Triple X Girls (Phrasing)

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"So she got you a job?" Rogue asked me on the phone as I walked to her place, obviously confused with the information I just told her.

"Yeah. But I gotta keep robbing banks and getting into dog fights with the all of the animal themed supers in the city in order to keep it."

"I thought you liked robbin' banks and fightin' people?"

"Yeah but I figured you weren't a fan so I was thinking about stopping. At least the robbing people part. Beating Shocker up is too fun to pass up when he's not kicking my ass."

"Wait, you were gonna stop doin' crimes for me?"

"Yeah. For the most part." I said. There was still a part of me that wanted to do it to prove Gwen wrong. She was quiet on her end for a little bit. "Hey, you still there?"

"Y-Yeah I was just, uh, doesn't matter! Are you near by?"

"Yeah I think this is the same place." I said walking into the apartment and up the stairs.

"Okay, I'll be right out t-" She began to say before she gasped. "Jubilee! I told you to clean up a little!" I heard her shout away from the phone. I heard a faint "I said I'll get it later! Relax, you're not my mom!" Meanwhile I had gotten up to the floor they lived on. I started walking towards the room I remembered was theirs.

"When the blue hell is later supposed to be!? The Fourth of July?" I could hear Rogue ask through the door.

"Is that a joke about my powers? Because if it is that's racist!... I think."

"Now's not the time! (Y,N) is gonna be here any minute and-"

"(Y,N)'s coming over!?"

"I told you that's why I wanted ya to clean up your crap!"

"I had my headphones in and just woke up!"

"It was 3 in the afternoon!"

"I would've done it already if you put emphasis on the fact (Y,N) was going to be here any second!"

"(Y,N) is already here." I said through the door. Jubilee screamed and then it sounded like she fell onto the floor. The door was then opened by Rogue. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing different clothes from what she had on in school, now in a green crop top underneath a brown jacket with red X's patches on her shoulders. She still had on ripped jeans and her usual biker gloves.

"Heya. Sorry about the mess-"

"WAIT DON'T LET HIM IN YE-" Jubilee said before jumping up from behind the couch she presumably fell off of. She froze when we were face to face. She was a dark purple tank top with Devilman on it and hot pink short shorts that were only on halfway so I could see her black panties clinging onto one of her hips. She had a serious case of bed hair too.

"Uhhhhh hey, Jubilee." I said waving. She slowly moved her shorts all the way up to her waist and combing her hair back to make it look like anything but a train wreck.

"Hi." She said in a high pitched voice quietly.

"Come on in, I'll see what I can do." Rogue said pulling me in, but she didn't need to try hard.

"What uh, what brings you over here?" Jubilee said quickly rolling up a potato chip bag that was on the floor next to her.

"His back sucks." Laura as she walked out of her room with a towel around her neck. She had on a white muscle tank with Freddy Krueger's claw on it, her black bra visible from the oversized arm holes. She also had black jeans on. She started walking to the kitchen area of the apartment when she heard a crunch underneath her. She stopped and looked down before looking at Jubilee. "If we get ants because you just leave food on the ground like this, I'm cutting you into little ant sized pieces to feed to them." She warned her and Jubilee was beyond embarrassment. Ultra Embarrassment.

"Guys, could you stop!?" She shouted as Laura got some first aid stuff out of the kitchen along with some special X-Men nursing stuff, at least that's what I assume it is. She looked over to
Me now.

"Take your shirt off."


"We can't do anything if we can't see anything, sugar." Rogue giggled.

"...Is there a chance to one of you could join me so I don't feel weird as the only person without a shirt on?" I asked. Then Rogue's face turned incredibly red and she rambled with half sentence excuses for a little bit.

"That's the worst excuse to get a girl to take their clothes off I've ever heard." Jubilee said. "... and it would've worked if I had a bra on underneath this." Meanwhile Laura looked down at herself before shrugging and taking off the tank top.

"Your turn." She simply said. I took off my jacket and shirt to be fair and Jubilee and Rogue stood there in shared silence, both looking like the second coming of The Red Skull with how red they were. Laura's eyes only did it barely, but they opened up just enough to be noticeable. Jubilee started to giggle uncontrollably.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked her.

