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Chapter seventeen
Lacey's POV:
I took a deep breath as Ethan and I arrived at his dorm. I had went by mine to grab a change of clothes and some stuff so I could shower. "You take a shower. Relax. And let me know if you need anything." Ethan told me. I nodded at him and went towards the bathroom. The last few days had been a nightmare. I wanted everything bad to go away. I missed the days where the biggest thing I was stressing about was when would I get to see Ethan. He'd been so good through all of this so far. He wasn't annoyed or fed up with me. He just wanted to be there for me and I greatly appreciated it. I quickly undressed and slowly took off the bandage on my arm. I gasped softly as I looked at the slice across my arm. Small tears filled my eyes as I thought back to last night. I was honestly so lucky that I didn't have to get stitches. I took a longer shower than normal. I let the hot water run over my body, trying to forget about the stressful events that had happened. I just hoped Kirby had devised a smart enough plan to catch ghostface. Once I was finished in the shower I got dressed and combed my hair. I walked into Ethan's bedroom where he had fallen asleep on his bed. His back was against his headboard, his head hanging low since he was sitting up. I half smiled and sat down next to him, cupping his cheek. He groaned softly and immediately grabbed his neck. "Ow." "You fell asleep sitting up." I told him. I let go of his cheek as Ethan opened his eyes and looked at me as he winced. "I'm kind of exhausted." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "didn't you sleep last night?" Ethan shook his head. "With Econ and you getting sliced up by ghostface. No. Not really. I might've got a couple of hours. Tops. I was so stressed out. I'm so tired." I frowned at my boyfriend, hating that he was only staying awake for me. "We could stay here for a while. Couldn't we?" Ethan shrugged and said "I dunno. Aren't they going to want us to go back with them soon?" "Do we have to?" I hated that I said the question aloud. I didn't want to be back with the group. I was terrified. But, Tara was there, Chad was there. My friends were in danger. Ethan sighed and said "Tara'll be heartbroken if we don't go back." I nodded and said "I know. I'm just so scared." I looked down and Ethan said "I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise, baby." I straddled him. Going to give him a hug, burying my face into the crook of his neck. Ethan squeezed me and kissed my head. Ethan sighed contentedly and said "you smell so good." I kissed Ethan's cheek as I pulled away to look at him. "You look so tired." I whispered. Ethan went to reply when a noise made me jump. I squirmed in Ethan's lap as fear started to set in. "W-What was that?" Ethan's hands went to my hips and he said "I don't know." "Do you think it's him?" I looked around the room frantically and a door closed above us. It had to have been the apartment above. "Hey, it's just the neighbors. You're ok, Spacey." Their footsteps made me cower and squirm. "Are you sure?" Ethan inhaled sharply and said "yeah. It's ok." I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm so jumpy." I covered my face with my hands and Ethan reached up to pull my hands away. "Babe, it's ok. I'm here to comfort you. I'm here. I don't want you to be scared. I'm with you. Always." I smiled really big and kissed his lips sweetly. Ethan leaned up to deepen the kiss. Our lips moved in sync as the two of us kissed each other's lips feverishly "Do you wanna take a nap? Just lay here for an hour or so?" I said as I pulled away. Ethan nodded and said "sure, babe." I took off the jeans I wore and laid down next to him. Ethan traded his jeans in for some joggers, shrugging off his blue jacket. He pulled me close to him and I nuzzled my face into his chest. "I'll protect you. I love you so much, Lacey." I pulled away to look at him, my eyes scanning his features. His brown eyes looked back at me, full of adoration and love. His pink lips were swollen from the two of us kissing and his cheeks started to tint the same color as his lips. Ethan's hand rubbed reassuring circles into my hip. His curls laid on his forehead and he looked absolutely adorable in front of me. "I love you too, Ethan." Ethan's hand that wasn't on my hip, went to stroke my head, his fingers getting tangled in my curls. I smiled and kissed his lips. Ethan laughed against my lips and said "you're adorable." "You're the one who's adorable. Not me." I quickly told him. Ethan shook his head and said "no, I think it's you." I wrapped my arms around Ethan and said "I'm so in love with you, dork." Ethan smiled really big and said "me too. I should've just asked you out after two weeks of knowing you." I blushed and said "if I'm being honest, I thought you were so cute when we first met. I know I was kind of awkward in the beginning. I apologize for that." Ethan shook his head and said "no. It was cute. I think it made me fall for you harder. I thought you were so pretty. Literally the prettiest girl I had ever seen!" I giggled at his voice getting louder. "Oh, Ethan. What did I do to deserve you?" "What did I do to deserve you, Lacey?" I could feel my heart swelling for the boy in front of me. I was head over heels and there was no looking back. The two of us talked until we fell asleep, holding each other.


