Once Upon a Time... In New York

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"Okay, but like, what would they do if Big Bird actually went on the Challenger?" I asked Jubilee as we walked to the movie theatre. "They'd have to kill him off, right?"

"Well no, they'd just have say he flew out last second."

"Well no because Big Bird canonically can't fly."

"Yeah but he still has wings and everything he could still theoretically glide from a high position."

"In the point five seconds it took for the challenger to start blowing up and for everyone inside to be dead?"

"Yeah." She shrugged.

"You're telling me Big Bird would James Bond style escape a rocket blowing up mid explosion surfing on a door?"

"Maybe he knew the lift off was rushed and the rocket wasn't really prepared for lift off and got cold feet!"

"So what he just didn't trust Ronald Regan and made a run for it!?"

"That's what I would've done!"

"Okay but that makes Big Bird a coward for not trying to rescue the other people on the ship!"

"And that's your history lesson on why the color yellow represents cowardice: because in a hypothetical scenario Big Bird would leave the other astronauts to die in the Challenger explosion if they went through with putting Big Bird in space."

"She said in a blistering yellow top." I said. Jubilee was actually dressed nicely for the date. Yellow blouse with the black strings of her bra showing, some nice Jean shorts that was free from Dorito and Cheeto stains, black thigh highs, pink high heels, earrings with hearts dangling from them, and round pink shades. "You look nice, by the way. You probably know this already but yellow suits you."

"Is that an Asian joke?"

"Yes, I waited this long to make an Asian joke. I feel like I could make a better Asian joke if I actually tried." I told her. Afterwards I stretched my arms a bit. "Man, Laura really kicked my ass last night."

"What'd you do to piss her off? If Rogue didn't step in I'm pretty sure you'd be paste on the ground right now. She's usually really good about accommodating other people's abilities when training."

"She kept telling me I was holding back when I was giving her everything I had. I think she was pushing me to try to activate some sort of fight or flight in me or something. I guess she thinks I'm pulling punches."

"Ah, some form of hidden potential, huh? Where's the Z sword when you need it?"

"I think Laura thinks it's somewhere up my ass and she going to kick it out of there."

"Speaking of you fighting, I think I'm the only one who hasn't seen you fight yet. When do I get tickets to the gun show?"

"We could always go around sketchy alleys pretending to be drunk if you really wanted to. You're also the only one of you guys I haven't seen fight yet too. I wanna see how practical your gimmick is."

"Tempting but no. Maybe a second date kinda thing." She joked. "Hey, so what movie are we seeing again?"

"It's called Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood."

"Was the dramatic pause necessary?"

"It's in the title."

"What's it about?"

"All I know for sure is Brad Pitt and DiCaprio are in it and Margot Robbie plays Sharon Tate and Bruce Lee is in it."

"Okay a couple things here: first off, the fuck you mean Bruce Lee is in it? He's been dead for like fifty years."

"Someone plays Bruce Lee in the movie. I didn't know their name like I know Margot Robbie's."

"Wow that's a second check mark in the 'racist against Asians' box on your date with a hot Chinese girl. Second off, isn't Sharon Tate that girl who got killed by The Manson Family."

"You know who Charlie Manson is?"

"Dude, I was born in Beverly Hills. I grew up in Cali. I know who Charlie Manson is."

"Well to answer your question, Yeah. They have someone playing Charlie Manson in the movie, too."

"So your idea for a first date is to get me all dolled up to go see a movie about a famous cult leader committing the atrocity he's known for and also Bruce Lee is there and so is The Wolf of Wall Street and the cop who fucks the cartoon in Cool World? Bold move, let's see how it plays out.

"That's the movie you know Brad Pitt from?" I laughed. Jubilee laughed too and smiled at me.

"Hey, off the record for a second? No jokes or anything." She asked.

"What's up?"

"Even if the movie sucks or something like that, I'm probably going to have a good time no matter what. I really like spending time with you. Thanks for humoring me on this whole date thing."

"It's not humoring you I really wanted to go on a date with you."

"I know, it's just... kinda hard to believe when I know you're also planning a date with one of my friends. I'm not being salty or anything! If it turns out you and Rogue work better then it is what it is. I just want you to know no matter what, I'll still be your friend. Both of you." She told me. Before I could respond she switched gears again. "Anyways! How much farther is the movie theatre? I did not put on my best walking shoes."

"It's just around the corner here."

"Hey so curious, since we're on a movie date and we're learning a little bit more about each other, what's your favorite movie?"

"Honestly? Probably Taxi Driver."

"Ooooooh, so that's why you're such an incel."

"How am I an incel on a date with a self proclaimed hot Asian girl?"

"I said hot Chinese girl thank you very much." She said nudging closer to me. Despite the high heels, she was still looking up at me with a flirty smile when she chewed her watermelon flavored gum. "All jokes aside it is pretty good,  it why your favorite?"

