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Chapter six
Chad's Infamous Party
Lacey's POV:
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I was currently rushing my way to class. I had woken up late but for the first time in about a week I had gotten a good night's sleep. I turned the corner quickly, running for the door. I quietly walked into my classroom, hoping there weren't too many eyes on me. I sat down and sighed softly. "You're late." Kurt whispered. "I know." I replied. English was my first class so it wasn't anything too challenging. This class woke me up a bit and I was slowly coming to. I had fallen asleep pretty hard the night before. "Who's jacket is that?" Kurt said as class ended. I realized I had thrown Ethan's jacket on. I immediately felt bad as it was chilly this morning. "My friend's. Nobody important." I quickly lied. "It kinda looks like Ethan Landry's." I gulped and said "does it matter?" "No. Was just curious. Are you two together?" "No. And why do you care, Kurt?" "Just being curious, Lacey." I left him and walked to my next class. "Oh my god, you're wearing Ethan's jacket!" Tara said in a hushed tone. I shushed her and she said "that's so cute!" "It doesn't mean anything. He gave it to me last night. It was cold." "Gosh, it looks so cute on you!" I shook my head and said "thanks. I guess." "So, was he really sick yesterday?" I nodded, covering up the fact that Ethan was basically stressed and that's why he left. "Yeah. I made sure he was ok but then I wanted him to walk me back to my dorm." "I'm sure he'll kiss you soon. Maybe at Chad's party?" "He doesn't like me, Tara." "He does! Lace, I've never been so sure of anything in my life. Ethan is in love with you." I didn't respond to her as class started. The more I thought about it the more it didn't make sense. Ethan was always so happy and smiley with Tara. He told her jokes and she always laughed so hard. They even were physical. I also had a feeling I wouldn't stand a chance against Tara. Lots of guys liked her. I always heard them talking about her. I pushed the thoughts in the back of my mind as I started doing the art assignment.


"Hey." Ethan said. I looked over at him and said "hey." "Seems like this keeping you warm, huh?" He tugged at the jacket on my body. "You can have it back." I started to take it off and Ethan stopped me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was teasing. Plus, I know you need it." I pulled the jacket closer to my body and Ethan's hands trailed down my arms before going back to his sides. "So, the party." Ethan began. I nodded and said "yeah?" "Let's go together. We can walk together...if you want?" "Are you suggesting or are you asking me?" I said. Ethan chuckled as his cheeks turned pink. "I'm asking you." I smiled and said "ok. Let's walk together." Ethan smiled really big and said "cool. Have you thought about what you're going to go as for the Halloween party?" "Ethan, you're thinking way too far ahead. I have no idea." Ethan nodded in agreement and said "same here. I probably won't even dress up." "What? You have to! It's a Halloween party!" I patted his chest and and he shook his head. "Please, Eth? We can dress up together!" Ethan smiled sheepishly and said "I dunno, Spacey." "Please? Pretty please, Eth?" I batted my eyelashes and Ethan couldn't hold back the smile that was stretching across his face. "Sure. We can." I jumped up and down while holding his hand in mine. Ethan laughed and said "are you gonna be cute or scary?" "Cute, duh!" I said. Ethan giggled and he said "do you wanna ditch?" I bit my lip and said "I don't know." "Come on, Spacey. One day of missed class won't kill you. I know this really good cafe up the street. Let's go." I shrugged and said "I don't know." "Please, Lace. They have really good cookies. And cake. I know you like that stuff." Ethan gave me puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist him. I honestly was dying to go hang out with him outside of school. I nodded quickly and said "ok. Let's go." "Awesome!" Ethan cheered. He grabbed my hand and we weaved through the crowd of students. I winced as a jock practically ran me over. "Ethan." I called out. He looked over his shoulder just as another jock did the same thing. These hallways were honestly so full and so constricting, I don't know how it could hold this many students at