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Chapter seven
Hidden Feelings
Lacey's POV:
The sound of voices awoke me from my slumber. I blinked a few times and went to sit up but was stopped. I felt arms tightening around my waist and I slowly looked up. I was currently in the arms of Ethan Landry. Ethan's pink lips were parted as his chest rose and fell. His breathing was deep and calm, signaling he was sleeping well. "Where's Lacey?" Kai's voice asked. "Kai, she's sleeping. Her and Ethan are cuddled up." Chad replied. I could hear the scoff of my best friend and heard her footsteps approaching the door. I quickly closed my eyes, acting like I was asleep. "Lacey." Kai said. I didn't answer, not wanting to leave the warmth of Ethan's bed. "Lacey." Her voice was a little bit louder and stern. I squinted at the light and said "what?" "Just making sure you were ok. Also do you want anything to eat? I was gonna grab some breakfast." "Kai, I'll make some eggs!" Chad called from the kitchen. Kai scoffed softly and said "never mind. I'll grab you an ibuprofen for your hangover." I nodded against Ethan's chest, causing him to shift his body. I froze and Kai said "and what's up with this?" "What?" I said. Ethan tightened his arms around my waist and sighed softly. "Kai, I'll be out there in a minute, ok?" Kai narrowed her eyes at the sleeping curly haired boy and said "hurry up." She closed the door and I looked up at Ethan again. "Eth." I said, slowly going to shake him. Ethan's face scrunched up in annoyance and he groaned. "Eth, wake up." I said softly. Ethan buried his face into the crook of my neck, making me gasp. "What's wrong, Spacey?" Ethan's voice was deeper since he'd been asleep. "Chad and Kai are making breakfast. They wanted us to come out there with them. Chad's making eggs." Ethan opened his eyes, squinting at the sun. "What time is it?" I reached for my phone and said "11:15." Ethan sighed deeply and said "fuck." I bit my lip and said "do you have a headache? Kai has some ibuprofen." Ethan shrugged and said "no. I'm ok. What about you? You were smashed." I nodded and said "I am very hungover." Ethan leaned his head on mine and said "I was hoping all that water you drank helped." "It did. Honestly, it's just a minor headache. Nothing too bad. I was really cold last night though. Was I annoying? Asking you to come up here or when you helped me back to the dorm?" Ethan shook his head, looking at me. "No. Not at all. I wanted you to be comfortable, Lace. To be honest, it was really cold in here last night. Usually, I huddle up against the wall over there where you're laying now. But, you were here so I..didn't have to. I uhm, have never slept in the same bed as..." "A girl?" I asked softly. Ethan nodded, his cheeks turning red. "I've never d-done that. Is that stupid? It's probably stupid. Why am I even asking you that?" "It's not stupid, Eth. I've never slept in the same bed as a boy before either. It's nothing to be ashamed of." Ethan furrowed his eyebrows and said "Lace, you've had to sleep in the same bed as your boyfriend." I shook my head. "No. My last boyfriend wasn't exactly the nicest. He basically just wanted me for sex." Ethan stiffened and his jaw clenched. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. Let's change the subject. Chad is making eggs and Kai has my medicine so I'm just going to go freshen up in the bathroom. Sorry for making this...awkward." "You didn't. It's fine." Ethan said. I slowly wiggled my way out of his hold. His arms slowly retracted from my waist and he rolled onto his back. I climbed over his legs and said "is this shirt ok? Or should I put my leggings back on?" Ethan looked me up and down a couple of times and said "the shirt covers you but it's up to you, Lace." "I'll just put my leggings on since Chad is out there." Ethan nodded and I went to the bathroom, rinsing my mouth and pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I shook my head as my curly hair was sticking up in all places. I looked like a wreck and hated that Ethan had saw me that way. I huffed softly and went to go back into Ethan's room. Hands on my waist stopped me. I looked up at Ethan who said "sorry." "I'm sorry. I was just coming back in to get the leggings." Ethan looked down at my exposed legs, his eyes staying on my thighs. My thighs were a bit bigger at the moment and I was feeling slightly insecure as Ethan's eyes stayed glued to them. I cleared my throat nervously and said "I need to grab my leggings." Ethan's eyes widened and he immediately let go of my