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Chapter eight
Halloween Costumes
Lacey's POV:
I didn't mean to avoid Ethan. I didn't want to but the pain was too much. I wasn't going to avoid him forever. It'd only been a couple of days. I was just hoping he wasn't mad at me because I was avoiding him. I sighed as I brushed my hair over my shoulder, going to unlock my dorm door. My phone started ringing. I had my earbuds in my ears so I quickly answered the call by pressing the button, not looking to see who it was. "Hello?" I said. "Lacey?" Ethan's voice said. I gulped as I closed the door behind me. The familiar ring tone should've alerted me but my brain was so scattered I didn't even hear it. "Hey." I said softly. "Lace, what'd I do? You've been avoiding me. I-I don't know what I did. Tell me what I did so I can fix it. P-Please. I miss you." I rushed to my bedroom, closing my door and locking it. I took a shaky breath and came up with the best lie I could. "Hey, Eth. I've been busy with schoolwork. I'm not avoiding you. I could never avoid you. I've just been drained mentally and haven't had time to just relax. I'm sorry for not being able to see you." "Lacey, the other day, what happened? What did I do?" "You didn't do anything, Ethan. I promise. It's been me. Just me being super stressed out and carrying a lot of weight." It had only been like three days but since Ethan and I had become friends, the two of us never spent a day apart. We even had a class together and I'd been purposely skipping it and I knew I'd have to go back at some point. "I wish you would've told me. I was so fucking scared I had done something." I sighed and said "no, of course not. You didn't do anything at all, Ethan." "Where are you now? Can I see you? Unless you don't want to see me." My heart longed for him and I nodded. "Lace?" "Sorry. I was nodding even though you couldn't see me oh my god." I rambled. Ethan laughed softly and said "are you at your dorm?" "Yeah." "I'm on my way." I heard rummaging in the background and said "what is all that?" "Well, it is Tuesday. Did you wanna help me with my costume?" "Eth, I totally forgot. Yes. Did you get stuff to make it?" "I literally got cardboard and that's it." He said as a door slammed behind him. "I can work with that. Stay on the phone with me until you get here?" I asked. "Sure, Spacey." I quickly threw my school stuff into my closet and went to change into something more comfortable, taking my jeans off. I changed into some shorts with a sweatshirt. "You know you can talk to me, right?" Ethan said. "Mmm-hmm." I replied. "Seriously. I'll listen to whatever you have to say. I won't say anything I'll just let you rant." "Well, you can talk to me too, Eth. Whatever's bothering you. You can just talk to me. I know when you're not ok too." I said. It was silent for a few seconds before Ethan said "I know. I have something to tell you actually. I kind of want to get it off my chest." "Ok." "My dad. He's really been bothering me. He's been so on top of me lately. Just criticizing everything I do. He always compares me to my brother and I'll never be able to live up to that. I'm sorry if this is a lot but Lace, you're the only thing that doesn't stress me out. You make me forget about my shitty dad. He just doesn't see me. I'm practically invisible and then when he does, he just tells me I'm not doing anything right. I'm just a failure and that's all I'll be." I could hear Ethan's feet stomping against the stairs which signaled he was going to be here soon. I took a breath and before I could answer him he knocked on the door. I quickly hung up my phone and went to the door, opening it. I opened the door and Ethan's lip's parted. "Hi." I said softly. "H-Hi." Ethan stuttered. I motioned for him to come inside and I led him to my room, closing the door. Ethan held up the cardboard and said "what do you want me to do with this?" "Just put it anywhere." I told him. Ethan set it down, slinging his backpack down. "Lace, you can't just-woah!" I immediately threw my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "Lace, what's..." "I really missed you, Ethan." I whispered. Ethan gave me a hug and said "I missed you too, Lacey. Don't do that again, ok? Just talk to me. I'm here." I nuzzled my face into his chest and said "I'm sorry. I should've came to you. I needed you, Eth. I let my own stress and feelings get in the way." Ethan rubbed my back and said "it's ok. You don't need to apologize. I'm here, Lace. I'm here." Ethan buried his face into the crook of my neck. I held my breath as I felt his breath on my neck. My hand slowly went up to the back of his neck, keeping him there. "I'm here." He said into my neck. I hummed in response, squeezing him. I felt my heart start to race and I slowly pulled away from him, his arms going to the small of my back. I looked up at him and Ethan's eyes went to my lips. I slowly leaned in and Ethan did the same. "Lacey, are you here?" Kai's voice said as she opened the door. I jumped and pulled away from Ethan. "Yeah. Uhm, Ethan and I were working on his costume." I said as Kai stood in the doorway. Ethan scratched the back of his head and said "I gotta pee. I'll be back." He left the room and I shook my head at Kai. "Really?!" I whisper yelled. Kai smirked and said "whoops. Didn't mean to cock block you." "Kai! He almost kissed me!" I continued to whisper. Kai pointed at me and said "but it should be you that's kissing him. He'll never make the first move and you know that." I scoffed and I went to grab all the cardboard from the floor. Ethan came back into the room and said "hey, Kai." "Hey, Landry. I'm gonna leave you guys to do whatever you guys are doing." Kai said. Ethan nodded and Kai gave me a devilish smirk before saying "it's about time you came back over, Landry. She missed you." Ethan's cheeks tinted pink and he said "oh?" "Mmm-hmm. Have fun guys." She closed the door and I cleared my throat nervously. "Wanna get started?" I said. Ethan nodded again and I took a breath, pushing my curly hair over my shoulder. Ethan sat down on my bed and I felt his eyes on me as I got the cardboard and put it on the bed, along with scissors. I'd knew Anika would have some arts and crafts