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Chapter twenty four
"I love you but I have to kill you."
Lacey's POV:
After leaving Ethan in the alleyway, I didn't stop running. I don't know how long it'd been. My legs ached and I could barely breathe. Once I reached the theater, I burst in through a door. The sound seemed to echo in the theater. I was then grabbed by someone and their hand was on my mouth. I tried to scream but it was muffled. I was hit over the head and I couldn't keep my eyes open as I was thrown into a spare room. I tried to get up and managed to get to my feet somehow but then fell into someone's arms. I gasped softly and heard Ethan's muffled voice. "You're ok, Spacey. I got you." "No." I replied weakly. I felt the cold ground underneath me and a door closed. The darkness seemed to engulf me as I started to close my eyes, not being able to comprehend anything else.


The next thing I knew I awoke in Kai's arms and my boyfriend was revealing himself as the killer to the group. I gulped and Kai helped me to my feet. "Wait for it. My name's not Ethan Landry!" Ethan's grin was so wide I thought it was going to wrap around his head. Bailey laughed and ruffled Ethan's hair. "Isn't it, dad?" "Dad?!" Tara gaped. I slowly approached Ethan which threw him off as his face turned into remorse. "He was your dad? He was the one who didn't like me?" It all made sense. The waterworks started again. I'd cried so much I didn't know how I had any tears left in my body. I sobbed softly and Quinn went to take a step to me when Bailey stopped her. Everything was a lie. I should've known. Good guys don't exist. Ethan Landry didn't exist. He was a ploy to get close to Sam and Tara Carpenter. And what better way to do that than to sleep with one of Tara's best friends? I looked down as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "You're right. It was all fake. Everything." Quinn spat. I looked up at her. All I saw was hatred. I had never understood what her disdain towards me was. Now I know. I was a threat to their whole operation. I was someone who was going to be off the board. Ethan just had to get me to trust him. I turned away from Ethan and went back to stand next to Kai. Ethan's head hung low as his father boasted about their plan. "I mean, all I had to do to meet you, was room with a conceited condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him!" Ethan definitely knew how to save himself from being exposed. He probably did it with me all the time. "Chad's dead?" I said. Tara nodded sadly at me and I sniffled. "How could you? How could you? Ethan, how could you?!" I screamed. Ethan shrugged and said "he was a self absorbed prick who deserved what he got. I'm gonna kill your friends, and then I'm gonna kill you last. I'm going to make you fucking choke." I scoffed softly and shrugged at him. "Go ahead. My heart's too broken to go on anyway." "Lacey." Kai said as she shook her head. I wanted nothing more than for the pain to stop. If Ethan was going to get his fill by killing me, so be it. Their plan began to get explained. Richie Kirsch was their brother, the Ghostface from Woodsboro. Sam's ex boyfriend. Ethan mentioned he was second to his brother. Always. It didn't matter what he did to impress his dad, he was second to him. "They'll say some poor dumb bastard read on the internet, that you're the real Ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands." Ethan told Sam. The majority of the world thought Sam was Ghostface thanks to Quinn. It was basically the perfect set up if they actually succeeded. I seemed to zone out as their banter went back and forth. I was so numb. I couldn't feel anything at the moment. The killers started to close in on us. My eyes widened as Quinn went to attack Sam and Tara. Iz went after Bailey, taking Kai with her. Kirby tried to shoot Ethan but he was quicker than her. He tackled her and she gasped. "Recognize this?" He taunted as he held his knife. Kirby said "fuck you!" Ethan then stabbed her in the gut; the exact same spot she had been stabbed by Charlie Walker. He then stood up. It was just me and Ethan, staring at each other. He went to charge toward me when Sam pushed me out of the way. Ethan growled and sliced my arm as he landed on the ground next to me. I winced and held my arm. Ethan got up, dropping his knife. Sam grabbed it and then looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and she offered me the knife. I shook my head and Ethan said "what're you gonna do about it, bitch?" Sam then took her chance. She began to stab Ethan in the neck and shoulder. His yells and groans of pain made me gasp. He winced as Sam pulled the knife from his neck, Quinn tackling Sam. "Fucking whore!" The red head yelled at Sam. I looked around the room for a weapon, wanting to protect myself. I slowly started to crawl away and felt a hand grab my ankle. I was pulled across the floor and I yelped in surprise. Quinn stood over me, an evil grin on her face. I looked over at Sam who was holding her side. I kicked Quinn in the gut who doubled over. Quinn went to stab me in the shoulder and Ethan shielded me from her knife. "Ethan, you idiot!" She yelled. Ethan's face screwed up into pain as he inhaled sharply. "She's mine, Quinn! I'm going to carve her open." Quinn's attention went to Sam and Tara. Ethan grabbed me by my sweater and pulled me away from the chaos. I reached up and tried to get him to let go. "Let go! Let go of me, Ethan!" He pulled me into a room that was almost silent. He let go of me and paced back and forth in front of me. My heart was filled with dread as my boyfriend gripped the knife in his hand. The flowy Ghostface robe followed his every movement. His curly hair stuck to his forehead and I could see the sweat beads on his neck. My eyes went to the stab wound on his neck. Sam had got him good. Ethan mumbled to himself and shook his head. I wondered if he was too hyped up on adrenaline to feel the pain. "Does it hurt?" I hadn't even realize the words left my mouth until Ethan's head snapped in my direction. He furrowed his eyebrows and said "what?" I shook my head and looked down. I gestured to my neck and said "your neck." I didn't look at him as his attention was on me now. "Yeah. It stings like a bitch." I nodded and continued to stare at the ground in front of me. Ethan's shoes came into my view, black heavy boots that were common for Ghostface to wear. I felt Ethan's gloved hand cup my cheek, making me look up at him. His face softened as he looked at me, his eyes examining my body for injuries. "Don't cry." I hadn't even realized I was crying. Ethan swiped a tear away with his thumb. "Just kill me, Ethan. Get it done and over with. Please. Just finish it." I begged. Ethan shook his head and said "I'm not going to kill you. I never was going to do that. Lacey, I couldn't even hurt you if I tried. You weren't supposed to be apart of this, you weren't supposed to be here. But, I fell. I fucking fell hard. I love you, Lacey. More than anything. I can get you out of here. I'll help you escape and we can be together. Everything will go back to normal!" I frowned and said "oh, Ethan." Ethan's eyes were full of hope and I shook my head. "Ethan, even if you helped me, we can't be together. You killed my friends. You want to kill Tara. And Kai. Your family will never let you." I told him. Ethan held back tears and he said "Lacey, I love you. I love you so much. I can protect you." "You can't, Ethan. Everything is over. It's broken. You should've just killed me in the apartment when you had the chance." "I can't! I can't do it! It was my job to protect you and I didn't do it! You're my girlfriend. I love you." "More than Quinn and your dad?" I asked. Ethan's breath quivered and he nodded. "I'll kill them for you. Then we can be together. I'll do whatever you want. I love you, Lacey." The curly haired boy in front of me was trying to get me to agree with him being Ghostface. I quickly stood up, Ethan's hand falling from my cheek. "Ethan, I have to save Tara. I have to save Kai." Ethan now got on his knees, grabbing my hands. "Stay with me. Please. Just let me kill Quinn and my dad. Then we can be together. Don't leave me. I love you so much, Spacey." The tug on my heartstrings hurt as he called me the affectionate nickname. His knife had been discarded to the side as he begged me. His eyes sparkled in the dim lighting as he wanted me to desperately stay with him. The most disgusting thing about this was I still loved Ethan. I couldn't believe he was Ghostface. I would've never suspected it. But I was so deeply and irrevocably in love with him. I cupped his cheek and Ethan leaned into my touch. He sighed contentedly and screams broke my attention