waist. "Sorry. Sorry." He shook his head and seemed to scramble away from me. He left me standing in the doorway. I quickly grabbed my leggings, pulling them on. I walked back out into the living room and Kai handed me a ibuprofen. I took it from her and Chad handed me a glass of water. Ethan scratched the back of his head and wouldn't make eye contact with me. I took my pill and approached him as he leaned on the counter. "Eth." "What?" He jumped at my voice. "Thank you for last night. I'm sure I was a handful." Ethan half smiled and said "no. You weren't bad at all. It was like you were lost. You weren't sure what was going on but I made sure you were ok." "Thank you. I didn't think I was going to get that drunk." Chad handed me a plate of eggs and gave Ethan his plate as well. "You know I'd take care of you, Lace. Whether you were sober, sick, or whatever was wrong. I'll be there." Ethan said. I leaned my head on his arm and wrapped my arms around his middle. Ethan stiffened but then slowly returned the hug. "Thanks again, Eth." "Anything for you, Spacey."


"No. No. No. NO, CHAD!" Tara yelled as Chad landed on the couch, purposely on top of Tara. He laughed and she pushed on him. "Quit! I'm trying to finish my homework!" "Come on, Tara. You're not going to fail if you don't finish that assignment." Ethan's eyes flickered up from his homework to observe what was happening with Tara and Chad. His eyes quickly went back to his homework. Kai groaned and said "guys what are we going as for the halloween party?" Iz smiled and said "ooh halloween costumes!" Jenny gasped and said "oh my god, we get to pick costumes! I'm gonna be an angel." "Boo, that's so typical for a girl." Tara said. Chad looked up at her and said "if that's so typical, what're you going as?" Tara chuckled and said "a pirate." Chad looked over at Ethan and said "E, what're you going as?" Ethan looked up and said "what?" "The Halloween party. What are you dressing up as?" "Oh, I'm not dressing up." Ethan said. "Eth, you promised!" I said with a pout. Ethan looked at me and said "Lace, I don't have the money to get a costume right now." "We'll make one! Me and you! What do you want to be?" Ethan half smiled at my enthusiasm and said "I dunno. I've always wanted to be a knight." "Me and you can make the costume. It'll be fun." Ethan shrugged and said "I guess." The attention was quickly taken off Ethan as Iz announced she'd be going as a devil. "A devil! That'll be so hot!" Jenny said. "We could make it. Out of like cardboard." I suggested to Ethan. Ethan shrugged and said "ok. What're you going to be?" "I don't know. Should we match?" "Match?" "Yeah! We could do like matching best friend costumes." Even though that comment hurt my heart and I knew Ethan and I wouldn't be more than friends. "A fairy." Ethan raised his eyebrows and said "a f-fairy?" "Yeah. We could do a medieval theme? Like The Black Cauldron or something." I said. Ethan smiled and said "that's really cool. I like it." "I was going to be Captain Rex from clone wars but I can't. Even though I have the armor." Kai said to the group. Tara furrowed her eyebrows and said "why can't you dress up as a clone even though you have the armor? I'm confused." "I need the helmet. And they cost so much. So I don't wanna do it without the helmet. Like, I'm a broke college student." Kai said. Anika frowned and said "that sucks. What are you going to be instead?" "A cat." "That's cute!" I smiled at Kai and said "of course. What about you, Ani?" "A pumpkin." Her cheeks tinted pink. Mindy smiled at Anika and then said "I'm not dressing up. Imma just be chilling." Chad rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm gonna be a cowboy." He announced. Ethan chuckled and said "dude." "Dude, we should do it together. COWBOYS!" Ethan shook his head and said "no, I'm matching with Lacey." "You guys are dumb." Chad crossed his arms over his chest and Ethan said "I'm gonna be a knight and Lace is gonna be a fairy." "A fairy!" Jenny said. "Oh my god, that's adorable!" Anika gushed. Tara smirked and said "that's awesome." "You'll be such a pretty fairy." Iz commented. I half smiled and said "you guys are too kind." "Ethan will be your knight in shining armor." Kai said. I blushed and looked down. "Nobody wants to be a cowboy with me?" Chad asked the group. My eyes flickered up to Ethan and I gave him a shy smile. Ethan leaned up a bit and said "so, we can plan a day and start making my costume." I nodded and said "yeah. Whenever you want." I went to sit down next to him on the couch, leaning my head on his shoulder.


