Like a Dream

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It was another day in New York City. The sun was setting and surprisingly no crimes were being committed. In a neighborhood with a special view of the horizon, a certain arachnid themed superhero watched the sunset from her hammock. She laid in silence out of her usual costume watching the sunset peacefully. But she wasn't alone. She was currently in the arms of someone else. They hadn't said anything for the last 20 minutes or so with the only thing resembling a sound coming from their mouths being when she sighed blissfully when he played with her hair.

"...Hey, can I say something?" Gwen asked (Y,N).

"If it's gonna ruin the moment,  no." He responded back as she looked up at him.

"No, seriously, I have to get this off my chest." She looked up at me. "I'm really sorry about everything. Like really sorry. I don't know what I've been thinking lately but I was crazy to betray you like that."

"Betray me? Isn't that a little overkill? You're here now, aren't you? So it's not that much of a problem."

"I shouldn't have ever abandoned you in the first place. I was a total doofus." She said. (Y,N) laughed at her word choice. She cracked a smile too even though she tried to stay serious. "Don't laugh at my apology, doofus."

"Ahahahaha I'm sorry, it's just- ahahahahaha doofus!?" He kept laughing as Gwen joined in on his infections laughter.  "Gwen, I forgive you, alright? Let's just enjoy the view." (Y,N) said. Gwen stared at him with a smile on her face. (Y,N) soon noticed this. "What are you staring at?"

"I'm enjoying the view." She said before turning around and meeting him face to face. The electricity in the air was visible but thankfully there was no Electro around. Gwen then leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips.

And then she woke up.

She quickly sat up in bed. She felt her chest to feel how fast her heart was beating as she tried to process what just happened. The butterflies were still in her stomach from when she kissed (Y,N)... or didn't kiss him because that was a dream. She webbed a stuffed animal close to her as she dealt with the emptiness she was feeling. And with that something rattled in her head again that she had been trying to ignore since she heard it. Rogue's words about how (Y,N) was doing better without her and meanwhile she'd been nothing but guilty since the split. Maybe she really was holding (Y,N) back and maybe he was the one keeping her together. But all she knew now was that she felt like garbage. She laid back down and looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"Maybe I am the problem."

. . .

-Sucks to Suck Filmed In Front of a Live Studio Audience-

Setting: The Maximoff Residence, Wanda's Room

Wanda is pacing back and forth with her sister Lorna doing her own makeup with Wanda's supplies and makeup table.

Wanda: Jimmeny Christmas, Lorna, I don't know what to do! The school dance is coming up this weekend and (Y,N) still hasn't asked me  to go yet!

Lorna: Oh relax, Wand, maybe he's workin' up the nerve to ask ya still.

Wanda: He can lift an automobile over his head and he's gotta work up the nerve to ask me to dance?

*Laugh Track*

Lorna: Well you can be a little intimidating...

Wanda: I beg your pardon, I most certainly am not!

Lorna: Remember when turned that kid's mom into a vegetable because he made fun of how daddy didn't go to your dance recital? We couldn't tell if he was crying because of that or because she was the smelliest onion in Sokovia.

*Laugh Track*

Wanda: I turned her back a week later and (Y,N) doesn't have to know about that!

*Laugh Track*

Wanda: You didn't tell him did you?

Lorna: No! I've never even met the flake!

*Laugh Track*

Lorna: Maybe he asked someone else already, like that Kinney girl down the street.

Wanda: *GASP*

The Lights to the House Blow Out

*Laugh Track*

Lorna: Relax! I was just messing! Turn the lights back on!

Wanda's Finger Lights Up the Room. Lorna Turns Around With A Lipstick Line Across Her Cheek

*Laugh Track*

Wanda: You're changing the lights before daddy gets home.

Lorna: You're the one who blew 'em up!

Wanda: Only because I can't blow you up!

*Laugh Track*

Lorna: Look, maybe you should ask him out instead.

Wanda: Ask him out? When have you ever heard of the girl asking out the boy?

Lorna: Well times are changing! It's the 60's, sis. Take it to the man! Literally.

*Laugh Track*

Wanda: I don't know, Lorna. I'll die of embarrassment if I ask him and he rejects me.

Lorna: I'm gonna die of impalement if you don't ask him, freak out again and shoot the glass of your mirror into my retinas!

*Laugh Track*

Lorna: It's either that or you wait, and who knows? Maybe you'll be surprised and he'll get you some nice present to ask you out with.

Wanda: I'm not that hard to impress. I just want him even if I've had problems admitting it. He doesn't need to give me anything.

Location Change to The Offices of The Daily Bugle, Where (Y,N) is pacing around Harry Osbourne typing away at his typewriter.

(Y,N): Alright, read that back to me.

Harry: To ask out Wanda, you wanna get fireworks, a horse drawn carriage, a dozen dozens of roses, and one of those giant teddy bears from Arcade's Carnival.

