Fight Club

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Laura told me to meet her at a gym before we went to GCW. I showed up looking super out of place due to my MDK hoodie over my RVD 4:20 shirt with all the meatheads. The baggy hoodie did a real good job of hiding my build. I found Laura beating the absolute shit out of a punching bag. She was hitting a crazy combo with each hit looking like it would hurt more than the last, ending with a kick that knocked the punching bag off of the chain holding it to the ceiling. A whistled to show how impressed I was.

"Hey! You can't keep breaking the equipment!" One of the employees yelled at her.

"I don't mean to. Maybe you shouldn't get such cheap crap." Laura retorted.

"Cheap!? Maybe if you weren't some sort of mutant freakazoid-"

"And what if I was a mutant? Got a problem with them?" Laura got in his face and he backed up. I think he meant mutant as an insult which probably angered Laura more than if he just called her out for being an actual mutant.

"Put him in a katahajime!" I shouted, practicing for the show when I inevitably shouted that at someone. Laura looked over to see who the obnoxious asshole was and realized it was me. She smiled and walked over to say hi.

"Hey, do you have a membership!?" The guy asked me.

"Nope. And don't start pedaling your shit to me because I don't do cults." I told him.

"If you don't have a membership you can't be here."

"Who are you? The President? Because I wouldn't let him tell me where to be either. I refuse to listen to any politician that doesn't have an answer to the very real problem sweeping this nation known as The Wolfman."

"If you give him enough alcohol he'll leave you alone. You'll still have to deal with him calling himself the best there is at what he does, though." Laura said.

"If you don't leave I'll call the cops!"

"Oh no. I'm so scared. That's sarcasm." I said.

"I had bacon this morning. I'm well accustomed to dealing with pigs." Laura said as she put an arm on my shoulder and leaned on me. I looked at her gym attire of a black sports bra with sweatbands on her wrists and black yoga pants. Hot.

"I mean it! I'll-"

"I'll tell you what. We'll leave immediately if you can beat me in a fight or a workout competition of your choice." I told him.

"Good idea. I have to still take a shower and get changed." Laura said.

"You think this is gonna last long enough for you to take a shower?" I asked.

"I don't fight kids." The employee said.

"Yeah, they're too challenging for you. You're lucky if a toddler doesn't outsmart you and put you in a submission first round of a fight." Laura remarked.

"That's it! I'm gonna-" I punched a hole into the wall. "...Leave you two alone." The guy finished his sentence before walking away. I looked over at Laura.

"So, nice moves." I told her.

"Thanks. Nice hoodie."

"Thanks. So you ready?"

"Still in my workout stuff, dude."

"Oh yeah, right. So I'll meet you outside?"

"Sounds like a plan."

. . .

Laura came walking out with a white t shirt with a giant black X on it and in the middle of the X was a blue skull. Over it she had on her leather jacket and on the lower half of her body she had black jeans on. As the sun beams hit her eyes she put on aviators to cover her eyes.

"So how far from the joint are we?" She asked.

"It's only like a 15 minute walk actually. Not the worst."

"I can't thank you enough for this, (Y,N). This is really cool of you."

"Don't mention it. I've been looking for an excuse to go to a show like this. I just needed a plus one and never really had one."

"I take it that Gwen chick wasn't that fond of Ultraviolence?"

"How do you know about Gwen?"

"Dude, I unstuck you from the door she webbed you to last week. I then had to listen to Rogue bitch about her saying we were manipulating you."

"Oh yeah. Well to answer your question no she wasn't a big fan."

"Well good thing you finally ran into me, huh?"

"It's a good thing I ran into all of you guys, really. I feel like I'd be doing a lot worse if it wasn't for you guys. Even Kitty, but don't let her know I said that."

"Yeah, they're all pretty cool. I don't know where I'd be without them. Hey, how's your ribs doing?"

"Better, I think. I've kinda taken it easy this week. Nothing crazy besides a water guy."