"The sun feels so nice today." Quinn said aloud. Tara hummed in agreement. Our friend group was currently sitting on the green, having some free periods and not having to work. I wasn't super close to Quinn but she roomed with Tara and Sam. Iz was currently leaning back on her arms, letting the sun hit her from a certain angle. Kai was next to her, currently trying to decide which cat costume was better. Anika was next to Mindy, her eyes closed as she basked in the sun. Mindy was drawing in her notebook. Ethan had his head in my lap as I enjoyed the feeling of the sun on my skin. His eyes were closed as our group was desperate for the feeling of the sun on our skins. "Where's Chad?" Tara asked. "Doing some stupid sports thing." Mindy replied. Tara nodded and then laid on her back. I slowly reached down, combing my hair through Ethan's curls. He jumped and then chuckled softly. "You scared me." His deep voice said. Quinn opened one eye and looked over at him. "Sorry." I replied. Ethan nodded against my thighs and Quinn looked at the both of us before looking away. "So, we need to go costume shopping next week." Kai said as she looked at all of us. "Ok." I told her. "I'm down." Tara said. Ethan opened his eyes and said "you gotta help me make mine, Lace. Which day next week should we do it?" "What day works for you?" "Uhm, Tuesday and Thursday? Just in case we don't finish it?" "Sure." I ran my hand through his curls again and he hummed. "Hey, guys!" Chad plopped down next to us. Quinn huffed and said "you're interrupting us relaxing, Chad." Chad put his hands up in defense and said "what's got you in a mood? Anyways I just came to see what you were guys doing." Tara smiled at him and said "relaxing, Chad. That's what we're doing." Chad started to talk Tara's ear off. I zoned out a bit, staring at Ethan in my lap. The sun brought out his brown hair, making it shine. He chuckled at something Chad said and all I wanted to do was cuddle him or kiss his lips. I absentmindedly played with Ethan's hair and Ethan hummed contentedly. "Well, well, well." Chad said as he smirked. Ethan opened his eyes and said "what?" Chad pointed to my hand in Ethan's hair and I quickly pulled my hand out, making sure I didn't pull his hair. "Is there something happening here? Hmm?" Chad held the 'M' humming loudly. Ethan sat up and said "no, dude. You know we're just friends." I nodded with my lips in a tight line, fighting back the urge to frown. Quinn looked at Ethan and I. "They'd be so cute, wouldn't they?" Tara teased. Ethan blushed and said "stop, Tara." Kai nudged me and I shook my head, begging her not to say anything. "You guys would be the cutest." Anika added. Mindy laughed and said "oooh!" Now it was Ethan's turn to shake his head, his curls bouncing. "You guys are so annoying." Ethan retorted, getting angry. "Oh my god, E, it's a joke." Chad told his best friend. Quinn nodded in agreement and said "calm your tits, Lacey." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "I wasn't even mad but, ok." Quinn rolled her eyes slightly and I looked away from her. "It's just a comment. You shouldn't be so sensitive." I didn't look back at Quinn as she continued to open her mouth. "Knock it off." Ethan said in a stern voice. Quinn quickly changed the subject by saying she had slept with another guy last night. "Gross." Tara said. Mindy looked at Quinn and said "another one? I love hearing about Quinn's whoring adventures." "Ugh, Mindy I'm sex positive! Not a whore!" She whined. Chad shook his head and Anika said "there's nothing wrong with it but Quinn you might have an obsession." "I just want sex without all the bullshit, you know? Like I'm not going to be pining after some guy and keep my feelings bubbled up and stare at him from afar and never say anything." I scoffed softly and Tara said "so, Quinn are you dressing up for the Halloween Party?" "I'm not going. I'm gonna stay in. I don't feel like going to another party." The hostility I was feeling from Quinn was immense. I wasn't sure why either. Did she not like me? Did she like Ethan and it was completely obvious that I liked him? I wasn't sure. "I'm gonna go grab us some snacks. Anyone want anything?" I offered to the group. Tara and Chad shouted their favorite snacks at me. Kai and Anika suggesting some things as well. I got everyone's snack order and went to head to the vending machines. "Hey, Spacey wait up." I looked over my shoulder and Ethan was with me now. "Hey." I said. He smiled