"N-nothing! I just laugh when I'm nervous! I also don't know when to shut up!" She said and her eyes made it so I could tell she was telling the truth. "S-so did you work out to get like that!? How often do you g-go to the gym!? Which one is it!?"

"It's part of the spider powers."

"Getting a six pack is a part of you spider powers?" Rogue asked in disbelief.


"So what? You've had the six pack since you were a kid?" Jubilee asked.

"I've only been a spider person for like half a year. I got my powers from a spider bite."

"So you just woke up one morning and your body changed into that!?"

"Yup. Big change."

"Alright if you two are done drooling, I'd like to help (Y,N) stop being in excruciating pain." Laura said.

"I-I'm not drooling! Where's your proof!?" Jubilee said wiping her mouth with the back of her hand while Rogue once more forgot how to make full sentences.

. . .

"So this is supposed to shield my chest or something?" I asked.

"Less of an impact when you get hit so you don't collapse every time it happens like earlier." Laura explained about the chest protector around me. "It should be done healing in about two weeks. I assume you'll be going out and doing whatever caused this again."

"Well I mean I have to now." I said.

"I mean if you really want we can help ya take care of that Brant girl, too." Rogue said.

"No it's fine. I have plans for her later."

"Who's Brant?" Jubilee asked.

"A huge pain in my ass."

"She's been tellin' (Y,N)'s old friend lies and now she's usin' (Y,N) for a promotion at her job and to get him to work on a school project. By the way, did you really need to get blackmailed in order to do your homework?" Rogue said.

"How do you know so much about that? I don't remember telling you that much."

"I found out from accidentally 'zapping' you remember?" Rogue said holding up her hand.

"Is that the annoying blonde broad Kitty hangs out with?" Laura asked.

"That'd be the one." I clarified. "Look, I don't even know if you guys are supposed to know about it. Like if she knows anyone else knows she might leak out I'm Spider-M- Criminal."

"Speaking of, I never got the full details on that. You're a bank robber? You seem way too cool to be a criminal." Jubilee said.

"Criminals can be cool. I'll never admit it now that he has a hate boner for me but Shocker was really cool to me when he first kicked my ass and I think that Electro dude in the news looks sick. But I mean, I've never done anything too horrible. I've robbed a few banks and fucked with a crime lord."

"And robbed a Chuck E. Cheese with the Maximoffs." Rogue added.

"One, it wasn't a Chuck E. Cheese. Two, we didn't rob it, we paid for everything except for this guy Eddie's phone that I broke because up until now I didn't even want pictures of me out in the public. I was just robbing until I was loaded enough to figure out what the fuck I wanted to do with my life and to pay my landlord and I liked the idea of being more of a myth than a real person like Sasquatch-"

"Like Jack the Ripper." Laura said.

"Yes except not like him because I don't go around killing prostitutes." I said. "Anyways it's getting a little late I should probably head out." I said.

"Woah woah woah, not like that you're not!" Jubilee said.

"Well duh I'm putting my shirt back on-"

"I'm talking about that whole face problem you've got going on there."

"I wouldn't call it a problem." Laura said.

"You wouldn't call those bruises and scratches a problem? The fact no one noticed them is insane!" Jubilee said as she walked into the bathroom.

"Oh the bruises! Right that's a problem." Laura said.

"What were you talkin' about?" Rogue asked.

"I was uh, talking about, you know."

"What? No I d-"

"Anyways, Sparks what did you have in mind to fix that?" Laura asked changing the topic and interrupting Rogue.

"What everyone in this room needs and is severely lacking, duh." She said before she walked out the bathroom with a kit in one hand and she stuck three makeup brushes out of the space between her fingers like Laura's claws. "A makeover!"

"Nonononononono. No makeovers. There's one person in the world that I'd let put make up on me and that's my girlfriend!" I said. I suddenly felt a sinister and cold atmosphere change.

"Y-y-you have a girlfriend?" Rogue asked. She sounded... I wanna say heartbroken but that doesn't make sense.

"No I don't and that's the point! Even if I did have one I'd have to get something serious in return!" I said. Jubilee and Rogue let out a sigh of relief and Rogue started fanning herself while nervously laughing. "What? What am I missing here?" Jubilee smiled with the scariest look I've ever seen.

