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Chapter three
Hungover Apologies
Lacey's POV:
I groaned as my phone rang. It seemed to ring extra loud. I grabbed it, putting it up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked groggily. "Lacey?" A female voice said. I didn't recognize the voice and said "who's this?" "Sorry. I'm Quinn. Quinn Bailey. I share a dorm with Tara. She wanted me to call you. She's sobering up." "Oh. Well just have her call me later." I hung up the phone and sighed deeply, burying my face into my pillow. I got a text message and let out a yell of frustration. I looked at my phone and saw a familiar name on my screen. Ethan.

Can we talk? I'm so fucking sorry about last night

I didn't answer him right away and laid on my back. I wasn't mad about last night I just wanted to deal with it later. I'd feel better as the day went on and would deal with it then.


I ended up waking up later since I didn't have class. I took a shower and just laid around in my room for the majority of the day. A knock on my bedroom door made me look up. Anika walked in with Kai. "Feeling better?" Kai said. I nodded and said "I'm not really hungover. I'm just tired." "Have you talked to them?" Anika asked. I shook my head. "No. I don't want to deal with that right now. It'll pass, won't it?" "Tara feels like shit and Chad said Ethan can't stop pacing. You need to talk to them." Anika told me. A knock on the front door made Anika look over her shoulder. She then stood up and went to the door to answer it. "What happened between you and Ethan?" Kai said. I opened my mouth to speak when Ethan walked into the room. "Can we talk?" He asked. I nodded with a sigh, telling my girlfriends to leave the room. They closed the door and Ethan sat down on my bed. I had known the boy for almost a month since we met at movie night. And it'd been a week since we played Mario kart together. Ethan handed me my necklace and I said "my necklace. How'd you get that?" "You lost it. When you left me. Listen I-" I stopped him and took the necklace from his hand. Ethan's brown eyes were full of regret and sadness. "Spacey..." I shook my head and said "don't." "I'm so sorry. I was an asshole last night." "All I did was dance with Kurt. He means nothing to me. And if you wanted to dance with me, you should've asked. I would've. Instead you got mad at me." Ethan shook his head at me and said "I'm sorry. I don't wanna ruin our friendship. I was an asshole. I should've just asked you. Instead of being mad. Chad gave me an earful. He told me to come apologize to you but I was going to if he told me to or not. I'm really sorry." I half smiled at him and said "can I give you a hug?" Ethan nodded eagerly and said "sure." I scooted closer to him. The two of us had become fast friends but hasn't really been physical. I kept it mostly professional, considering I didn't want either of us to get the wrong idea. I wrapped my arms around Ethan's neck, hugging him. I felt Ethan's arms go around my waist. "You were really mean." I whispered. Ethan nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I jumped at the feeling but liked it at the same time. "I'm really sorry, Lace." He mumbled into my neck. I gave him a small squeeze and pulled away. Ethan playfully pouted at me and nudged my shoulder. "Mario Kart?" He jutted his lips out, making his pout more dramatic. I nodded while looking down. "As long as you let me win." Ethan laughed softly and said "sure, Spacey." I pushed him and the two of us laughed.


