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Chapter fifteen
Aftermath of Stabbings
Kai's POV:
"Where is she?" Ethan's frantic voice asked. Tara's head snapped in the direction of the waiting room and I stood up, making my way to where he was. Mindy scoffed and said "stay the fuck back." Ethan furrowed his eyebrows and Chad grabbed him by his shirt. "Dude, where were you?" "What? I told you and Lacey I had Econ." Chad shook his head and said "it was bad dude." "Is she ok?" Mindy glared at Ethan and said "Quinn's dead and Anika got stabbed." Chad let go of Ethan. Worry spread across Ethan's face and he said "is Ani ok?" Mindy scoffed at the nickname and I said "you were at Econ? Are you sure about that?" Ethan looked at me and his eyes widened. "What do you mean? I was there with like 100 other people. Where's Lace?" I stood in front of him and Mindy was quick to do the same. "You're totally Ghostface." "What?! Because I wasn't here?! I wanna see Lacey." Ethan said as he tried to get past us. Chad approached us and said "just let him in there. We'll discuss this later." "Discuss what?! I'm not fucking Ghostface! I was in class!" Ethan said. Mindy eyed him and said "you're at the top of my list." I grabbed Mindy and pulled her aside as Ethan went into the hospital room as Tara was coming out. Tara looked around at us and said "should I stay with her?" "Just let him have a few minutes." Chad said. Mindy scoffed and said "are you serious?" "He's not going to kill her with all of us in here. And I'm pretty sure he's not Ghostface. We'll figure it out later." Chad said. I nodded and looked at Ethan as he sat down next to Lacey's hospital bed. "Chad, he was the only one who wasn't there." Mindy said. Chad shrugged and said "ok so if I hadn't of been there, would that have made me Ghostface? He told me and Lacey he had Econ." "He mentioned it to me too but are we sure that's where he was?" I asked. Mindy shook her head and said "look what happened to Anika. Look at Lacey. I was fucking stabbed in the shoulder. And Quinn's dead." Tara said "he's kinda freaking out in there." I looked to see Ethan holding back tears and Mindy scoffed. "He should've been a drama major." "Mindy, that's his girlfriend. We'll keep a close eye on him. Don't do this around Lacey." "Chad, we have to keep her safe. Lacey's my friend. I won't let her boyfriend kill her." "That's if he's Ghostface, Mindy." The two twins conversed quickly and Jenny said "what're we going to do now?" I shrugged and Iz said "I'm just glad he's in there with her." "She wouldn't stop calling him. All night. She just kept mumbling his name." Tara added. I sighed and said "she loves him. Like Chad said, we'll keep a close eye on him. We won't let anything else happen to Lacey." Mindy nodded and said "I'm gonna go check on Anika. Watch Lacey." "You already know." I told her. Tara looked at Ethan and said "he doesn't know how bad it was." "Let him be with Lacey for now." I replied.