*Laugh Track*

(Y,N): Okay and how much am I gonna owe you?

Harry: A new shoe to replace the one I lose kicking your can.

*Laugh Track*

Harry: Listen, man, I love you like a brother. But you gotta do this on your own. Why don't you just ask her out?

(Y,N): You don't understand, Ozzy! I'm head over heels for this girl! I'd punch a hole in the moon for her!

Harry: I'll tell Moon Knight you said that.

*Laugh Track*

(Y,N): I just wish I had someone I could run this by that knows Wanda better than she knows herself. Someone to let me know what I need to do in order to knock her off her feet and right into my arms!

In the doorway Pietro walks through and leans against the wall in his signature leather jacket.

*Crowd Applause*

Pietro: ...In my experience, a well placed tire iron to the kneecap does wonders for knocking someone off their feet.

*Laugh Track*

(Y,N): Pietro! Just the old dog I was looking for!

Pietro: Was Marmaduke unavailable?

*Laugh Track*

(Y,N): You gotta help me out. I'm having girl problems-

Pietro: Girl problems!? Why didn't you come to me sooner!? Uncle Petey will take care of ya, what's the name of the dumb dame we gotta trick into your bedroom?

(Y,N): Uh, it's Wanda.

Pietro: Wanda, that's a nice nam- WANDA!?

*Laugh Track*

Pietro: My Wanda!?

Harry: Yeah, your sister. I hope you have some cool tricks to get her into the bedroom.

*Laugh Track*

Pietro walks over to poke Harry in the eyes, Harry puts a hand up between his eyes to block it. He sticks his tongue out at Pietro and Pietro pushes the top of Harry's head down and his chin up so he bites his tongue.

*Laugh Track*

Pietro: Listen, (Y,N). I'm your pal. And as your pal I have to ask ya are you out of your melon right now!?

*Laugh Track*

Pietro: Why in the world would you ask out Wanda? Wanda? Wanda? Wanda! WANDA! WANDA!"

"Stop I haven't seen how this one ends!" Wanda groaned half asleep slapping away her brother's hands.

"Wanda wake up! You're doing that thing where you're making sitcoms in your sleep again! If I get woken up by canned laughter one more time I'm moving in with (Y,N)!"

"(Y,N)..." Wanda dreamily said as she tried to go back to sleep. She then realized what she said and woke up a little more. "Wait, (Y,N)?" She asked herself more than Pietro. Why was she thinking about (Y,N) so much.

"Yeah (Y,N)! He'll take me in as his best friend."

"(Y,N) lives in a one room apartment!" Wanda pretended she was engaged with the conversation.

"I'll sleep on his couch!" Pietro said before walking back to his room. He closed the door before opening it back up. "And stop reality warping in your sleep! Last thing we need is to explain to the neighbors why everything on the block is black and white!" He said before closing the door again.

. . .

Jubilee walked out of her room to grab a cup of water when she noticed the tv in the living room was on. The sound was muted and the subtitles were on as Laura watched the tv, just in her Jimmy Lloyd shirt and black panties with a blanket around her.

"Laura?" Jubilee whispered causing Laura to panic and change the channel before looking at Jubilee.

"What are you doing up?" Laura asked almost confrontationally like they were having an interrogation.

"I just had a weird dream and needed to grab a drink! What are you doing and why are you watching Twilight?"

"I was not!"

"Shhh keep it down before you wake up the others you spaz!" Jubilee whispered.

"I was channel surfing!"

"You seemed pretty into it."

"Well I wasn't! What was your dream about?" Laura asked desperately trying to change the subject. Jubilee froze up at the questioning. Her dream found her on the beach, but not just any beach. The sand was purple, the water was a rainbow, and it was one of those dreams where she knew in the back of her head that it was a dream. She could remember it perfectly when she got up. She was playing volleyball. Hank was on her team and they were taking on Rogue and her boyfriend. Rogue and her boyfriend had been fighting all trip. Jubilee was surprised that Rogue even brought him along since she would usually avoid having him interact with Jubilee specifically. They were friends before he got together with Rogue so Rogue probably realized Jubilee was a better fit for him and got overprotective and jealous.

What finally set it off was that Rogue's boyfriend complimented Jubilee on a serve which seemed to be the last straw. Hank decided it would be best to walk away while this conversation happened.They had a heated argument for a couple minutes before Rogue walked away and it was just Jubilee and (Y,N).

"So uh... that's a bummer." Jubilee said.

"Whatever. It's really nice seeing you again. How've you been?"

"Oh Y'know, same old same old. Saving the world, sucking at Dead by Daylight. The usual." She said making (Y,N) laugh. "So uh, she needs time to cool off. You wanna do something else?"

"Like what?"

"Liiiiiiiiiiike TAG!" She said before slapping him on the chest.

"Jubes, what are you? Eight?"