"How are you so good at this?!" Ethan said as he threw his hands in the air. I smirked and said "years and years of skill." "Yeah, ok." Ethan said in a sarcastic tone. The next race took a few seconds to start. Lakitu hovered in front of the racers, counting down. I pushed the button to start driving. Ethan grabbed my controller, trying to mess me up. "Ethan!" He laughed and I pushed him, causing him to fall back on the couch. "No, they're all passing me!" He yelled. I giggled as I made my way up to first place. We'd been playing for an hour and a half now, me kicking Ethan's ass almost every time. "Alright. I've had enough of you beating me." Ethan set his controller down and I smiled victoriously. "Let's do something else." I quirked an eyebrow at him and said "what?" "Let's watch a movie or something." "And what movie would that be?" "Star Wars?" Ethan suggested. "Sure." I told him. "Which one is the question." "Empire Strikes Back." I said. Ethan shook his head and said "no way. Return of the Jedi." I shrugged and said "fine. I like the Ewoks anyways." "What's your favorite movie from the prequels?" I bit my lip and said "Attack of the Clones." "No way. Revenge of the Sith." I rolled my eyes and said "of course. You're a typical guy." Ethan put on Return of the Jedi and we started watching the movie. Halfway through I started to get cold. "Do you have a blanket?" I asked. Ethan nodded and said "yeah. I'll grab one out of my room." He stood up and I watched him go to his bedroom. My eyes went back to the tv, watching Luke and Leia try to outrun stormtroopers on speeders. Ethan handed me a blanket and I immediately covered myself. Ethan settled back into the couch. The blanket smelled like Ethan with a faint hint of cologne. I half smiled and my attention went back to the movie. Ethan was practically hugging the arm of the couch, keeping his body away from mine. I scooted closer to him, wanting to be close but not in a romantic way. Strictly platonic. Ethan rubbed at his eyes and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Ethan looked down at me, furrowing his eyebrows. "Relax, Ethan. I'm just doing this to stay warm. Your dorm is freezing." I told him. Ethan half smiled and said "oh. Sure. Ok." His cheeks tinted red and I said "is this ok? I can move." Ethan shook his head and said "it's fine. I'm ok." He was completely stiff. His eyes went everywhere but me and I said "are you sure you don't want me to move?" "No. It's fine. It's ok. I'm ok." My attention went back to the movie and a few minutes later I could feel Ethan's body relaxing. He shifted his body so he was slouching on the couch a bit. As Anakin appeared next to Obi Wan and Yoda I felt myself tearing up and I quickly wiped the tears falling from my eyes. As the credits started rolling, Chad and Tara came into the dorm. "Cuddling on the couch, are we?" Chad teased. Ethan stiffened up again and said "no. What're you talking about?" He rolled his eyes at his roommate and I sat up, looking at Chad. Tara pushed past him and said "Lace, I've been calling you like crazy." "I must've left my phone in Ethan's room." I said. Ethan turned the volume down and stood up, going towards the kitchen. "Bro!" Chad tried to jump on Ethan's back. "Stop!" Ethan laughed as they stood in the small kitchen. Tara sat down across from me on the coffee table. "Listen, I'm really sorry for what I said. You're not a bitch. I was drunk. I should've stopped drinking after I had those shots of rum. I love you, Lace. Seriously." I smiled at her and said "I love you too, Tara. And I was drunk myself. Otherwise I would've helped getting you home." "Anika got me home safe. I was ok. And I guess you and Ethan made up." Tara looked towards the kitchen and I looked over my shoulder to see Ethan shushing Chad who was talking to Ethan. "Me and Eth are ok." I told her. "Eth?!" Tara giggled and I put my finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet. "So, do you guys wanna stay for dinner or are you needed back home?" Chad asked. Tara looked at her phone and said "I can't. Sam wants me home. I'm about to be on lockdown for going to that party. So, I'll see you guys later." "Want me to walk you home?" Chad said. "No. It's fine. Plus it's not far from here." Tara stood up and gave me a quick hug before she left. "Looks like it's the three of us." Chad shrugged as he went to offer stuff to eat.


"Tell us everything about your day with Ethan!" Anika squealed. Kai sat down in front of me and Jenny said "Ethan Landry? Are you guys dating?" I shook my head and said "no. We're not. We're just friends." "You guys seem physical." I looked at Anika and said "and how would you know that?" "The party last night! Oh my gosh the two of you couldn't stop touching each other." Kai smirked and said "he couldn't stop touching her." The girls laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Guys, I don't like Ethan Landry like that. Him and I are friends." I stated. "I heard from a little birdie that the two of you were cuddled up watching Star Wars." Anika said while covering her mouth. Jenny gasped and said "shut up, they were not!" "Ethan's so her type. A curly haired white boy? God, Lacey can't resist." Kai said. I pushed Kai and said "bestie, that's so uncalled for. I don't need to be called out like that." "So, you do like him?" Jenny asked. "No! His looks are my type but I don't like him like that. And that little birdie who told you we were cuddled up needs to shut his mouth." I retorted. We all laughed as I knew Chad was most likely setting me up to be interrogated by my girlfriends. "Are we doing anything this weekend?" Jenny said. Anika shrugged and said "I'll ask Mindy and Tara. Maybe we can get together and do something." I was glad the attention was taken off of me and was hoping everyone would drop the whole 'I liked Ethan Landry' bullshit. I was very fond of the boy and enjoyed his company so much but I was sure I didn't like him like that. "I'm going to bed. Some of us actually have class." I announced. Anika and Jenny booed me and I blew them kisses as I went into my bedroom to retreat for the night.

Guys don't hate me because this is slow!! Scream 6 drops on paramount+ next week and I'll be able to see the movie for a second time and start writing movie events!! It'll be soon I promise!!

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