once and it was Friday so everyone was rushing around to finish up their classes. Ethan pulled me up to where he stood. "You ok?" I wrapped my arms around his middle as we made it out of the building. I buried my face into his chest and he said "Spacey, you ok?" "Yeah. The jocks are just being assholes. Running me over." "I'll protect you." I seemed to cling to Ethan as we walked away from the building. "They didn't hurt you, did they?" I shook my head and said "they just bumped into me. I'll live, Eth." "Making sure, Spacey." I didn't want to pull away from him as we walked. "The cafe isn't far right?" I asked. "No. It's a block and a half." Once we arrived and got inside, it was the cutest little place. I gasped and said "it's so nice. And it's so cute!" Ethan pulled away from me and I frowned from the loss of contact. "I knew you'd like it. So, what do you want? It's on me." I quickly shook my head and said "no. I can't ask you to do that." "I insist." "Ethan, don't. I can pay my way." I protested. Ethan put his hands on my shoulders and said "Lace, I want to. I want to do something nice for you." I nodded at him and told him I wanted a coffee with a slice of chocolate cake. Ethan ordered it and got himself a coffee with a slice of pumpkin pie. "Darn. I should've gotten pumpkin pie." I said. Ethan chuckled and said "you can get it next time." The two of us looked for a place to sit, Ethan sitting next to me instead of across from me. "So, do you wanna meet up at your's before the party?" I asked. Ethan made a face as if he was thinking about it. "Uhm, yeah. Chad might go ahead so it'll just be me. At the dorm. Is that ok?" "Yeah, that's fine Eth. We've been alone together before. And I'd just be meeting you so we can walk to the party. Do you know where it is?" "It's at this uhm, really big frat house. I heard there's going to be lots of alcohol. I mean, you know Chad. I'm sure you'll be able to make any drink with the amount of alcohol he's going to have." I took a bite out of my chocolate cake and nodded in agreement. "Chad can be a bit much with the alcohol." I chuckled. Ethan sipped on his coffee and said "yeah he's a drinker. Are you going to get wasted tonight?" "Maybe." I shrugged. Ethan nudged me playfully and I said "you should. You'll have a blast I'm sure." "One of us should stay level headed." "No, Eth let's just have a blast. Let's get drunk together." "I'll watch out for you if you watch out for me." Ethan said as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I patted his head, my fingers slightly running through his curls. "Of course." I said. Ethan pinched my side and I jumped. "Don't!" I giggled. Ethan nuzzled his head against me and I poked his side. "Ah, Lacey." He groaned as he sat up quickly. "Oh, so it's ok for you to do it to me but when I do it to you it's not?" I quipped. Ethan feigned pain and said "you gutted me." "I didn't gut you." I put my finger on his stomach, poking lightly. "This is what gutting you would feel like." Ethan was quick to grab my hand and he put his hand on my stomach. "And this is me gutting you." Ethan said, his voice dropping an octave. My lips parted and Ethan tickled me. "Don't! Ethan, please!" He laughed and let go of me as I pushed his hand off. "You're mean." I pouted. "Not as mean as you." Ethan retorted.


"That's a date!" "You literally went to a coffee shop with him!" "He offered and paid, that's a date." Kai, Anika and Mindy seemed to scream at me as I walked into the dorm. "Lace, you're crazy if you don't think that boy is in love with you." Mindy said. I shook my head and said "no. I think he likes Tara." "Tara?!" Kai yelled. Anika frowned and said "honey, he doesn't like Tara. Sure, they're friends. But, I think our little dorky Ethan Landry is in love with a certain someone. Who happens to be you." I shook my head again, not believing the words of my friends. "You guys, it's nice to think that but I honestly think he doesn't think of me that way. As much as I'd like him to." I walked towards my bedroom and fell back onto my bed. "What are you wearing to the party tonight?" Kai asked me. I shrugged and said "I don't know. I just know I have to meet Ethan. Him and I are going to walk to the party together." Kai wiggled her eyebrows and said "you really think that he doesn't like you?" "We're friends, Kai. Nothing more. Nothing less." I