"A water guy?"

"Hydroman to be exact."

"Sometimes I forget you're almost as weird as I am."

"You don't seem all that weird."

"That's because you don't know me."

We talked more on the way there about various things, like our favorite deathmatches and wrestling in general. Outside of deathmatch stuff she got real into Japanese wrestling and strong style, but her favorite wrestler of all time is Onita. I never really strayed too far from hardcore wrestling with the only stuff I've really watched being ECW, CZW, and some of Cactus Jack and Terry Funk's stuff in Japan and FMW. Laura has a fuck ton of respect for people that go through deathmatches especially considering they don't have healing factors.

We then talked about our time as our "alter egos", some of the worst injuries we've gotten. I knew she had a "healing factor" but I didn't really know how it worked or that she could grow back an arm... which she did. As we talked I noticed something seemed to be bothering her. I guess "bothered" isn't the right term but she noticed something and I could tell she wasn't used to it.

"Hey, do you mind if I ask something?" I asked. She hummed cuing me to go ahead with my question. "Is something bothering you? You seem like you have something on your mind. If you don't wanna talk about it that's cool but I just wanted to know if I could help." I said bluntly.

"I... I don't know if I should say because I feel like it'll change if I say something."

"If you don't wanna talk about it that's fine, I just don't want something bothering you."

"It's not bothering me. It's really the opposite. You just... you just seem so comfortable around me and it's a nice change from what I'm used to. To have someone not treat me as a deadly weapon that could kill them at any second." That's not the first time Laura has seemed sensitive on the topic of weapons.

"Well do you hate me?"

"You're taking me to see Nick Fucking Gage vs Jon Moxley, I don't know how I can hate you."

"Well then I don't see why I have to worry about you trying to kill me." I shrugged. She smiled at the comment. "Besides I have this power that tells me when someone is gonna hit me so I'd just simply dodge."

"If you have that power why did I have to give you first aid?"

"Because I suck at using it."

"Well I guess it sucks to suck."

"Hey, that's my line!"

We got to the show and we were having a great time. Laura really wanted a Jimmy Lloyd "I'm So Sick" shirt.

She didn't say it but I could tell she wanted it so I bought it for her. She gave me another rib shattering hug before taking off her jacket and other shirt, revealing her white and black striped bra as she put the shirt on. I also got myself a Jon Moxley shirt. We went to our seats as the show began. And was basically just us waiting for the actual deathmatch of Gage vs Moxley but it was still a great show. During the Lio Rush vs Alex Zayne vs Kamikaze Ninja Mack match, Lio threw Ninja Mack into the chair right next to us before shushing the crowd and letting them know he was going for an around-the-world Yakuza Kick, which meant he ran around the ring and kicked Ninja Mack's fucking head in.

Everything was going great until during one of the dives I noticed something. There were two girls arguing with each other in the crowd. One of them some white trash girl but the other one I recognized past her red wig and red shades. I told Laura I would be right back before walking around the crowd and over to the fight.

"Even if I was eye fucking your disgusting boyfriend, you couldn't tell because I have fucking shades on!" Wanda told the other girl as I got there.

"You were totally looking at him and I'm just letting you know that if you keep it up I'll break your fuckin' face, sweetie." The girl said.

"Who are you calling sweetie!? I swear I should-" She stopped when she saw me standing next to them. "Shit."

"Is this your boyfriend you've been cheating on?"

"No!" We said at the same time.

"I'm not her boyfriend."

"And even if he was you're insane if you think I'd ditch him for someone like your boyfriend."

"How about we cool off for a second, okay? C'mon." I tugged Wanda away and actually deescalated the situation. I walked her back to the merch area before talking to her. "Alright, Wanda what the hell are you doing here?"

"Watching wrestling. There's a lot less light tubes than I expected though. You oversold the violence."

"You should go. Do you know how bad it would be if Laura saw you here?"