from Ethan. "Kai." I let go of Ethan and went to leave the room when Ethan stopped me. "Ethan, move." He shook his head and said "no. You have to stay here. Where it's safe." I scoffed softly and said "kai is going to die. If you love me, you'll let me save her." "It's safer here, baby. Stay here. With me." Ethan slowly leaned in and he kissed my lips. The feeling of my boyfriend's soft lips against mine was making me dizzy. I moaned into the kiss and Ethan went to hold me, his gloved hands squeezing my hips. I quickly snapped out of the drunken haze I was in and heard Tara scream. I needed to get past Ethan and was trying to figure out a way to get back into the main room. I kissed Ethan's jaw and then moved to his neck, the side that wasn't injured. Ethan hummed and I ran my hand through his hair. Ethan's breaths were deep and he held back a moan. "Eth, I'm really sorry I have to do this." Ethan opened his eyes and I hoped the nickname would soften the blow. I kneed Ethan in the groin and he doubled over. "Fuck you!" He yelled. I grimaced and quickly left the room, rushing to where Kai was. Iz yelped in pain as Bailey stabbed her in the back. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What the?!" Iz looked up at me and I said "where's Kai?!" "Here!" My best friend said as she swung a pole at Bailey's legs. "Ow! Stupid bitch!" Bailey dropped to his knees and managed to throw me off his back. I landed on the ground and had the wind knocked out of me. "Lacey!" Tara said as she grabbed my hand, pulling me up to my feet. Bailey stabbed her in the side and she screamed. I grabbed her and pushed her away from Bailey. Sam was battling Quinn a few feet away from us. "Ethan!! Where the fuck are you?!" Bailey screamed as he looked around. "Right here." I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I gasped softly as I looked at the knife lodged into my side. Ethan chuckled darkly and Bailey cheered him on. Kai immediately went to jump Ethan. She pulled the knife out of my side, making me stumble back. Tara caught me before I fell, hanging onto me for dear life. "Tara, it hurts." I whispered. Tara sniffled and said "I know. I'm here, ok?" Kai stabbed Ethan multiple times in the chest. "Ow! Ow! You fucking bitch! Fuck you! Fuck you!" Ethan yelled. I watched my best friend attack Ethan as if he was nothing. "Asshole! You're such a little bitch, Ethan." Kai spat. Ethan smirked up at her and said "go ahead and kill me. You don't have the fucking balls." Kai raised the knife over her head and I looked away as I knew she would. Tara was then grabbed by Sam who said "we can get out up there! Come on!" Iz knocked Bailey out and Quinn was down for the count. Sam and Tara started climbing up. Iz followed them. Kai lodged the knife in Ethan's collarbone. He yelled out in pain, tears filling his brown eyes. Kai followed after her girlfriend. I stared at him in shock. I wished I'd wake up and this was all a nightmare. I'd wake up next to Ethan who would comfort me from this awful nightmare. "Lacey! Come on!" Kai said. I looked up at her, knowing I needed to climb. I held my side and went to proceed to climb up. Kai held her hand out and said "come on." I grabbed her hand and was struggling. Tara was struggling as well. She was dangling as Sam desperately tried to hang onto her. Quinn was now at the top, making her way towards Sam. "I can't, I can't, I can't grab on." Tara said fearfully. Ethan was now at the bottom, swinging his knife. I yelped as his knife barely missed my shoes. He then moved underneath Tara, swinging at her. Now, Tara was a lot shorter than me and she screamed as the knife touched her shoes. Kai held onto me and said "Lace, come on." I sniffled and said "I can't! I can't climb!" Tara looked at me and then at Sam. "Let me go." Sam shook her head and said "no." "Yeah, let her go, Sam! Come on!" Ethan said from below. I looked over my shoulder at Ethan as he now stood underneath me again. "I've always enjoyed sticking something in you, Lacey!" "Fuck you!" I replied, looking back up at Kai. "Fuck you!!" Ethan yelled back. Tara desperately tried to hang onto Sam's hand. I couldn't let Tara get stabbed by Ethan. Or Kai. I let go of Kai's hand and her eyes widened. "No!" She yelled. Ethan was directly beneath me, his knife going into my gut. I winced in pain, Tara falling on the ground a few feet away