"Because he's a bad guy that does good things and in the end as fucked up as he is he's the only one willing to do what's right when he kills those pedophiles. He's a man who stood up to the scum, the cunts-"

"The dogs, the filth, the shit." We said at the same time.

"He didn't wanna just sit by and let shit hit the fan and he actually had the balls to do something about it. I wish I could be that person."

"You're acting like you can't. (Y,N) you have unbelievable abilities. Honestly more than one person should have. Seriously, you're overpowered. Anyways, if you really wanna make a difference in the world you can do it. You robbed banks to survive in cutthroat New York. It's not much different than when I would rob stores when I lived at the mall."

"You lived at the mall?"

"Yeah, after my parents got killed. I lived there for a little bit, got picked up and adopted, and a couple years ago my foster dad ratted me out to a certain part of the government that deals with people like us which is why I ended up at Charles's. But I'm getting off track. Just because you've done bad stuff in the passed doesn't mean you can't be good now. And you have a group of people that are literally begging for you to let help. You just have to trust us. Actually, you don't have to because I already know you trust us," we stopped in front of the movie theatre, she grabbed both my hands and I looked into her eyes. "You have to trust yourself. You can be the man who would not take it anymore. The man who stands up against the scum, the... well you know you already said it."

"Yeah, I... thanks Jubes. That actually makes a lot of sense, you're right."

"Of course I'm right, I'm great." She said. "Now cmon, you're buying me popcorn."

. . .

"I still can't believe how fucking awesome that movie was!" Jubilee said as we were walking to her place. Turns out we somehow knew just the correct amount of knowledge about the movie to get peak enjoyment out of it.

"A fucking flamethrower! How did they get a fucking flamethrower into it!?"

"God I need more historically inaccurate masterpieces like that!"

"How were we the only ones cheering the whole time!"

"That's because everybody else sucks!"

"God that was great, (Y,N)... you're great." She turned to me.

"You're great." I repeated.

"So would you call that date a success?"

"I don't think it could've gone any better."

"Well~, I could think of one thing that could possibly make it better." She got closer. "Something that would be really fun for the both of us..."

"What did you have in mind?"

"... Could you do me a favor and swing me home? My feet are killing me." She said kicking her shoes off her feet. "I'm not used to heels."

"You suck." I said taking her hand.

"What? Were you expecting us to do something else, hmmm?" She asked playfully. I grabbed her hand and dragged her into an alley way. "Oooooh taking me into an alleyway where nobody can see what we're doing? I wonder what-" She stopped talking when she heard a splash and we looked down to see her foot in a dirty puddle. She jumped out and she screamed. "OH MY GOD THAT'S GROSS!"

"Well next time wait until we're in the air before you take your shoes off you weirdo!"


"Waaaaa, waaaa- that's all I'm hearing from you." I said before pulling her close. "Hold on." I told her.

"Don't tell me what to- AHHHHHHHH!" She screamed as I shot a web up and started swinging off. "I FORGOT MY HEELS!"

"Were you gonna wear them any day after this?" I asked.


"Did you just break the fourth wall?"

"Did you just by asking me that!?" She asked starting to calm down a little bit. "Dude! This is  freaking awesome!"

"Yeah, I think it's pretty neat!"

"If you drop me my ghost is gonna kick your ass!"

"Wouldn't count on it!"

"Well I haven't done the thing that you may drop me for yet!" She said before she started moving around in my arm.

"What the hell are you doing, Jubilee!?" I asked her.

"Something fun!" She said, I was now holding her with one arm with her back towards me and her arms spread out. "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!" She shouted before shooting fireworks out of her hands. As much as I wanted to be mad she almost made me drop her I couldn't argue that this wasn't cool as hell. She was laughing and giggling like she was a kid going as high as they could on a swing.

"I really could've dropped you, you know!" I told her. She moved her head to look back at me.

"Even if you did, I'd always be confident that you could catch me." She said. She then arched her head back to kiss me on the cheek. We swung around a little longer before we landed on the roof of her apartment.

"Hey so like, do you know how to get down from here?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna text Allie to let me in." She shrugged.

"Eh, good enough for me." I said. "I had a good time tonight, Jubes."

"Of course you did, you were with me." She said. "I had a good time, too."

"Of course you did, you were with me."

"Touché." She said before pulling me by my shirt. "Just don't forget about me, okay?" She then gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Kinda hard to do."

"Then if it's so hard, don't try it forehead." She said.

"Noted." I said before backing off the building and swinging away.


If you read this story but don't follow me or just don't read status updates on Wattpad, I recommend reading like the last 5 I put out. Also if you need a soundtrack to listen to while reading this story I made a playlist for sucks to suck on Spotify with songs mentioned and played in the story, songs I used to help with making the story and planning out character arcs/relationships between the girls and (Y,N), unofficial theme songs for the characters, fight scene background music and etc. It's over a day long so whatever you're looking for is probably in there. Here's a link to it:


If you're having a hard time with that one there's one in the status updates as well

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