"Laura won't know it's me. I have a cover and I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just seeing a show. What are you so worried about anyways? Is knowing I'm here going to distract you from your date because of how cute I look with red hair?" She asked fluffing her hair out.

"Yes!" I said which caught Wanda off guard.

"What?" She asked half giggling. Then she seemed a little nervous. "Wait, is this a date between you two?"

"No it's not a date and I don't mean the you looking cute with red hair thing, but I'm just ///////worried about-"

"Dude what're you up to? You missed the finish of the match!" Laura said behind me. Fuck. I noticed Wanda put a hand behind her back and snap her fingers before I turned around to look at her and she noticed Wanda behind me. "Who's this?"

"This is-"

"Scarlett. Scarlett Olsen." Wanda said with a surprisingly convincing British accent. "You must be Laura!"

"Uh, yeah. I am." Laura said confused. "Do you two know each other?"

"I met (Y,N) at a party a few months ago, actually. But he got into a fight with the band playing that night and I haven't seen him since. That was until about five minutes ago. I'm glad to see he made it out of that van alive. You never know with New York." "Scarlett" explained. She was using the night I got my powers as a makeshift origin story. Honestly I'm impressed she paid that much attention to it. Laura sniffed the air for a second before continuing and I noticed Wanda cringed when she noticed she was sniffing but sighed in relief when Laura stopped and still seemed cool with her. "So, Moxley or Gage, who do you have?"

"Gage. MDK all fucking day." Laura said.

"Oh come on, Moxley isn't losing." I said getting back into the conversation.

"What? There's no way I've been on a date with a Moxley fan this entire time." Laura said folding her arms.

"Date? You two are dating?" Wanda asked. Laura realized what she said and just chuckled.

"It's a figure of speech. I'm not one for tying down and I know someone else who likes him. Besides he's too much of a wimp for me." She said.

"Hey! Trying not to take too much offense or question you on who you know that has a crush on me and bring this back to wrestling, you saw me buy a Jon Moxley shirt."

"I thought it was just for your collection and because you were covering it with a MDK hoodie!" Laura said. "What about you?"

"Well I've been a Mox fan ever since I got into wrestling-"

"Yeah all week." I muttered.

"What was that?" Wanda asked.

"I said you've been watching since CZW was at its peak, right?"

"Exactly." Wanda said before I heard someone shout "God Dammit!" We looked over and we saw Brett fucking Lauderdale (the GCW Founder) walking out with The Announcer.

"I gotta tell ya Brett. I'm really sorry about this, pal. I have no idea how this coulda happened."

"What do you mean!? You're the one that fucked his girlfriend and now he's no showing because of you!"

"Now hold on there, Brett you have a hand in this, too. He said he'd show up if you had an 8-Ball waiting for him backstage. He isn't being completely unreasonable."

"And a gun to shoot you with. Do you want me to give him what he wants?"

"Eh... on second thought not really."

"Where the fuck am I supposed to find someone to wrestle with Bonesaw McGraw in the five minute white boy challenge?"

"...Hey, Brett! I could wrestle!" I said. Laura looked at me surprised and Wanda looked like she was going to have a panic attack.

"No the bloody hell you can't!" Wanda said. She was really going for this British thing.

"Good one, kid. Go back to enjoying the show." Brett waved me off.

"No, I mean it. I've been training for the last two years with Steve Corino." I lied.

"Ugh, fuck it. I don't have a lotta options on such short notice. Your match is in 15. Do you have gear."

"...Yes." I lied again.

"Get into it. I'll tell Bonesaw and you'll call the match in ring." Brett said. "We'll bill you from Mexico or some shit to explain why no one's seen you before."

"What's your name, kid? I gotta know for when you go out there." The announcer said as he lowered his glasses to look at m- wait a second.

"...Has anyone ever told you that you look like Bruce Campbell?" I asked him.

"Never heard of him. Now what's your name?"

"Uhhhh The Human Spider."

"The Human Spider? That's it? That's the best you've got?"