from me. "Gotcha!" Ethan said. I looked up at him and pulled the knife out of my gut, going to stab him. I shoved the knife into his stomach and he tried to grab my hand. I pulled the knife out and then went to his chest. Ethan gasped and my eyes went to the wound in his neck. I yelled as I stabbed him in the neck. Ethan's eyes widened and pain spread across his face. "I love you but I have to kill you." I said. Ethan shoved me away from him. I landed on the ground and Tara wrapped her arms around me as my back was to her chest. Ethan stumbled backwards, gasping. Ethan choked and blood dripped from his lips. He fell onto his back, fear filling his eyes. I hesitated as I went to approach him. "Lacey, don't." I slowly removed her arms from me and Kai said "Lacey, please don't!" I crawled over to where Ethan laid. Quick shallow breaths came from Ethan as he looked up at the ceiling. Tears streamed down his face and he looked at me. He reached for me and coughed. I looked at his gloved hand and took his hand in mine. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Ethan nodded and said "I know." I felt my heart breaking as my boyfriend was dying in front of me. I put him in my lap and stroked his head. Ethan reached for the knife and I said "don't." He squeezed my hand and shook his head. "I never wanted to hurt you. I love you, Lacey. I wanted to p-protect you from all this. You were, no, you are my angel." My breath quivered and I said "I wish you didn't do this. Why didn't you just tell me what your dad and sister were doing? You could've switched sides." Ethan shook his head and said "no. I wanted to see Tara and Sam die for my brother." "The brother you always came second to?" I spat. Ethan frowned and his eyes started to flutter closed. I quickly remembered he was dying. "Ethan." I said as I shook him. Ethan's eyes shot open and he said "I'm here." The tears fully fell from my eyes now. "I don't want you to go." I sobbed. Kai, Iz, and Tara now sat a few feet from me. Kai grimaced and I stroked Ethan's head. "I'm sorry, Ethan. I'm so sorry." Ethan cupped my cheek and said "hey, it was good while it lasted, huh?" A stifled sob left his lips and his hand fell from my cheek as his chest started to move slower. I quickly laid my head on his chest and Ethan said "I love you, Spacey." I buried my face into the black robe and the grip he had on my hand loosened. I sat up to see that he had died. I gulped as I stared at him. His usual brown sparkling eyes were devoid of life. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Kai grabbed me and said "come on. We have to go." I stroked his head and Tara looked at Ethan with hateful eyes. Iz did the same. Bailey was the only one left. Sam was taking care of him. Kirby had also stumbled into the room, looking around at everything. "Who got him?" She said. "Lacey." Tara said softly. I whimpered as I hugged Ethan's body. Kai slowly pulled me away from him and said "hey, I know. You know he wasn't good, right?" I nodded and Kai said "he would've killed you, Lacey." I looked back down at him. I think in his crazed state, he only saw red. When he realized that he'd hurt me, he would've snapped out of it. The police and paramedics started to arrive. They started to rush us out of the theater. I looked over my shoulder one last time at the boy who had stolen my heart, changed my life. If I had any inkling he would've been Ghostface, I would've distanced myself or got away. I was completely heartbroken about the entire situation. I knew it was something I would get over one day. The problem was that I loved Ethan so much. He had fooled me like he had fooled everyone else. That's what bugged me the most. Was that I couldn't see it. My best friend could see it and I couldn't. It honestly made me feel like an idiot. But, I was so in love with him that I couldn't see it. All that mattered now was that him and his family was dead. And we were safe.

Here's the update! I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up writing this. I will be making a new Ethan fic which will probably be up in a couple of weeks! It will be a non Ghostface au and I hope you'll all go there to read it. No this book isn't over. I might write one last chapter to conclude it and that will be the end!! I hope everyone has enjoyed this so far!

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