"Well I have an easy solution to that. You should make me your girlfriend." Jubilee said. Rogue stopped laughing.

"J-Jubilee!" Rogue shouted.

"I'm just joking!" Jubilee said before repeating the word "joking..." and looked back at me. "C'mon please? It'll be fun! And you'll look even cuter~."

"No! What do I get out of this!?"

"I already told you you'll look cuter! Also you're less likely to be found out as Spider-Man!"

"Don't call me that and I'll take my chances!"

"Is your masculinity really this fragile?" Laura asked.

"No, but my pride is." I said before Jubilee started rolling her shirt up. She stopped when some under boob was exposed.

"I'll pop my top off and let you look for five minutes."

"What the hell's gotten into you!?" Rogue shouted.

"...Deal." I said.

"(Y,N)!" Rogue said like she didn't expect me to take the deal for some reason.

"Great!" She said before pulling her top back down. "Time and place to be negotiated at a later date."

"What the!? Hey that's cheating!"

"Sorry, no refunds. Laura, ///////hold him down!"

"Okay, I wanna see where this goes now." Laura said before grabbing my arms.

"This is totally not what I wanted when I said I wanted two hot chicks to hold me down and do whatever to me that one time I said it!" I protested. Jubilee stopped in her tracks. "Oh great, now what are you doing!?"

"...Planning stuff. For later." She said before she walked forward and the nightmare began.

. . .

"Aaaaaaaaaaand done!" Jubilee said as she finished up. "Am I good or am I good?"

"I probably look like a girl." I muttered.

"If by girl you mean lady and by lady you mean ladykiller! I adapt easily." Jubilee gloated. "Rogue, what do you think?" She turned me around for Rogue to look at. Rogue stared me in the eyes for a few seconds, seemingly awestruck before coyly smiling and looking away.

"Y-you did a good job." Was all she said. Laura woke up from her nap she took on the couch waiting for Jubilee to finish up hearing us talking.

"You guys done yet?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Yup. C'mon, tell him I'm good. 3 out of 3 mutants agree he's a total hunk now."

"Only now?" I asked.

"Hey, we're not feeding your ego right now. We're feeding mine." She told me. Laura looked over to me and she actually blushed before diving back behind the couch.

"Oh great, she's going to vomit." I said.

"That's not what she's doing! Laura if you do that I'll kill you!" Jubilee said.

"I-I'm not! It looks good!" She called out.

"I've never seen 'er get like that before." Rogue said.

"Can I see or what?" I asked.

"No, you'll just have to trust me while you walk down the mean streets of New York."

"Well now I feel like you just pranked me and I'm taking this shit off."

"Fine you big baby hold on!" Jubilee pulled out her phone and quickly took a picture to show me. She showed me and it didn't look bad. I definitely wasn't visibly bruised but there was some extra touch up work done too I couldn't quite put my finger on that made me look relatively more attractive... I assume. "Best part is it's a super cosmetic that actually dissolves when your skin cells repair themselves and the cuts are gone. Waterproof too."

"That exists?"

"Yup. One of the perks of Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted." Jubilee said before muttering something under her breath.

"What was that?"


"It sounded like you said something like 'or going out with me'."

"Stop projecting! If you wanna ask me out just ask me out." Jubilee teased.

"Why would I wanna date a girl who leaves her a place a dump like this? Last thing I'd want is to walk out the shower and into a pile of chips on the ground." I joked. She flinched at that before nervously laughing but she was obviously hurt.

"O-ouch. No need to cut so d-deep with the person that just f-fixed you up." She said trying to play it off with a laugh but she was obviously embarrassed while scratching her arm.

"Hey, Jubi I didn't mean it. I thought we were just messing around like usual." I said. She looked at me and gave me a playful smile.

"So would you go out with me?" She asked.

"Hey, (Y,N) it's getting kinda late! You think you should be headin' out now, sugar?" Rogue said kinda quickly and out of nowhere. It was night time out and completely dark. It was weird for Rogue to suddenly bring it up like that, though.

"I mean it's the weekend tomorrow. It's not like I have anything to do?" I said.