at me and said "everyone loves to tease us, huh?" I nodded and said "they must think we'd be such a cute couple." Ethan shook his head while smiling. "I mean, would we? Do you think we would?" My heart was beating out of my chest as he asked me that. My hands shook slightly and I reached for my cash in my purse. "Uhm, I don't know. Maybe?" My voice was quiet. "Really?" Ethan said. I looked up at him. He was awaiting for me to finish answering his question, a look of shock on his face. "We wouldn't be that ugly, would we?" Ethan shrugged and said "I don't think so. I do think we're kind of opposites. I'm dorky and shy while you're pretty and outgoing." "You think I'm pretty?" I blurted. Ethan raised his eyebrows at me and said "yeah...that's not weird, right?" I shook my head and turned to the vending machine, getting some of the snacks. I had brought a bag to throw them all into. I smoothed out my skirt and dusted the non existent dirt off my thighs. "Did I make it weird? I'm sorry if I made it weird." "No, Ethan. You didn't. Not at all. That's normal for you to think your friend is pretty." "What about me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you think I'm handsome or cute or am I actually repulsive?" I half smiled and said "you're not repulsive. Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend." Ethan smiled and said "cool. I've also been wanting to tell you something. There's this girl, I really like her. But, I've been too fucking scared to ask her out. I'm actually terrified. Do you think you could give me some pointers?" I turned away from him as I felt a pang in my heart, small tears brimming my eyes. "Sure. I could help you." I said, doing my best to not let my voice break. I got the remaining snacks and Ethan said "maybe then everyone will stop teasing us." I nodded and said "yeah. Sure." The both of us went walking back to the group. I handed the bag of snacks to Anika who distributed them. Ethan sat back down. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said. Ethan looked up at me and his eyes scanned my face. "You ok?" I nodded and said "I'm fine." He shook his head and said "I know when you're not ok." He said that part quietly. I dismissed him and said "I'm fine. Just need to use the restroom." I quickly left the group and could feel someone following me. I continued to walk, going to one of the bathrooms that was further away. The sound of footsteps got closer to me. "Fuck off! Ethan, fuck off!" I yelled as I turned around. Kai stood there and my breath quivered as a small sob left my lips. "What the fuck did he do?" Kai asked. I shook my head and said "he didn't do anything. He just likes someone else. Someone that isn't me. Someone that could never be me." Kai frowned and Iz said "Lacey, what happened?" Kai looked at Iz and said "you followed me?" "Girls stick together. I could tell she was upset and I know you were going after her but I wanted to be sure you were both ok." I ran a hand through my curly hair and said "I was stupid for thinking Ethan could ever like me. He even told me I was pretty today just to say he liked someone. It doesn't make sense. No wonder why he hates the teasing! He doesn't even like me!" Kai gave me a hug and said "hey, it's ok. Listen, you'll get over him. And he probably doesn't even know he hurt you. God, I was so sure he liked you. The way he looks at you, it's like he's in love. But, we could blow them off and go hang out." "The three of us." Iz said. I nodded with a shrug and said "ok." The three of us went back to Kai and I's shared dorm. I informed Anika by text that I wasn't feeling good and that's why I left. Iz and Kai decided we could all use a drink to relax and not be stressed out. I went to change into a sweatshirt since our dorm was always so cold. I went back into the living room and started drinking the drink Iz had made me. I watched Kai and Iz flirt with each other. They were cute. Iz leaned in really close towards Kai. The three of us had, had at least two drinks. Iz giggled as her lips brushed against Kai's. She then pulled away and Kai said "what're you doing, Iz?" "Nothing. Just spicing things up." I knew of my best friend's infamous crush on Iz. The two of them had messed around for a while before she started with Anika. Now Anika and Mindy were getting super close and to be honest I think they were together. The three of us had gotten pretty drunk and when Anika got home she was so annoyed we'd started drinking without her.


