Road Trip Part 2

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Wanna listen to Dazzler's playlist for the trip? It's on Spotify here:

The last hour has been the first time I've actually hung out with all five of the X-Girls at the same exact time. I mean, technically. Laura was sleeping. We had all been talking, a debate on whose favorite musician was the best with Rogue temporarily winning with Nirvana. Call it regionist but I didn't think the southern Belle would be so into grunge. We joked around for a minute before I realized something.

"This is the first time I've really been outside of New York City." I stated out loud.

"You're kiddin'." Rogue said in disbelief.

"Dead parents, remember? I don't go out all that often."

"Cool, I get to see you see what normal people look like for the first time!" Jubilee said.

"She said as they were on there way to like, hang out with a bunch of mutants." Kitty looked back.

"Okay, but we're nowhere near as weird as New Yorkers." Jubilee retorted.

"What about Kurt?" Allie asked.

"Leave him alone, Allie!" Kitty said.

"I like him but we're talking about weird people aren't we!?" Alison defended herself.

"Who's Kurt?" I asked.

"Oh yeah we should've prepped him." Rogue said. "Some of us look a little stranger than others so try not to say anything. Kurt is my kinda sorta adoptive brother."

"You've never mentioned him before."

"It's cuz he's Mystique's biological son but he ain't live with her while I did. He didn't even know she was his mother until after I joined the X-Men. But anywho, he's got blue skin, fangs, pointy ears, and three fingers, so try not to make him feel self conscious about it, sugar."

"Anyone else I should get the heads up on?"

"There's Hank but he can turn it off." Kitty said. "Similar look but more muscular."

"And harrier." Dazzler added. "Still don't forgive him for the time he borrowed my hair brush."

"Piotr has metal skin and a huge crush on Kitty." Jubilee said.

"Oh my god, Jubilee don't start." Kitty said.

"What, is he ugly?" I asked.

"It's not that! I would probably like him back honestly if he wasn't like so... I dunno, he's too nice and pure."

"I thought you don't date criminals." I said.

"You know the world is more than criminals and superheroes, a-hole. I like, just think I'm looking for a rebel with a heart of gold. You know he'll like, bend the rules and he can be kinda a jerk but he means well by the end of the day."

"So what you're saying is you still have a crush on me?" I asked. Once again there was a tension I wasn't oblivious to and it felt like everyone (except sleeping Laura) had their eyes shifted to Kitty awaiting her answer. Even Alison felt like she was side eyeing Kitty while driving.

"As if! We only barely started like being friends so don't push it!" She said. She giggled at the end of the sentence. "You're such an ass!"

"But apparently you're into that."

"Whatever! I don't have a crush on you, okay? Can we please move on to a different topic? Besides it's not like you like me like you do Rogue or anything."

"Kitty!" Rogue blurted out embarrassed.

"What? We're all thinking it!" Kitty said.

"Define all." Jubilee said.

"Yeah. Define all." Alison said keeping her eyes directly on the road.

"Oh come on. You guys don't think Rogue and (Y,N) would be a cute couple?" Kitty asked. It was weird hearing someone else say that out loud. And uncomfortable when I know at least 2 of the other people in the car have a thing for me.

"Oh my gosh, Kitty!" Rogue looked like she wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

"Not necessarily." Jubilee muttered.

"Hey, anyone know what the mute button for Kitty is?" Allie asked.

"Yes but I'll be the bad guy if I bring him up." Jubilee said.

"Oh god, seriously? What's your problem?" Kitty was now annoyed with Jubilee.

"I didn't even say his name!"

"Alright, can we please move onto a topic not about boys or crushes or relationships?" Rogue said.

"Woah okay, feels like everyone's a little tense right now besides sleeping Laura so how about we do something to calm everyone down. We're gonna have a fun weekend, right? Kitty, you seem like the type to believe in good vibes and all that bullshit." I said.

"Hey!" Kitty began to protest.

"How about we each talk about our favorite moment with each person in the car. We're all friends here."

"... Hey, Allie, remember that time we went to the Night Club show?" Jubilee said.

"Are you kidding? How could I fucking forget? It was like, the best night of my life! The fact you somehow got us perfect fake ID's after the Professor took mine was mental!"

"I learned from the best, after all. Sucks we never got to hear the last song in the set."

"I'm surprised the bouncer got his sight back so soon. I thought we'd at least make it back to the skates before he found us. I still owe you for that, don't I?"

"Don't you remember that was so 8 didn't owe you for that time I screwed up that mission at Arcade's. But speaking of arcades, Kitty, remember that time we got the high score on dance dance Revolution?"

"Oh my god, I still do the steps for So In Love when I'm dancing sometimes!" Kitty said.

"Gosh, Kitty and dancin'? Remember when I had to zap you to learn some moves before that play?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah! I mean like, after the original shock that was actually pretty fun! Even with the whole Sabertooth thing."

"Don't remind me of that part. I was getting hair out of unwanted regions for a month after I zapped him." Rogue laughed. And just like that the mood became drastically better. I got to learn a little more about their lives in the X-Men before dealing with me, and it was cool hearing what they'd been through together.

"Hey, guys? I think we're forgetting something." Kitty said.

"What's that?" Allie asked.

"We haven't talked about our favorite (Y,N) memories." Kitty said. Jubilee choked on her gum and started coughing up a long. "Jubilee what's wrong!?" Kitty asked as she threw a water bottle to the back that I caught and gave to Jubes.

"Nothing! Every- KAFF Everything is totally fine! Definitely KAFF KAFF peachy!" She said drinking the water.

"Hold on, pull over at this gas station. I gotta piss and Jubilee's gotta not die." I said. Allie pulled the car over to the gas station as Jubilee still caught her breath.

"While you take a leak, mind picking up a few snacks for the rest of the trip... and another water?" Jubilee asked me.

"Shouldn't we have prepared for a six person road trip with more snacks?"

"Pfft, You think we prepare for stuff?" Dazzler asked.

"Fair point." I said beginning to get up.

"Wait," Rogue began. "Do you want one of us to go with you? Maybe pick out some stuff?" Now picking up chips from a gas station doesn't really feel like a 2 person endeavor, but at the same time I'm not one to turn down the company of a cute girl.

Okay so this is how the rest of the trip to Xavier's is going to go. At the end of each part there will be a part where you choose which of the five girls you want to hang out with, and there's five choices total, one for each girl. The one with the most votes wins for the part. Some moments are more important than others to pick your personal best girl. So hypothetically you could have a nice conversation with Rogue or have a full make out session with her or see her boobs or just hold her hand it depends on if she's picked during a certain part or not. But not every one will have the same out come, there could be a choice where you either go dancing with Dazzler or a second strip tease from Jubilee. Also this is the only one where you'll make your choices based on names. Is this a little convoluted? Yes. Do we think it's a fun idea? Yes. Will we listen to someone demand a lewd after every choice? No. But anyways, let the first vote begin:

Who do you take to the gas station with you to get snacks:






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