"I mean it gets real dangerous after dark. Especially in New York I've heard. I just wantcha to get home safe is all." She responded. Laura, Jubilee and I looked at her extremely confused on why she would think I would be in danger as I slowly brought up a hand and extended my index finger, thumb, and pinky and shot out a web. "I mean, uh, sorry. I'm not used to people not going to Xavier's bein' mutants. I'm also not used to goin' out by myself as a mutant without havin' to worry about prowlers or F.O.H officers." She explained. Laura got up and went into her room for a second.

"What is that? Like the Hardy Family Office?"

"Friends of Humanity. They're a bunch of anti-mutant chodes." Jubilee explained. "Maybe Rogue is right. You should get some rest. We should celebrate your getting a job... blackmail... thing. Is that something worth celebrating?"

"If someone else is paying it is." Laura said walking out with a new shirt on- wait a second.

"Is that a fucking Nick Mondo shirt!?" I accidentally shouted. Laura looked down like she didn't realize she put it on.

"Oh yeah, I guess it is." She said. "I was a big CZW fan. Back when... before I went to Xavier's I ended up wondering into a ToD once."

"You've been to a tournament of death!?"

"Yeah, the one Vortkez won."

"You're fucking lying!"

"Oh no don't tell me you're talkin' about that murder show." Rogue said, seeming visibly sick just thinking about it.

"How many times do I gotta tell you, only one person died and he came back to life after!" Laura said like Rogue tried to moral grandstand to her a thousand times before about deathmatch wrestling. "Speaking of, ain't GCW supposed to run a show next weekend?"

"Oh yeah, you're right! I think the main is Mox vs Gage."

"Are you serious? I'd kill to get tickets to see that." She said. It was at this moment I realized I had a copious amount of money from robbing banks and no plans next Saturday.

"You might not have to kill anyone. I think I can get us tickets." I said. Laura hopped over the couch and practically pushed Jubilee out of the way to stand face to face with me, causing Jubilee to shout "Hey!".

"Tell me you're serious."

"I'm completely serious." I told her. Laura immediately caught me in a hug.

"You're the fucking best!" She told me.

"Ow! Hey! Ribs! Just fixed!" She then suddenly pushed herself away and looked out the window blushing immensely and playing with her hair.

"S-so uh, next Saturday?"

"Yeah, next Saturday." I said scratching the back of my head. This whole thing just got a lot more awkward after the sudden hug from Laura. Rogue looked down in the dumps for some reason and Jubilee was just staring at Laura like she was trying to figure something out. "So I should probably get going. I guess I'll see you guys later? Thanks for all your help, seriously. I owe you guys."

"Don't mention it." Jubilee said before giving me an evil smile. "I'm sure I'll figure out how to get you to repay me. But until then, I'll just settle for a goodbye hug."

"We've been over this I don't really-"

"I'm getting a hug." She said before wrapping her arms around me. I awkwardly put an arm around her back.

"You have no idea how weird this is for me."

"Don't worry, we'll get you to normal hugs eventually." She said. Rogue was standing in the corner, she looked like she felt left out.

"...Do you want a hug, too Rogue?" I asked. She looked up at me and smiled for a second before frowning again.

"Yes and no. I don't really know if it'll do anything for me without... Y'know bein' able to feel you? And I don't wanna risk hurtin' ya again, sugar."

"You're hurting me right now by frowning and hiding your beautiful smile from me." I said. She looked at me shocked at what I said, her face turning bright red before exposing then previously mentioned beautiful smile.

"Aren't you sweet..."

"Nah. I'm kinda an asshole." I said. "What if I concentrated really hard on using my powers so you can't hurt me with yours?"

"How about this?" She said getting off the wall and walking towards me. "You learn how to use your powers and can hug me for 30 seconds straight without anything bad happening and you can do whatever you want with me for the ten minutes after that?"

"Did you mean for that to sound so-"I began to say before she gently tugged on my shirt collar to get me down to her eye level, which wasn't a lot. I wasn't that much taller than her.

"Yep." She said with a smirk. She let go of my shirt collar and put her arms behind her back. "I'll see you around, sugar." She said opening the door for me. I took that as my cue to walk home and get some rest.

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