"Oh, that sucks. I'll think of something better for you on the fly. Good luck out there. Don't get Mass Transited." He said before he and Brett walked away. After they did Laura and Wanda turned to me.

"Are you suicidal!?" Wanda shouted at me.

"Why do people keep asking me that!?"

"Bonesaw? You're wrestling Bonesaw?" Laura asked. "Have you ever wrestled before?"

"I've wrestled imaginary friends while watching Barely Legal '97."

"Barely What!?" Wanda asked.

"It's a wrestling pay per view! Not that kind of wrestling either, you dirty dog! ECW!" I said. "It'll be fine. I always have a mask in handy for situations like this so I'll just-"

"I'm sorry, Laura, can I talk to (Y,N) alone for a second?" Wanda interrupted me. "Just really quickly?"

"Sure I guess." Laura shrugged. Wanda dragged me outside.

"You're completely and utterly daft!"

"So you're really pushing this British angle right now?"

"Ugh!" Wanda snapped her fingers and her throat glowed red for a second. "You're a retard!" She said in her normal voice. "First you sign up for a deathmatch with Bonesaw, and now you're just going to expose to the world you're the Spider Criminal!? You're a hot topic and you just wanna go out and show off your mask like it won't matter!?"

"Shit, I didn't think about it like that." I admitted. "Why are you so upset that I'm fighting? I have super powers I'm not going to get hurt."

"You're gonna have to take the Bone Cutter at the end of the match! That's how all the five minute white boy challenges end! I know because I watched them all yesterday! He's going to drive your face into shards of broken glass! That could seriously fuck you up and I don't wanna see you get hurt!" She blurted out.

"You don't want me to get hurt?" I repeated.

"I... I just kinda... I don't know." Wanda said. "I said what I said and I'll leave it at that."

"Look, Wanda, I'm going to be fine. My only problem is now I need to figure out what I'm going to be doing for gear." I said. Wanda looked around for a second before waving her arms in the air. There was a red glow before a red mask showed up with a little black spider on the forehead. So did a pair of red tights. "Red, huh?"

"It's my lucky color because I know you're going to want to take a chair shot to the head or something stupid and not just the Bonecutter. And I don't wanna hear anything about unoriginality when you told them you were The Human Spider." Wanda said before snapping her fingers and going back to her Scarlett voice. "Now Laura is probably waiting so let's go."

"Question before we do, what's going on with your voice? I've gathered it's magic related but I didn't know that was a power of yours."

"I can change a lot of stuff. Not everything yet but a lot. I think I told you when I was out with Pietro and you but I can alter and manipulate reality. One of my Hail Marys was that I changed how I smelled. I'm surprised it worked."

"What you put on a new perfume?"

"I don't know how to explain it because I'm not a dog like her but her super smelling can identify me no matter how many accents or eye color changes or hair changes I do. She'd be able to smell that we've been hanging out or that I've been hanging out with the Brotherhood. If she knew who I really was we'd be fucked."

"Okay so why take the gamble in the first place?"

"Is that really important? Hurry up and get dressed you only had 15 minutes!" She was dodging the question but I couldn't argue with her and also I'm sick of missing this wrestling show I spent money on. We walked back in and Wanda found Laura while I got dressed in the men's bathroom. Honestly the red and black worked as a costume in general. It looked real cool with my chest protector Laura gave me. When I was done I walked out to see the two of them talking and it was... weird. They looked like they were having a good time, and I mean Laura doesn't know who Scarlett is but Wanda called Laura a dog two minutes ago.

"So he gets into fights a lot then?" Wanda asked Laura.

"You could say that. Which is why I think he'll do fine."

"So I'm not that much of a wimp now am I?" I asked.

"Speak of the devil." The two of them looked at me and Laura's eyes widened a little.

"Wow. You look cool." She said.

"Thanks. It means a lot from someone as cool as you." I said.

"Me? Cool? Yeah, okay. Sure."