stuff, more specifically tracers. She draws all the time. "I'm gonna go grab some of Anika's craft stuff." I left him in my bedroom, going into Anika's yellow tinted bedroom. I grabbed her large box of craft stuff and Ethan's eyes widened at the box. He stood up to take it from me. I watched his muscles flex as he grabbed the box from me, setting it on the floor. He exhaled and I closed the bedroom door behind me. "Uhm, I know I just closed the door but did you want a snack or anything?" I said. Ethan shook his head and said "no. I'm ok. You do know how to make a knight costume, right?" I nodded and said "Ethan, art is one of my majors. Same with Anika." I started to distribute some of the things we'd need and I felt Ethan's eyes on me like before. I looked up at him and he quickly looked away. The two of us then started on the costume. I worked on the helmet, tracing it and making sure I'd be able to cut it out. I slowly started to cut it out with the scissors. Ethan carefully traced the chest plate and said "you think it'll fit?" "Why wouldn't it?" I asked. Ethan shrugged and said "I dunno. I just want to make sure it will." I held up the helmet that wasn't completely ready and I stood on my knees in front of Ethan. "Wanna try it on?" Ethan nodded and I slowly put the helmet on his head. I wobbled a bit as I didn't have anything to keep me stable. Ethan quickly grabbed my hips and said "I'll hold you steady." My lips parted and I nodded, not being able to speak. Ethan's curls made it a bit difficult to put this helmet on but it did eventually go on. "Is it too tight?" Ethan shook his head and I giggled. "What?" Fear was etched onto his face. "It's nothing bad. You're curls are all smushed." Ethan laughed and said "they are?" I nodded and adjusted the helmet on his head. "I'll add some stuff to make it cute but so far, is it comfortable? Are you going to be able to wear it for a long period of time?" Ethan nodded and said "it feels fine. I think it'll be ok." "Well, wear it while I help you with the chest plate and we'll adjust it if we need to." Ethan nodded and I went to examine the helmet. "Can you see?" Ethan chuckled and said "I can see fine." "I don't want your vision obscured, Eth. I'm making sure." "It's fine. I told you." I bit my lip and nodded. Ethan's hands on my hips were distracting me from anything else. I could barely form any words. I felt hot from his touch. His long skinny fingers practically took up my whole hip. "What's wrong?" Ethan said. I shook my head so I could actually be able to speak. "Nothing. You just look cute with the helmet on." Shit. My brain just had to open it's big mouth. Ethan's cheeks turned pink. "Cute? Me? No way." Ethan shook his head. I remembered that he did indeed like someone. That would save me from the embarrassment of my brain spluttering our it's feelings. "Well, maybe that girl you like will think you're absolutely adorable." Ethan blushed and said "you think so?" I nodded with a smile even though my heart ached for the brown eyed boy in front of me. Ethan slowly let go of my hips as I went back to sit down. I then started on his chest plate, the both of us working on it. I put some music on in the background so we weren't in silence. "Maybe you should match with the girl you like. You could ask her out to the party. Why are we even making this costume?" Ethan looked at me and said "well, me and you already agreed. You know? And you're my best friend, Lace." I shrugged and said "so? That would be cute for you and her. It won't hurt my feelings." I held back the small tears in my eyes when I said that. I looked away and Ethan said "Lacey, I wanna do this with you. And that girl, I don't need to rush into anything with her." "Just promise me you won't leave me, Eth. When you start to date her. Don't leave me, ok? I'm your best friend." I stood up to move some of the craft stuff, my back to Ethan. I wouldn't keep him from being happy. If he ended up leaving me, I'd accept it. I was used to my friends leaving me anyway. Kai was the only one who hadn't. I was just waiting for all my newfound friends at college to realize I wasn't worth being friends with. "Hey." Ethan's soft voice said. I turned around to face him and he now stood behind me. I looked up at him and he said "I'd never leave you. Ever. Lacey, you're the only thing that's getting me through school. My dad is constantly on my case and I feel practically inadequate to Chad. I'm the weirdest one in the friend group, if I'm even in it. I'd be so lost without you. Nobody would take me away from you. Ever." I wanted nothing more than to kiss him with such passion, wanting to be close to him. I quickly hugged him to hide the tears about to fall. "You mean so much to me, Ethan. Please don't leave." "Lace, where's this coming from?" I shook my head and said "it's nothing. It's nothing." Ethan leaned his head on mine and I quickly pulled away, feeling myself start to cry. "I'll be right back." I left and went to the bathroom, trying to compose myself. I felt like an idiot. Crying over a boy I didn't have, who I wouldn't have. I took a breath and then went back into my room. "Wanna take a break?" Ethan said. I nodded and Ethan pulled the helmet off his head, his curls springing up. "You seem tired. Let's take a nap." I furrowed my eyebrows at Ethan and he patted my bed. "Come on. Me and you. I'll keep you safe from all your stress. And I'll be here to reassure you, I won't leave you." I half smiled and the two of us laid down on my bed. I leaned my head on Ethan's chest as he slowly kicked off his shoes, going to get under the blanket. "I won't leave you." I nodded and closed my eyes, the stress of school and Ethan's newfound love disappearing. His hands went to my hips, pulling me against him. His touch was like fire but at the same time, I wanted to him to hold me. I wanted to be burned by him. My back was to his chest and I felt him nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply and said "I really missed you." "Me too." I said softly. "Nobody would ever take me away from you, Lace. I won't leave you behind." I nodded, not answering him. The mixture of Ethan's body warmth and the comfort of my bed was enough to make me drift off into sleep.


