostface. I'm here." I nodded and Ethan leaned down to kiss my lips. My hands went to his jacket, pulling him closer to me, if that was even possible. Ethan left sweet kisses up and down my neck. Breathy gasps and moans escaped my lips. I continued to pull on his jacket, his polo, anything to bring him close to me. Ethan kissed my lips passionately and one of his arms slid under me, pulling me closer to him. He then kissed my chest up and down, stopping when his hips bucked against mine. Ethan detached himself from me and I sat up as he pulled away. "I guess we'd better not. I need to pack and I don't want you late for class." Ethan nodded in agreement as he walked to my bedroom door, closing it. Ethan knelt down on the floor in front of me. "Can I eat you out?" I nodded and Ethan's hand went up between my legs. His fingers rubbed at my clothed clit. I jumped at the feeling of his fingers but then slowly relaxed. His other hand went to my hip, slowly pulling my thong down. "This will be my first time, Eth." Ethan looked up at me and said "really?" "Yeah. I've only used my fingers a couple of times and I've never had someone down there. My first boyfriend was-" "A dick." Ethan interrupted. I nodded and Ethan pulled me to the edge of the bed. "Just tell me where it feels good, ok? And I don't have to use my fingers if you don't want me to." I shrugged and said "I don't know. I'll tell you." Ethan licked up my slit and I gasped. "Lacey?" I cupped Ethan's cheek and said "I'm fine. I'm just not used to it. I'll guide you." Ethan nodded and went to suck on my clit. I bit my lip and Ethan looked up at me. His eyes stayed locked on mine as I felt his tongue start to thrust in and out of me as his thumb rubbed over my clit. My legs closed around his head and Ethan wrapped his arms up around my thighs, slowly pulling my legs back open. "Is this ok?" I nodded at him and he said "I need a yes, Lace." "Yes." I said softly. He kissed my thigh and then went back to his previous actions. My hands went to his hair and I moved my hips against his face. Ethan grunted softly, sucking on my clit harshly. "Eth. Oh my god." I pulled on his curls, wanting him even closer than he already was. The pleasure I was feeling was immense. Ethan wasn't my first for most things. But this, this was something I'd never done before with anyone because I wasn't comfortable. And I feel so comfortable with Ethan. This was taking my mind off things. Ethan's tongue hit a particular spot which made me tug on his hair a little bit harder. Ethan moaned against me which sent vibrations through my body. I tugged on his hair again, Ethan letting out a much longer moan than the first. "I'm so close. So close, Eth." Ethan didn't respond as his hands gripped my thighs tightly. The rope inside of me was hanging on by a thread. Ethan's thumb moved harshly against my clit and my mouth hung open as that sent me over the edge. "Ethan. Ethan. Oh my god. Oh, Eth." I ground my hips against his face and obscene slurping sounds entered the air as Ethan helped me through my orgasm. I panted and could feel my legs shaking. My hold on his hair loosened and Ethan let out a moan of relief. I shuddered as the vibration ran through me. Ethan slowly pulled away from my crotch, his face covered in my juices. He reached for some tissues from the box I had on my nightstand. He wiped his face and then swiped his index finger through my slit. I jumped and said "I'm sensitive." Ethan hummed in response as he brought his finger to his mouth. "You taste really good. Fuck. You're so sweet." He drug his fingers up my slit again and I watched as he sucked on each digit, a dark look in his eyes. I panted softly and said "did you want me to..." Ethan shook his head and said "no. I w-wanna cum on your thighs." The sound of his clinking belt buckle entered the air as he fumbled with his pants. "Can I?" I nodded and Ethan chuckled softly as he pulled himself out of his pants, spitting in his hand. The head of his dick was leaking pre cum. Ethan pumped himself and winced. "F-Fuck. Ah, fuck." My eyes went to his muscles that flexed as his hand moved quickly. His eyes fluttered closed and his curls hung in his face. It didn't take him long to bring himself to the edge. He was already so painfully hard. I was surprised he didn't finish in his pants. It was honestly shocking to me. Strangled moans left Ethan's left as he came on his hand and my thighs. "Oh, Lace. Shit! Shit!" His hand slowly came to a stop and his breath quivered. His chest rose and fell quickly as he was trying to come down from his high. He opened his eyes, looking down at me and then at my thighs. "Let me clean you up." He quickly tucked himself back into his pants and grabbed some tissues, wiping my thighs and his hand. When he was finished he sat down next to me. "That was really good. It felt amazing." I said softly. Ethan smiled and said "really?" I nodded and sat up. "You did good." Ethan gave me a hug and said "m'really sorry I can't be with you tonight." I shrugged and said "it's school. You can't exactly fail your classes." My bedroom door opened and Kai stood there. "Ethan, I didn't expect to see you here." Ethan shrugged and said "I wanted to see Lacey before I go to class." "You're not coming to the sleepover?" "I have Econ." Kai narrowed her eyes at him and said "ok. I guess you'll keep in contact with us or come by if you're not too tired?" Ethan nodded and said "sure." Ethan stood up and I followed his actions. I noticed my panties on the floor and quickly kicked them under the bed with my foot so Kai wouldn't notice. "I'm gonna go, babe." I kissed Ethan's lips sweetly and said "text me. Please keep in contact with me." Ethan laughed and said "I will. Don't stress, babe. Everything will be fine. You guys are going to have a fun sleepover while I'm at Econ." I nodded and gave Ethan a big hug before he kissed my cheek multiple times. I giggled and Ethan said "bye, Spacey." "Bye, Eth." I said. Ethan left the room and then left the apartment. "You're not slick by the way. I saw you hide your panties under the bed. You two really can't keep your hands to yourselves can you?" Kai smirked. I cleared my throat and said "that's none of your business." "It is when I can hear him eating you out. The walls are thin." Kai then left me standing in my room. I shook my head and felt my cheeks heating up due to embarrassment. "Damn it." I mumbled.

Here's the update!! This chapter was way longer than it was supposed to be and can y'all tell I have Ethan Landry brain rot. I mean this man is on my mind all the time. And thanks for 2k! That's crazy!!

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