"Are you actually denying you're cool?" I asked genuinely shocked.

"I'm not that cool."

"Well now I'm not wrestling until you say you're that cool."

"Alright, alright, fine I'm cool! Go out there and try not to get yourself killed."

"What, and embarrass myself in front of the coolest girl in the world? Never." I said. "Now... how do I get to gorilla from here?" I asked and Laura facepalmed.

"Well I guess you're making an entrance through the crowd. And you better hurry. Your match is any second now." Laura said. We walked back to the main part of the arena but far away from everyone so they couldn't see me. And from there I saw the ring surrounded with weapons and Bonesaw standing in the ring with totally not Bruce Campbell.

"ARE YOU READY FOR MORE GCW!?" The ring announcer shouted and the crowd cheered. Bonesaw took the mic.


"IT'S TIME FOR THE BONESAW MCGRAW FIVE MINUTE WHITE BOY CHALLENGE! Will the next victim please enter the arena at this time? If he can just stand FIVE minutes in the ring with Bonesaw McGraw the sum of FIVE thousand dollars will be paid to The Terrifying! The Deadly!... THE AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING SPIDER-MAN!"

"Oh what the fuck!" I shouted. "I can't fucking escape that god damn name no matter where I-"

"Go to the ring you dolt!" Wanda yelled at me.

"Oh shit, right." I said before running down the steps and through the crowd like a maniac. There was audible confusion as no one had ever heard of Spider-Man the wrestler, but a few probably knew Spider-Man the criminal. I got a few polite cheers as I ran up the steps and jumped into the ring. I decided crazy spider person from the jungle was how I was playing the character. I ran around until I bumped straight into Bonesaw. He was no Rhino but holy shit was he big. And intimidating. I dusted him off and slowly turned around as I was going to make my exit now realizing what I was getting myself into but Bonesaw wrapped his big meaty claw around my head and turned me around.

"Hey, freakshow! You're going nowhereeeee! I got you for five minutes!" He told me. He then whispered "duck the line". Oh thank fuck wrestling is fake I really don't feel like fighting a 300 pound madman for real. I ducked the clothesline as the bell rang and ran to the ropes before spring boarding and hitting him with a moonsault. He sold it pretty good and got back up to his feet like he was trying to figure out what just happened before running at me again. I ducked again and ran to the turnbuckle and backflipped off of it, also dodging him a third time before drop kicking him into the corner. The crowd was getting into it now. I ran towards him and he rolled out of the way so I grabbed the top rope and hoisted myself up so I was basically doing a headstand on the top turnbuckle. Bonesaw ran towards me and I put a foot out making him stop before he crashed into it. I then went back to my headstand.


"Staying away from you! Hey... that's a cute outfit! Did your husband give it to you?" I asked and //////the crowd started laughing before Bonesaw ran over and gave me a Yakuza kick to the head causing me to fold up and fall back into the ring and into Bonesaw's not so loving arms.

"You down to take a bump to the outside?" He whispered to me.

"Oh fuck yeah, dude."

"I'll hotdog and grandstand for a second afterwards, when you come back in, hit me with a chair. /////////Don't hold back." He told me before hitting me with a back to belly suplex and dumping me neck and shoulder first onto the apron before I fell all the way out of the ring.

"Ow! Fuck I didn't think it was gonna hurt that bad with the spider powers!" I whispered to myself as I "sold" but I really was writhing in pain. I slowly got up while Bonesaw had some fun with the crowd before I grabbed a chair and rolled back into the ring. I waited for him to turn around as the crowd started to get hot when they saw me with the chair. Bonesaw turned around and collided head first as I swung for the fences and half his body was out on the middle rope. The crowd started chanting "6-1-9! 6-1-9! 6-1-9!" So I ran to the ropes and hit him with a 619 and the crowd erupted. As I stood on the apron I looked out and noticed a light tube and grabbed it before ////////// trying for a springboard light tube shot (because how fucking cool would that look?) but I was grabbed in mid air by Bonesaw who had me by the throat with one hand and pulled the light tube out of mine with the other.