"You sound like someone who sucks at tag right now." She said before slowly jogging away. This is where her knowing it was a dream came in handy. Her plan was to lead (Y,N) to the ocean where he'd tackle her down before lifting her up in his arms and they kissed with the stars blowing up like fireworks behind them. (Y,N) started chasing her and she slowly picked up the pace before he was sprinting towards her like she wanted. She ran out to the water where like planned she was tackled down. She was lifted up as they both laughed and she playfully hit him in the back "trying" to get him to put her down. (Y,N) held her in a way so his arms were wrapped around underneath her butt. Her bikini bottoms rode up a little bit so their skin were making contact with each other but she wasn't complaining.

"Caught you." He said.

"And what're you gonna do about it?" She asked with a smirk. As she prepared herself for the kiss coming, a car sped by the apartment and woke her up. The cons of living in a room with windows in New York. This left her wanting a drink of something so she went to get a glass of water which lead her to this conversation right now.

"Just this beach with unicorns and shit it was real weird. Did you even go to bed?" Jubilee said. Now Laura was in trouble. The thing is she did go to sleep at one point in the night. She had a dream of her own where she was sitting on a bench in the middle of a desert. The ground was a continuous flat floor made of sand with a giant beaming sun across the horizon. She had been here before in her dreams. When she had to come to grips with something she didn't wanna deal with in real life. She wasn't alone however.

"So what's this place anyways? Your personal Heaven? Honestly I'd put up a poster with titties in here or a pinball machine or something." (Y,N) told her.

"It's just where I come to think when I have problems, I guess." She admitted. Then she realized something. "Wait, why are you here!? How did you get here!?" She asked unleashing her claws.

"I don't know! Why'd you bring me here!? What is your problem anyways that you're here!?" (Y,N) put his hands up defensively. Laura sheathed her claws.

"I can't tell you."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because you are the problem."

"Bringing the problem to your problem solving place? Bold play, let's see how it turns out."

"What was up earlier today? I mean with the kiss?"

"I don't know, you kissed me."

"But why did I do that!?"

"Well I'm not you but if I had to guess you like me."

"That's crazy."

"What is a more sane reasoning for kissing someone besides you like them?"

"I was sucking out the toxins of the light tube gas from your body."

"That's cope."

"Well I don't fucking know, man! It's obvious Rogue and Jubilee have a thing for you especially since they both got kinda hostile to each other after they couldn't even figure out which one of them you liked more! Why the fuck would I throw myself into this race!?"

"Liking someone makes you do irrational shit man."

"Fuck I wish I had a joint. I can't deal with this philosophical shit."

"That wouldn't do anything for you we're in a dream."

"Look, it wouldn't work out between us anyways. It never does for me. I'm dangerous. If I get too close to you you're going to get hurt by me."

"So what? You're just gonna not be happy forever so no one gets hurt by you?"

"That's the plan. Not that you'll ever know it, though. You're a figment of my imagination."

"And why'd you imagine me here in your secret... I'm gonna say happy place but seriously at least bring a bottle of Jack with you next time you come down here."

"I said I don't know, already."

"Well, could it be that maybe you're practicing saying this to me in here so you'll have an idea on what to say to me in real life when you come to terms with the fact you like me? And figure out how I might react to hearing this?"

"Well how are you reacting to this?"

"Well according to what you think about (Y,N) he'll ask you to elaborate."

"No way. I can't go into detail with that whole bag of worms."

"And (Y,N) would take that, say okay, and not push you but say-" (Y,N) put a hand on her shoulder. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be all ears. Well not all ears, I'll have my arms and hands and legs but you get the idea."  He then hugged her. Laura's body started to heat up as her cheeks grew red. She had never felt so heated before, it was almost like-

Oh, look at that. The sun is getting closer and brighter. And it got so bright everything went white and Laura woke up. She still felt hot and uncomfortable in real life. And she didn't like how out of character this felt for her but she still felt how she felt when she first met (Y,N):

More alive than usual.

Laura didn't want to go back to sleep because feeling these girly emotions wasn't her thing. So she stayed up and started channel flipping. That was before she landed on Twilight. She always heard this movie was dogshit from everyone except Kitty. She thought it would be worth a laugh. But something about the socially awkward new girl having a romance with the peculiar hot guy with super strength and other powers interested her. She decided to ignore the bad writing and acting and cinematography and... etcetera. And once more we were back to where we had been..

"I went to bed. Couldn't sleep. Which is why I'm here now." Laura said.

"Well quick pro gamer tip: don't watch too much tv in the dark, or else you're gonna have to wear pink shades everywhere you go all
your life."

"Is that seriously why you wear your shades all the time?"

"Pffffft, no! I wear them because I look sick as fuck!" Jubilee laughed before she and her cup of water went back to her room. Laura groaned and waited a few minutes before switching the channel back to Twilight.

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