stated. "Well, I'm gonna help you pick out an outfit. I'm thinking leggings and a revealing top. Or a cute little dress." Kai went to my closet and started looking for an outfit. "What about this?" She held up a plunging v-neck long sleeved shirt with leggings. I looked the outfit up and down and said "sure." "And you could wear your boots with it." I nodded and said "ok." "Can I do your makeup?" Anika said from the doorway. "Come on, Ani." She giggled and the two girls in front of me started helping me get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror and Anika said "I think this is my best one yet." "Ani." I said as I covered my face as I was careful to not mess up my makeup. "God, he's going to die." Kai said as she looked me up and down. I shook my head, shushing my friends. "She's gorgeous! Shy and dorky Ethan isn't going to know what to do!" Mindy said. "Guys, stop!" I said as I felt myself beginning to blush. I sighed and Jenny said "I guess we'll see you there." I nodded and said "yeah." I left the dorm as my friends continued to tease me. I walked in a fast haste to get to Ethan's dorm. I knocked on the door and awaited him. The door opened after a few seconds and Ethan stood in front of me. "Hi, Eth." "Hi, Spacey." I looked his outfit up and down, which was a sweater with jeans. "You look really nice." Ethan said to me. I smiled and said "you too. Are you ready to go?" He nodded and said "just have to grab my phone." He went to his room and I stepped into the dorm and awaited Ethan to grab his phone. He came back into the room, shoving his phone in his pocket. He held out his arm for me to take and the two of us started the walk to the frat house. "Are you excited?" I said. Ethan shrugged and said "a little. Are you?" "I'm excited to have fun with you. If that means anything." "Me too." Ethan replied with a blush. The loud booming music signaled we were getting closer. My eyes widened at the amount of people that were here. "Woah." Ethan said. "I guess Chad invited everyone." I mumbled. Ethan and I walked into the party. "EEEEEEE!" Chad yelled as he greeted the two of us. Ethan smiled at him and Chad said "Lacey, glad you could make it. I was scared you weren't coming." "I was convinced to come to your infamous party." I told him. Chad pointed to the drink table and said "there's plenty to drink. I also have my own secret stash of water just in case anyone needs to sober up. I also got your favorite, Lacey." "Chad, you didn't have to." "I like fireball too. But, I want you guys to have fun. Do you mind if I steal Ethan for a minute?" I looked up at Ethan and said "sure. Give him back to me soon though." "Will do, Lacey. Will do." Chad pulled the tall curly haired boy away from me as they disappeared into the crowd of people. I went to the table and did a shot of fireball. "Laceyyyy." Tara said as she hugged me from behind. I turned around to face her. "Tara, how do you have a buzz already?" "I might've gotten here a little early. With Chad. Him and I started drinking an hour or two before the party. Did you come here with Ethan?" Tara looked around the room. I nodded and said "I did. But Chad stole him from me." "He'll give him back to you soon. Also, I promise to be nice to you tonight. Like, if I'm being a bitch, slap me in the face or something. That'll set me straight. But, I'm not going to be mean. Cause I know how much it hurt you last time. So, let's just have fun tonight and forget about the last party, ok?" I nodded at her and she patted my arm before going off to dance. I did another shot and took a deep breath, wanting tonight to be good. Anika was sitting on the couch next to Mindy who was laughing at Anika's face as Jenny took her picture. Iz, Sam and Tara's cousin was currently dancing with some guy I didn't know. "Come here!" Tara said from out of nowhere, pulling me over to where Jenny was. "Ah, let me take your picture!" Jenny squealed. Tara was much shorter then me in general but at the moment I had a few inches on her because of my boots. Tara pulled me down to her height, kissing my cheek. I smiled with my eyes closed as Jenny took the picture. "Lace?" Ethan's voice said. Tara pouted at me and said "Laceyyyy." "I'm going to go hang with Ethan. Stay safe or I'll kick your ass." I told her. Tara sighed and I grabbed Ethan's wrist, pulling him to the drink table. "Shots?" Ethan nodded