"For the Bone Cutter later." I whispered.

"Smart. Ready for another bump?"

"No but I don't think I have a choice." I said before he put both hands around my neck and lift me up for a two handed choke toss out of the ring and through a table. This isn't the worst pain I've ever felt but man was this hardcore shit not easy. I started to get back up and Bonesaw grabbed me by the mask.

"Take the air horn, blow it in my ear, hurricanrana." He told me. I looked down and sure enough I saw an air horn. He "kicked" me in the gut and I collapsed to the floor to grab the air horn before he put me in a power bomb position. He lifted me up and I blew the air horn in his face before hitting him with a hurricanrana into the ring post. I crawled away for a second and saw him walk around dazed before someone ran off the apron and hit him with another hurricanrana, this one sending him into the crowd. I then realized it was Laura who had taken off her shirt so she was just in a bra and her jeans with her panty line sticking out. She ran over to me and lifted me up.

"Dude you're fucking awesome!"

"That's cool and all but what are you doing here now!?"

"I told Brett I'm your valet and he should let me interfere! He said okay!"

"He's not very good at background checks is he?"

"No now what's the next spot of the match?"

"I don't know ///////// ask him." I said before I pushed Laura out the way and got pounced by Bonesaw into the ring post. Laura threw a roundhouse kick at him and it was blocked before he put a hand on her chest and one handed spinebustered her into the crowd. I grabbed another chair as he turned around and hit him in the head again. The chair folded itself around his head and I capo kicked him down to the ground. As I picked him up he whispered something to me.

"What's your finish so I can kick out of it?" You mother fucker.

"Moonsault legdrop." I called for. I threw him into the ring and then made my way up to the top where I hit the aforementioned moonsault legdrop. I saw 2 Cold Scorpio hit it once and it was the first wrestling move I tried when I found out I had "spider agility". I hit it and it smashed his face (with the chair still on it) before I made the cover. One. Two. Kick out. I should've gone into business for myself honestly that move is too sweet to just be kicked out of. I ////////started to pick him up before he hit me with a surprise pop up power bomb and pulled me up to knee me in the face.

"Stay down." He told me before he looked to the crowd. "BONE SAW IS REA-DEEEEE!" He said again. The thing is when he said it mid match it meant it was time for the Bone Cutter. I heard his feet leave the ring. I heard him get back in. I heard him stepping on the light tubes. I heard thumbtacks being poured into the ring. This was gonna suck to take. "GET UP!" He shouted at me. Well, it looks like I'm gonna die. I slowly started to get up, partly to sell and partly because I really didn't wanna take the move, and just as I turned around, Laura sprinted into the ring and was thrown up into the air and taken down with an RKO into the thumbtacks and broken glass, aka she took the Bone Cutter. She popped up to her knees on impact and you could see the glass and thumbtacks stuck in her fucking face immediately. Not only that but she had her tongue sticking out and there were thumbtacks stuck in their too. She had a smile on her face as the crowd popped huge and chanted "YOU SICK FUCK!" before she face planted back into the glass and thumbtacks playing dead. I took the opportunity to hit Bonesaw with a Yakuza Kick of my own before lifting him up on my shoulders in a torture rack position.

"GO TO HELL!" I shouted before hitting him with the actual move the Go 2 Hell, aka throwing him off my shoulders and into a knee to the face. He bounced off the ropes and I put him in a Katahajime and he struggled for a second /////////before whispering to me "Time to take it home. Elbow drop finish." and kicking me in the balls. For real. Like an asshole. I let go of him and he hit me with a piledriver before he went up top and hit the diving elbow drop. No one hit it better than him. Well, except for that one old wrestler Macho Man Randy Savage. He got me in the cover and 123 it was over. I started to roll over so that I was next to Laura who wasn't moving.