"Mmm, Eth. Right there." "Here?" Ethan's thrusts got harder. I gasped at the new feeling, Ethan going deeper. He was a quick learner and definitely remembered all of my sweet spots. "God, you feel so good. Fuck, Lace. Fuck!" I moaned in response, my eyes fluttering closed. Ethan's hold on my hips was going to leave bruises for sure. I wrapped my legs around Ethan's waist and my mouth hung open at the new angle. Ethan groaned and pants left his lips. "You feel so fucking good." He mumbled. I opened my eyes to see Ethan scrunching his face up in pleasure, his curls hanging in his face. I watched his muscles flex as he moved, sweat glistening on his body. Ethan was incredibly built and was definitely underestimated. My eyes went to a bruise on his shoulder. "Eth, what's that?" Ethan furrowed his eyebrows and said "huh?" He stopped moving, looking down at me. This bruise." I gently ran my fingers over it and Ethan said "oh. That. Chad and I were wrestling. Being stupid. It's nothing." "That doesn't look like nothing. Ethan, that looks like it hurts." Ethan's hand went up to cup my cheek. My legs fell from his waist as I had sat up a little to inspect to the bruise. "It's nothing, babe. I promise. It doesn't even hurt." "It looks fresh." Ethan shook his head and said "no. It's from like two or three days ago. It's not that big of a deal. I promise." I nodded and noticed another one on his side. It looked like the other one. "Ethan, what-" "Lacey, it's fine. Just a bruise. Chad and I got more rough than we should have." I went to open my mouth and Ethan said "I'm ok." Ethan squeezed my hips and I seemed to forget about his bruises as he started to move slowly again. Ethan buried his face into the crook of my neck as he started to pick up speed. My legs went back around his waist, Ethan going deeper. "F-Fuck. Fuck. Oh my god, Lace." I felt Ethan's nails dig into my hips and I started to move my hips against his. Ethan gasped softly and his breaths became airy and desperate. He panted heavily in my ear, seeming to gasp for air as the pleasure the both of us were feeling got better and better. I wrapped my arms around Ethan's neck, keeping him close to me. "Eth. Oh, Ethan." I moaned softly. My brain was clouded with pleasure and I couldn't think about anything else except for Ethan's dick inside of me. The small patch of hair Ethan had on his pubic bone was rubbing against my clit perfectly. "Don't stop, Eth. Please don't stop. You're doing so good." Ethan started to go harder, encouraged by my words. "You're doing so good, Eth. Such a good job." Ethan's body trembled and I kissed his neck. "Such a good boy. Making me feel so good." "A-ah, fuck." Ethan groaned. I ran my hand through his curls, tugging on them softly. "C-Cum with me, Lace. I can't..I need to..I.." The rope inside me was hanging on by a thread, the pleasure built up to the brim. "I'm right there, Eth. I'm here. I'm here." "Lacey, I'm gonna..I'm gonna.." Ethan's body jolted as he came. Moans long with my name left his lips. I moved my hips against his quickly as I was coming undone. "Yes, Ethan. Yes. Yes! Oh my god." Ethan's breath quivered and he held me tightly. His hands left my hips as he wrapped his arms around me. My legs slowly fell from his waist and I looked down to see them shaking. Ethan was still trembling and hadn't stopped. I stroked his head, running a hand through his curls. Ethan hummed in response and it was quiet for a few minutes except for our heavy breathing. "Thank you." I said, breaking the comfortable silence. Ethan raised his head from my neck, his eyebrows furrowed. "For distracting me. And making me feel good. And making me feel loved." Ethan's cheeks tinted pink and he said "you're welcome. I love you so much, Lace." I kissed his lips sweetly before he slowly pulled out. Ethan winced softly and my breath hitched. He then laid his head on my chest. My eyes started to close but my phone rang. I tried to reach for it and Ethan said "don't answer it." I pushed the tall boy off of me and he groaned obnoxiously. I saw that it was Jenny. I answered the phone and she said "where are you right now?" "Eth's." "Could you come over? It's just me and Kurt and I'd feel so much better if someone else was with me." I sighed and said "yeah. I'm on my way." "Ok. Lacey, be careful." I hung up the phone and said "Jenny wants me there with her." Ethan huffed softly and said "ok. I'll take you." The two of us got dressed and Ethan took me to my apartment. He then said he was going to go back to his. "Wait, why?" I said. Ethan patted his pockets and said "I left my phone." Kurt leaned on the wall and said "you sure you wanna go back for it?" Ethan rolled his eyes and said "yeah. I need it. In case Chad calls or if Lacey needs me." "But, you're here. With me." I told him. Ethan shook his head and said "listen, I won't be gone long. Jenny's here. You'll be safe." "Hello?" Kurt said as he threw his arms up in the air. Ethan looked him up and down and said "hello. Lacey, I'll be back in twenty minutes." "You text me as soon as you get your phone. You come back to me." I held his hand in mine, not wanting him to go. Ethan kissed my forehead and said "stay here. I'll be right back, Spacey." I nodded and Ethan let go of me, leaving the apartment. I sighed and sat on the couch. "He'll be fine." Jenny told me. I nodded again and said "I know. It seems like Ethan has dodged all the Ghostface attacks." "It's kinda suspicious." Kurt said as he sat on the couch. Jenny said "yeah. It kind of is." "You guys too?" I asked. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows and said "what?" "Everyone thinks he's Ghostface. I'm just dating Ghostface then? I'd have to be so stupid. So I'm the stupid one that's fallen in love with a serial killer?" I started to get defensive. Jenny shook her head and said "I didn't say he was. I just said it was suspicious. You're not stupid, Lacey." "Do you guys think I wouldn't be able to tell if he was Ghostface?" I said. Kurt's lips went into a thin line and he said "not if you're in love with him." "What do you think, Kurt? Am I too stupid to tell?" "No. I just think love makes you blind to people's actions. Because you love them and you don't see that it's wrong. No. I think you'd be able to tell." The room got silent as we all got on our phones. Ethan texted me that he had found his phone and I immediately responded him to hurry back. He told me he was on his way and would be here soon. Chad then texted me, asking me where I was. I told him I was at my dorm with Jenny and Kurt. Jenny broke the silence and said "I think we should go with the others when Ethan gets here." I nodded in agreement and said "yeah. I need to be there for Tara. Plus strength in numbers." Kurt looked up from his phone and went to answer us when the sound of glass breaking stopped him.

Yes cliffhanger but I'm trying to stretch this book out and make it a little bit longer. Next chapter will be pretty eventful!!

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