and said "I already had a drink. Courtesy of Chad. I actually had two and a half." I could tell Ethan already had a buzz just from the way he was rocking back and forth on his heels. "Pick your poison." I gestured to the table. Ethan poured him a shot of fireball and said "come on." He poured me one and the two of us did a shot. One became two, two became three. Now Ethan and I were at five or six now. "Now, let me make you a drink." Ethan then proceeded to make me a screwdriver; orange juice and vodka. "Thank you." I said as he handed me the cup. I sipped on it as the music thumped in my chest. "Chad! Chad! Chad!" The crowd chanted as he danced in the middle of the room. Ethan laughed at his friend who was breaking it down for everyone in the room. Kurt encouraged Chad as he jumped up and down. I finished my drink rather quickly, my head buzzing. "Eth, come onnn." I said, pulling him to the dance floor as Clairo's Hello started playing. "CLAIRO!" Anika screamed as she drug Mindy into the dancing crowd. "What do I do?" Ethan asked as he watched me dance in front of him. "Dance with me. Give me your hands." Ethan slowly gave me his hands. I put his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I played with the curls sticking to Ethan's neck. "Hold me tighter, Eth." Ethan pulled me closer to him and I felt his hold on my hips get tighter. I hummed to the song, swaying my hips to the beat. I was quick to turn around, pressing my back to Ethan's chest, letting go of his neck. I grinded slowly on him, the alcohol in my body controlling my actions. "Mmm." Ethan moaned softly. The room was hot. My body felt like it was on fire as Ethan's hands slightly roamed my lower half, squeezing my hips every once in a while. As the song stopped, a much louder party song entered the air. I stopped grinding on him and Ethan stumbled forward, slightly pulling me against him. "Ok, Ethan! Ok!" Chad cheered. I turned back around to face Ethan. His lips were parted and his eyes were hooded. I wrapped my arms around his neck again, pulling him closer to me. I leaned my head on his chest and Ethan said "you ok?" "Mmm-hmm." I hummed. Ethan was warm and I didn't want to pull away from him but the hot sweaty bodies dancing around us was making it slightly muggy. "Did you want another drink?" I immediately perked up and said "yeah." Ethan and I went back to the drink table. I pushed my hair over my shoulder and Ethan made me another screwdriver. Ethan grimaced as he did a shot of vodka. "I want one!" I said as I pushed him. Ethan chuckled and said "we'll do one together. Ready?" I nodded eagerly at him and I interlocked my arm with his. The both of us did the shot. I coughed and Ethan shook his head. "Oh, god." He wheezed. I quickly chased the shot with my screwdriver. "Huddle together! I want your picture!" Jenny said. I set my drink on the table and quickly wrapped my arms around Ethan and smiled really big. Ethan did the same and leaned his head on my shoulder. "That was good! Another one!" I removed myself from Ethan and looked up at him. I pulled Ethan down to my level, grabbing him by his chin. I stuck my tongue out and Ethan had a playful frown on his face. The camera went off and Jenny said "thank you!" She went off to get a picture of Chad who was doing the keg in the other room. Ethan and I went back to the dance floor, the both of us dancing for quite a while and going to get drinks at the same time. "I want anotherdrink." I slurred. Ethan shook his head and said "Spacey, no." I tried to pull Ethan off the dance floor but he didn't budge, standing his ground. I groaned and said "Eth!" "Spacey, you can't. You're so drunk right now." "Pleaseeee." Ethan shook his head again. I detached myself from him and went to the drink table, reaching for a shot. "Fuck, there's nothing left." I mumbled. "Hey, hey, hey." Chad said to me. I looked at him and he said "water for you. Actually I'm going to give you two waters. Ethan will carry the other one. And here's one for you, Ethan." "I don't want water! I want another drink!" I pouted. "T-That is a drink! It's vodka." Ethan said. I gasped and said "it is?" "It is, Spacey." I immediately opened the bottle and drank it. "Eth, you lied." I frowned. "Drink it, Lace." I huffed and started to drink the water bottle, the water starting to make me feel better. Even though I'd much rather be drinking.