"YOUR WINNER OF THE MATCH IN 4 MINUTES 52 SECONDS: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOONESAW MCGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!" The announcer shouted. Dammit if I just fucked around for eight seconds I would've won 5,000 dollars. The crowd cheered as I slowly raised my head and then pulled Laura's head up.

"Are you good?" I asked her as I looked at her bloody face covered in thumbtacks and glass shards. She was smiling.

"I'm fucking great." She said before starting to pull thumbtacks out of her tongue. I rolled out of the ring and pulled her out, holding her bridal style as we started to walk to the back, with her still picking the thumbtacks out one by one. The crowd was chanting "PLEASE COME BACK! PLEASE COME BACK! PLEASE COME BACK!" We got to the back and Laura got out of my arms and caught me before I fell over.

"Outside table spots... really take the wind out of you." I told her. I took off my mask and Laura and I shared a grin. We were then approached by Brett, Scarlett and a bunch of doctors.

"Good job out there, kid." Brett said. "Now I can offer you the average deathmatch salary of a whopping 75 dollars. But for you aiding in my time of need I'll give you a bonus: 100 dollars." If I wasn't doing this for fun I'd be pissed.

"How about we get two free t shirts each and we get to meet Gage and Moxley?" I asked. Laura almost exploded just at the mention of it and when Brett said "okay" she lost it.


"Uhhhh yeah. Listen we should get your girl to a doctor. The fact we didn't have to stretcher her out like Bonesaw's other opponents is-"

"NOTHING COMES OUT UNTIL I MEET GAGE AND MOXLEY!" She said. Brett was clearly afraid of her because he didn't argue with her. She then looked at me as she grabbed hold to my hand. "I don't wanna heal up until after we get the picture!"

"Alright, we could do that probably."

"Hey, Ash!" Brett saw the announcer come through the curtain. "Spider-Man!? You had to name him Spider-Man!? This local joint The Daily Bugle is already calling me about a lawsuit for using their characters!" Brett left to go yell at him some more.

"His name is Ash!? And he looks like that!?" I pointed out but no one else seemed to care. I looked at Scarlett. "So what did you think?"

"I think you're an idiot." She said before walking up and basically tangling herself into my free arm. "But that was one of the greatest wrestling matches I've ever seen, never mind how many matches in total that includes." Scarlett seemed a lot more... flirty than Wanda. Like she lost all the care in the world for other things right now. We went back to watching the show, Laura holding my hand the whole time to stop herself from healing and with shards of glass still sticking out her shit. Moxley vs Gage was great and what was even greater was meeting them backstage. Someone brought cupcakes for all the workers and we even got some. Gage got one but it fell and he looked absolutely distraught.

Nick Gage sold the cupcake.

That's a worker's worker.

We all got our pictures, one of me, Gage, Mox, and Laura all bleeding with our middle fingers up, Laura and Gage took one, Moxley and Scarlett took one, me and the boys took one, too my surprise Scarlett wanted to take one of her pretending to kiss me on the cheek while I held a broken light tube in one hand. We finished up and Laura and I cleaned ourselves up before saying bye to Scarlett. I walked Laura back as she ranted and raved about how great the night was. Once we got back to her place I stopped out her door.

"Look seriously, I can't thank you enough for today. It really means everything to me. No one has ever done anything as nice for me as you did today repeatedly besides the X-Men literally saving my life."

"Anything for a friend, right?" I shrugged. "I'll see you around alright, Laura?"

"Yeah, I'll be seeing you." She said before I began to walk away. I was then spun around and grabbed by the shirt collar before being kissed on the lips by Laura. It was brief, but I noticed her lips were surprisingly soft for someone like her. However the taste of it all was still kinda coppery from a mix of the blood that had stained her face for an hour and the thumbtacks she had for lunch not too long ago. I was completely shocked by the move and didn't really engage before she pulled away. Laura fucking Kinney was embarrassed. "That was just to say thank you! Don't tell anyone!" She said and before I could respond she walked inside.


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