Ethan's POV:
"You know you can't." Quinn said. I looked at her and said "I don't care." "We're going to kill these fuckers. Lacey's just going to hurt you." "Quinn, you're freaking out over nothing. Lacey's not one of them. She's an outsider. Why does she have to die?" "Because dad said so." I scowled at Quinn and then said "you were such a bitch earlier." "I don't trust her, Ethan. And you're my brother. I'm just overly protective over you." "Protecting me from what?! You said it yourself, they're all dead! How would Lacey hurt me if she's gonna die, huh?" Quinn sighed and said "Ethan, I know what dad will make you do. I know he'll do it. If he finds out, he'll make you kill her yourself. If not, he'll send me to do it. And you know I will not hesitate to stab her right in the gut. Or slit her throat and watch her bleed out." "Shut the fuck up." I spat as I shoved Quinn to the wall. She chuckled and said "gonna kill me, baby bro?" I breathed heavily as I could feel the anger radiating off of me. "That's the Ethan I was looking for. This is how you need to be when it's time. No mercy, Ethan. You can take all of them out, easily. I want to see the look of betrayal in Lacey's eyes when you stab her." "Don't fucking talk like that! Don't fucking say that!" I let go of Quinn, shoving her again before I did so. The both of us were strong considering our dad had this whole plan laid out. It'd be a while before they took me down but Quinn was just so full of anger and would run on adrenaline before they took her down. "You fucking love her, don't you?" Quinn said. I paced back and forth in front of her and said "listen to me, I thought you'd be my sister about this. My sister! Not dad's little puppet! I thought you'd be supportive and say 'hey, Ethan, go get the girl. I'm sure you have a chance.' But no. You're just like dad. Fucking full of hate for everyone." "You're telling me you don't hate Sam and Tara Carpenter?" Quinn asked with anger etched into her face. The two of us stood in the theater, Ghostface and Stab memorabilia surrounding us. "I hate their guts. They took my big brother away from me. But, I was nothing compared to Richie. Nothing. I don't have the connection he had with dad and I never will. I'll always be second. No, I'm third because he even loves you more than me. You're daddy's little girl." I retorted. Quinn shook her head and said "shut the fuck up. He doesn't love me like that." "Yes. He. Does." I got back in her face. Quinn's lip quivered and she said "you're gonna get yourself in so much trouble when Lacey. You're going to fall for her. And won't be able to finish the job." "She's not apart of it. It doesn't matter. And I'm begging you, as your brother, please don't hurt her. Please." I dropped to my knees and Quinn scoffed. "You're not even together. She has no idea you even like her. She looked like she was about to burst into tears today. What'd you say to her?" I shook my head and said "nothing. That's none of your business. But, please. Please, Quinn. I can kill her when the time comes. I promise." I smirked at her, wanting her to believe I could actually kill Lacey when deep down there's no way I ever could. I had grown to be obsessed with her. I didn't want to be without her. I just had to make her mine. Quinn nodded and I stood back up on my feet. "Do what needs to be done when it's time." She said. I nodded and said "I will. She won't fucking know what hit her."

Here's the update! Another long one that I didn't expect but here it is. One more chapter before Scream 6 events start!! I hope everyone is enjoying this so far!!

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