Ethan's POV:
"I'm gonna take her home." I said to Chad. "Ok. Tell the girls. I'll stay with her here really quick." Chad replied. I nodded and walked towards where the girls were. "Hey." I started to speak. "Hey, where's Lacey?" Kai said. "Uhm, I was gonna take her home. She's really drunk. Chad told me to tell you guys." Kai looked at her best friend who was swaying next to Chad. Mindy looked around the wall and gave Chad a thumbs up and he did the same back. "Is she ok?" Iz said. I turned to her and said "oh, yeah. I was just gonna take her home. I'll make sure she gets there ok." Kai pointed at me and said "you better." "I will. I promise." I left the girls and went back over to Chad. He handed me an extra water bottle and said "for your troubles." I shook my head at him and led Lacey out of the house. Lacey clung to me as we started making the walk back to her dorm. Lacey was currently guzzling down the water Chad had given us. "Oh my god, Eth. I'm really drunk." I held her close to me and said "I know, Spacey. You're so smashed right now." She stumbled and I made sure to wrap my hand around her waist, holding her up. She could barely walk and her dorm was a little bit further than mine. "Lace, I'm gonna take you to my dorm, ok? It's closer." Lacey looked up at me and said "ok. I'm really tired." I nodded and said "I know. I'm gonna get you there, ok? I'll give you some clothes to sleep in and stuff." Lacey gripped my sweater and tried not to stumble. "Carry me." My breath hitched and I said "Lace, we're almost there. Just wait a minute." "Please." Her legs wobbled and she looked away from me as she struggled to stand on her own two feet. "When we get to the dorm building, I'll pick you up. I'll put you on my back or something." I said. Lacey nodded and took a sip of the water. It was another minute or so before we got to the dorm building. I very rarely took the elevator but this time I decided I would. Lacey was on her second water and was slightly becoming more stable on her feet but was in no condition to be walking around. As we stepped in the elevator, I scooped her up in my arms, carrying her bridal style. Lacey wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder. I walked to the end of the hall, where Chad and I's dorm was. I huffed softly as I realized my key was in my back pocket. "Lace, could you...grab the key from my back pocket?" I felt one of her arms leave my neck, going towards my back pocket. "On the left." She grabbed the key out of my pocket and handed it to me. I somehow managed to unlock the door while still carrying Lacey. I kicked the door shut behind us and sighed, leaning against the door. I headed to my bedroom and slowly set Lacey on my bed. She looked up at me while going to rub her eyes. I grabbed her hand and said "don't!" She furrowed her eyebrows and I looked at her nervously. "Uhm, you'll smudge your makeup. And some of your mascara is about to go in your eye. Hang on. I'll be right back." I left and went to the bathroom, grabbing a wet rag and I knelt down in front of her. "Close your eyes. Please." Lacey closed her eyes and I brought the rag to her eye, removing the mascara that was so dangerously close to getting in her eye. I then did the opposite eye, wiping some of the eyeliner off. Lacey half smiled as I pulled away and she opened her eyes. "Thank you." She said. I nodded and stood up, grabbing one of my shirts. "Uhm, you can sleep in this. I'll leave so you can change." Lacey shook her head and said "I'll go in the bathroom. It's ok." Lacey left and went in the bathroom. I sighed and took that opportunity to change into something comfortable. Lacey came back in the room just as I pulled my sweatpants on. She tripped over the pair of jeans I had just taken off. I was quick to grab her by the hips and hold her up. "Gotcha." I said. Lacey looked up at me and my eyes went to her bare legs, my shirt barely covering her lower half. I helped her to the bed as she was still very intoxicated but kind of coming down from it. "You sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and Lacey said "no, this is your bed. I can sleep on the couch." I shook my head and said "you sleep here, Lace." I headed to the door and she stopped me. "Ethan." I looked over my shoulder at her and said "yeah?" "Will you sleep in here with me? You don't have sleep in the bed. Just on the floor?" I nodded at her and closed my bedroom door. I set up my pillow and blanket on the floor. Lacey laid down in my bed and I said "goodnight, Lace." "Goodnight, Eth." She smiled and then rolled over. I assumed she would fall asleep quickly because she had been so drunk. I scrolled on my phone a little bit before closing my eyes after a few minutes. Then my phone rang and I was quick to silence it and answer. "Hello?" I said groggily. "Ethan, it's Kai. I just wanted to be sure you got Lacey home. And I got your number from Anika." She said. I sighed and said "yeah. I took Lacey back to mine since my dorm was closer. She could barely walk and I just wanted to get her somewhere where she can sleep it off." "Good. I need to know that my best friend is ok. And Ethan, don't do anything stupid. If I find out you've done anything to Lacey while she's not in her right state of mind, I'll kick your ass." "Noted." I said. The phone hung up and I blinked a few times. I turned my phone off and closed my eyes, going to sleep.