Ethan's POV:
I rolled my eyes as I walked into the hospital room, annoyed that I'd automatically be labeled a suspect. I gulped when I saw Lacey laying in the hospital bed. Tara looked up at me as I came in, passing me to go into the waiting room. I slung my backpack onto the floor. Lacey's chest rose and fell slowly and I noticed the wound on her arm. I immediately felt like shit. I slowly ran my fingers over the bandage. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered. I buried my face into her stomach and felt the tears threatening to spill. I never meant to hurt her. Ever. I told myself I wouldn't. I promised I wouldn't. I held handfuls of the blanket that covered her body. "I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to." I mumbled softly. I looked up at her and fought the tears that wanted to break free. "I'm sorry, Lace." Quinn was most likely hiding out somewhere and dad was putting on the biggest act ever. It was only a matter of time before dad wanted me to kill Lacey. I could fake it. I could fake her death. I'd have to get rid of Quinn and my father. I laid my head in her lap and listened to the heart monitor that filled the eerie silence of the room. "Ethan?" Lacey said. I shot up and said "I'm here. I'm here, baby." Lacey slowly opened her eyes and I smiled really big. "Ethan? Are you really here?" "Yeah. It's me. How're you feeling?" Lacey looked at her arm and said "a lot better. Ghostface got me." I shook my head and said "I know. I know. I should've been there for you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Lace." "What're you sorry for?" She asked curiously. "I'm sorry you got hurt. And I wasn't there. I shouldn't of went to class. I should've stayed with you. I left you." Lacey frowned and said "it's not your fault." My stomach sank as she said that. "I'm sorry." Lacey cupped my cheek and said "I'm just glad you're here, Eth. I'm just really glad you're here." I immediately hugged her, pulling her closer to me. Lacey sighed contentedly and said "oh, Ethan." I rubbed her back, burying my face into the crook of her neck. Lacey's hand ran through my curls and I left sweet kisses on her neck. Lacey giggled softly and said "that tickles." I pulled away to look at her. She smiled really big and I kissed her lips. Lacey deepened the kiss as she pulled me closer to her. Lacey's lips moved against mine and the kiss got sloppier. I groaned as Lacey pulled on my hair, inhaling sharply through her nose so she could kiss me longer. "Kirby is on her way." Kai said as she came in. Mindy stood with her arms crossed and Lacey said "hi, guys." Tara rushed over and practically knocked me out of the way so she could hug Lacey. Kai walked over and hugged her as well. Mindy glared at me and I rolled my eyes. "Mindy? What's wrong?" Lacey said. Mindy scoffed and said "you're boyfriend is Ghostface, that's what." Lacey's eyes widened and she said "what?!" "Yeah. He wasn't with us at the apartment last night." "Mindy, I told you not to do this! Jesus!" Chad said as he now stood next to her. I gestured to Mindy and said "you believe her?" "No! I don't know, dude! You weren't there and my sister almost got killed!" Chad said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ethan had class. Does that automatically make him Ghostface?" Lacey asked. Kai sighed and said "it could, babes." Lacey looked at me and said "you were at class." "I was! You can ask the other 100 people I was there with! I'm not Ghostface, Spacey." Lacey looked at Mindy and said "Ethan wouldn't." Kai and Mindy scoffed and Lacey said "what reason would Ethan have to be Ghostface? He's my boyfriend. I didn't know you guys felt this way about him." Mindy shook her head and said "the fact that he's with you has nothing to do with it. He was the only one not there last night and everyone else was. It's so obvious." "He was at Econ. He told me and Chad that he was going there. He texted me a few times during the class but eventually stopped." Lacey said. I nodded and said "yeah. I was working so I got off my phone." Kai sighed and said "ok, let's just go and meet Kirby. They're discharging you, Lacey." Lacey nodded and Kai proceeded to tell her she'd brought her some fresh clothes to choose from. Lacey nodded and I felt the obnoxious glare from Mindy. "I had Econ!" I told her. She shook her head and Kai said "my god, Ethan. Why would you even take Econ? Nobody willingly takes Econ. And is it introduction to economics or a certain department of economics? Like why would you ever take that class? It's so stupid." I stared at her in shock as she finished her rant. "Kaya." Lacey scolded softly. "Bestie, come on. Who takes Econ?" I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. "Babe, I was at Econ!" "I know." "Tell her!" "Kai, he says he was there." "Don't defend him!" Mindy said. "Mindy!" Chad and Lacey said at the same time. "I don't know what to tell you guys. I had Econ. I was there." I told the group. Lacey sighed and said "guys just drop it." Kai started to usher everyone out of the room so Lacey could get dressed. "You too." She said as she attempted to push me out of the room. "No, let Ethan stay. Please. I was so scared without him and now he's here. He makes me feel safe, Kai." Kai nodded and then closed the door. "I brought you some options." Lacey rummaged through the bag and my eyes stayed glued to her arm. Lacey slowly stood up and I was quick to hold her up, wrapping an arm around her waist. Lacey half smiled and said "I'm ok." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." She kissed my cheek and then pulled on the skirt Kai had brought. "Really? The skirt?" Kai said. Lacey looked at her and said "what?" "We're being hunted by Ghostface and you want to look cute." Lacey huffed and said "fine. I'll wear the jeans." Lacey took the skirt off her body and started pulling the jeans on. "Happy?" "Yes. I am." Kai said. Lacey rolled her eyes and went for the long sleeve crop top and took off her hospital gown. My eyes immediately going to her naked chest. "Perv!" Kai said. "She's my girlfriend! I-I'm not allowed to look?!" I spluttered. Lacey narrowed her eyes at Kai and said "leave him alone." Once Lacey was finished getting dressed we headed downstairs to meet Kirby. And Gale Weathers. "Are you feeling ok?" I looked at my girlfriend who seemed to be bouncing back. "Yeah. I'm ok. I'm just scared. I don't want you to die." "I'm not gonna die. And neither are you. I won't let him get you. I promise." Lacey gave me a hug and I kissed her head. "For anyone who hasn't met me yet, I'm Kirby. I've dealt with Ghostface before. Charlie Walker gave me this." She lifted her shirt to show a nasty scar on her stomach. Lacey gasped softly and Jenny looked in shock. "Sam and Tara I know. I'm also familiar with the Meeks-Martin twins. The rest of you, I'm not so sure." "I'm Lacey Jackson. Kai and I came to New York to go to school. The both of us became friends with the others shortly after." Lacey gave Kirby a half smile and Kirby said "he called you, didn't he?" "A couple of days ago, yeah." "And you didn't report it?" Lacey looked scared and she said "was I supposed to? Oh my god, I didn't know." "Does that make her a suspect?" Tara asked. "Everyone's a suspect, Tara." Mindy groaned. I shook my head and said "she got a phone call from the guy who's trying to kill us. It really freaked her out. I mean, she just got out of the hospital because he tried to carve her up." Kirby turned to me and said "and you are?" "Ethan Landry." Kai, Jenny, and Kurt then introduced themselves to her. I was surprised Kurt was even still here. "Well, supposedly Gale Weathers has some information for us. She unfortunately is going to be with us." Kirby rolled her eyes. Lacey leaned her head on my chest and I held her close to me. "We're safe. For now?" I said. Kirby shrugged and said "for now."

The end sucks and omg were halfway through scream 6??? Like wow. Also I will be writing a couple of fillers to keep the book going a little so some movie events might take place later and some might not be as accurate because of that. And that's the only reason why they would be. I hope everyone is enjoying this book so far!!

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