"Oh my god." Mindy's voice tore me out of my slumber. "Leave them alone. They're sleeping." Anika said in a hushed voice. Kai's chuckle was what made me look over at the three of them. "Get out!" I whisper yelled. I went to sit up and felt Ethan's arms tighten around my waist. His hand was on my thigh, holding me in place. "Well, we were coming to ask if you guys wanted any pizza. We got some." Mindy said with a shrug. I nodded and said "I'll be out there in a few minutes." The three girls left and I huffed softly. I looked down at Ethan's hand on my thigh. I went to move and he held me in place, not letting me go. "Eth." I said. Nothing. I shook him softly and he groaned. "Eth." I said again. He didn't budge. I slowly went to remove his arms from my waist, trying my best not to wake up. "What're you doing?" He mumbled sleepily. "There's pizza. I'm hungry. Did you want any or are you going to stay here?" I asked. Ethan sighed deeply and said "yeah, let's go." Ethan noticed his hand on my thigh and quickly removed it. "Sorry." He said. I shook my head and said "it's fine. You're kinda clingy when you sleep." Ethan's cheeks turned red and he said "god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." "It's ok. You just don't let me go when it's time to get up. I think you're a heavy sleeper." "I am. I'm really sorry if I made it weird, Lace." "You didn't, Ethan. I promise." The two of us went into the living room to eat pizza. We all joked and talked amongst us friends. Ethan being the only male in the room since it was a dorm full of girls. After eating three pieces of pizza I leaned my head on Ethan's shoulder. I watched Anika look at Kai and I rolled my eyes at the both of them. "Shouldn't you be going, Ethan?" Kai said. I looked up at Ethan who said "yeah. I guess so. Lacey and I can work on the costume later." The two of us walked into my bedroom and Ethan started gathering his things. I bit my lip and wanted to tell him to stay. I wanted him to hold me for the rest of the night. But, I didn't. Ethan Landry wasn't mine to have. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. Ethan nodded and said "yeah. I hope you actually come to math class." I rolled my eyes playfully and said "of course. I missed you too much." Ethan pulled me into a hug and said "me too. I'll see you, Spacey." Ethan pulled away from me and I walked him to the front door. "Be careful, Eth." I said. "I will." The tall boy replied as he walked out of the dorm room. "Be careful, Eth." Mindy mocked. I scoffed and said "shut up, Mindy."


"This is the perfect shirt! Oh my god!" Anika helped up a shirt with a pumpkin face on it. She giggled and Mindy shook her head. "I can't believe you're all dressing up." Anika gasped playfully and said "I can't believe you're not dressing up!" We were currently in a cute Halloween store. I looked around for anything fairy like. I then remembered I had the perfect dress at home. I just needed some fairy wings. I could do my makeup and basically everything I just needed the fairy wings. I looked at the large row they had. They came in all different, colors, shapes and sizes. I grabbed a pair that has a white/gold hue to them. They sparkled in the sun and I squealed as I showed the group of girls. "That's so cute!" Jenny said. Iz smiled really big and Anika said "oh my god." Kai smirked and said "that's literally perfect for you. I also found the cutest cat ears!" She held up the cat ears and our group of girls were so excited in the Halloween store. We didn't spend long in there since everything was an easy find. We headed back to our dorms. I modeled the white dress I had for my costume for Kai. "I really like this costume." I said sheepishly. Kai looked me up and down and said "I think Ethan will love it." I frowned and said "yeah. Maybe." Kai leaned her head on my shoulder as the both of us looked in the mirror. "Lace, that boy likes you. He has to. He looks at you as if you were an angel. He's definitely in love with you." I sighed softly and said "I wish. I really wish that was true." "Listen, don't focus on what he said. Just impress him at the Halloween party. I'll make you look so pretty, Ethan Landry will die when he sees you." I smiled and said "and I'll do the same for you. For Iz." The both of us giggled. The Halloween party would be something that was eventful. And things would happen that we wouldn't expect. Especially with two students getting killed.

Here's the update! I've been working on this forever and it's so long for no reason!!

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