Kai's POV:
"I'll make sure she gets there ok." Ethan said to us. "You better." I pointed at him. "I will. I promise." Ethan left us and I watched him put his arm around her and the two of them left. "Do you want to dance?" Iz asked me. I nodded and said "sure. I need to get my mind off Ethan Landry taking my best friend home anyway. Even though I'll be thinking about it all night." Iz giggled softly and said "have some fun, Kaya. Don't worry about Ethan Landry. He wouldn't do anything to Lacey." I let her pull me to where everyone was dancing. Tara was leaning her head on Chad's chest as the two of them danced. Mindy kissed Anika's cheek as they swayed back and forth. Iz moved her body seductively to the song that was playing. The bass shook the room and she reached for my hand, placing it on her hip as she put her back to my chest. Iz sighed as she leaned her head against my shoulder. I slowly moved my hands around her body, wanting to feel her. Iz and I had messed around before like me and Anika. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't heavily attracted to Iz. Most of the party goers were starting to leave, the house wasn't as full as it was before. "Do you wanna come back to mine?" Iz asked. "Let's go to mine. I wanna make sure Lacey is ok." I replied. Iz turned around to face me, smirking. I told Anika we were leaving and the two of us headed back to my dorm. The two of us could barely keep our hands off each other once we got inside. Iz giggled as she bumped into one of the end tables. I slowly walked to Lacey's room, opening the door. She wasn't there. I scoffed and immediately pulled my phone out, texting Anika. I needed Ethan's number. Anika immediately sent it back while telling me not to be mean to him. "Hello?" A sleepy voice entered the phone. "Ethan, it's Kai. I just want to be sure that you got Lacey home. And I got your number from Anika." I said. Ethan sighed and said "yeah. I took Lacey back to mine since my dorm was closer. She could barely walk and I just wanted to get her somewhere so she could sleep it off." "Good. I need to know that my best friend is ok. And Ethan, don't do anything stupid. If I find out you've done anything to Lacey while she's not in the right state of mind, I'll kick your ass." "Noted." I then hung up on him and Iz and I went into my bedroom. The two of us fell back onto my bed. Iz kissed my lips as her hands roamed my body. I moaned into her mouth, wanting nothing more than the two of us to actually get down to business. Iz pulled away as she started removing her clothes. I quickly did the same, getting up to lock my door. Anika and Jenny would be home soon and I didn't need them walking in on me. Iz kissed my neck and then moved down to my chest, placing kisses all over it. "I'm gonna make you feel good, Kai. You just lay here and enjoy it."

Ethan's POV:
"Ethan?" Lacey whispered. I slowly rolled over and said "Lace?" "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. I just wanted...." I rubbed at my eyes and Lacey looked down as she didn't finish. "Could you come up here? It's cold. I'm actually freezing. You and Chad keep this place cold." I chuckled softly and said "Chad keeps this place cold. Uhm, yeah I can come up there." Lacey scooted over and awaited me to get into the bed. I stood up, putting the extra blanket on top of her and grabbed my pillow. I set it on the bed and slowly got into the bed with her, a small creak entering the air. My eyes widened at the sound and Lacey reached for my arm. "Eth, it's really cold. Come on." I laid down and pulled the blanket on top of me. Lacey held my arm and tried to lay her head on my shoulder. I knew she was still drunk and wouldn't do this if she was sober. "Thank you." She whispered. I nodded at her and she scooted closer to me, putting her head on my chest. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around Lacey, pulling her close to me. My heart was beating out of my chest. I had it bad for this girl. And we could be together but there was an underlying problem with that. I was Ghostface and wasn't sure how she'd take that. She probably wouldn't. I hadn't killed anyone yet. I leaned my head on top of hers, Lacey's coconut shampoo filling my nostrils. I squeezed her softly and Lacey hummed. "You're so warm, Eth." She said in a soft voice. I rubbed her back up and down, trying to keep my shaky breathing under control. I'd never been so close to a girl before. Lacey and I were already pretty physical as friends but the two of us had never done anything like this. I had never slept in the same bed as a girl I had deep feelings for. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. I closed my eyes, trying to relax. "You're heart is beating really fast, Ethan. Are you ok?" Lacey asked. I looked down at her and said "yeah." "Are you sure?" I nodded in response and said "I'm ok. I promise." Lacey nuzzled her face against my chest and said "don't be nervous." "I-I can't help it." I stuttered, my eyes widening. Lacey pulled the blanket closer to the two of us and said "it's just me, Eth." "I know." I replied. Lacey's eyes fluttered closed and I continued to rub her back. "Stay here with me, Eth. Don't leave, ok?" "I won't, Spacey."

Here's the update! The last part was cute asf omg like I'm proud of it. Also longest chapter of the book so far!!

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