10 || fights

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"You can't just come in when I'm talking to those people like you did just now."

He said and gritted his teeth, trying to contain the anger that bubbled in his chest. You looked down and bit your lips. It was an accident. You didn't know that he was having 'one of his important meetings' with those people that you'll never know so you just barged in when they were talking. And now he was very mad at you.

"I'm sorry."

You apologized. He chuckled darkly and shook his head. You were sure that he was mad because of other reason, not just because of you.

"Sorry is not enough, Y/N. You ruined it all."

He glared daggers at you and you avoided his gaze again. You couldn't look him in the eyes at that time, it was scaring you.

"I really am sorry, J. It wasn't my intention to -"

"Shut up!"

He screamed at you. You flinched and tears started to blur your vision. He stomped towards you, making you stumbled backwards until your back was pressed against the wall.

"Why would I ever bring a stupid girl like you here?"

You were taken aback as the words rolled out of his tongue. He never talked to you like that so it hurt you the most.

"How could you say that?"

Your voice cracked as a tear rolled down your face. He smirked and punched the wall, a scream escaped your mouth.

"You're a fool, Y/N."

He spat. You couldn't help but let tears down your face. His words were like knives stabbed into your heart. But he didn't care about you at all.

"Cry and cry. That's all you do!"

He yelled at your face, only made you cried even harder. You have never scared of him but at that time he was really scaring you. His eyes were dark and there was no love or sympathy for you.

He rolled his eyes when he saw more tears streamed down your face. You fell on the floor as his hand landed on your face. He slapped you.

Your body was hurt when you fell and the pain was stinging on your face. But your heart ache even worse. You looked at him and shook your head in disbelief.

"I love you with all of my heart. And this is what I get?"

You cried out and put a hand on your face, knowing that it will leave a mark. His eyes widen in realization as soon as he saw you on the floor.

"Y/N, I didn't-"

He kneeled down beside you to hold you but you pushed him away. His lips trembled with words and he regretted all of the things that he said and did to you.

"Leave me alone!"

"I swear I didn't mean it-"

"Please leave me alone!"

You yelled at him again and sobbed uncontrollably. He was shocked. You were always gentle with him, but it wasn't you anymore. It was all because of him.

When he tried to touch you again, you looked at him with tears in your eyes. Your eyes showed him affection and love that he would never get from anyone else.

"Please, J. I need to be alone."

Your voice softened but you were still hurt, physically and emotionally. He nodded weakly and left the room with a pang of guilt hit him hard.


Since June Moone has came back to work, you noticed that Rick has been distant with you. You trusted him, but it still worried you because she was his ex girlfriend.

It became worse when you were having a movie night together, and it ruined because of that woman- or witch to be exact.

You were cuddling while watching the movie but Rick wasn't into the movie much. He was staring into distance and you pretended not to notice that.

His phone rang, and he quickly answered it. A big smile appeared on his face and you couldn't help but wanting to know who was calling him.

"Hey, June!"

Your heart ache as he said that name. He talked to her for nearly thirty minutes, leaving you watching the movie alone. You didn't want to think badly of him, but you couldn't help it.

As he ended the call, you went to him and he looked at you with a frown.

"Rick, we need to talk."

He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"About what? Y/N, I have no time for this."

He said, completely annoyed.

"You have no time for us but you have time for Moone?"

You questioned. He looked at you and shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you have a problem with her, Y/N?"

His voice was rising as he towered over you. Tears filled your eyes as he looked at you sharply.

"I have no problem with her. It's just since she came back, you have been so distant."

You said, trying to stay calm. You hated arguments and you didn't want to fight with him. He scoffed and licked his now dry lips.

"I'm not distant."

"Rick, is there something wrong with me or what?"

You asked, tears threatened to spill out of your eyes.

"If there is, I want to fix it. I want to fix us."

He didn't respond to your words. He just looked at you and it kind of worried you. You touched his arm and he pushed you away immediately.
"Don't touch me, woman!"

He roared. You were shocked. When his eyes met yours, you could see there was rage burning in them.

"You think you could fix this? Us?"

He scoffed. Tears started to fall freely on your face and there was no words coming out of your mouth.

"You can't fix everything, Y/N. And that's us. You can never be better compare to her."

He was referring to June, for sure. You shook your head in disbelief and let tears dried on your face.

"Maybe I was so hurt when she left, that was why I loved you."

He spat and continued to hurt your feelings. Your lips were trembling and you wished you could fight back, but you couldn't.

"Maybe you were just a rebound."

That was it. As he said that, your hand landed on his face, leaving a stinging pain there. He looked at you in disbelief and touched his cheek. You was breathing hard and was crying, but satisfied that you slapped him.

"You deserved that, Flag."

You said before decided to leave the house right away. You couldn't look him in the eyes anymore. You were so hurt and he knew it.

He fucked up really bad.


He paced back and forth in the room. You just watched, until he stopped and walked towards you. He looked you in the eyes and sighed.

"Y/N, I don't want to have this kind of conversation again."

He stated clearly, hoping that you would understand. You frowned and shook your head in disagreement.

"No, Floyd. We really need to talk about this."

You put your hands on your waist and looked at him. He groaned and turned around to walk away but you stopped him.

"You promised me that you would stop."

Your words made him looked back at you, his lips couldn't form any words. He didn't know what to say- No, he wasn't sure.

"You promised me that you would stop doing this so we could live a normal life."

You reminded him. He rubbed his forehead and mumbled 'no' under his breathe.

"I said 'maybe one day' but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing my job."

He corrected. You scoffed and tried to stay as calm as possible but you were just too mad to handle it.

"It is not even a job, Floyd! You're killing people and how are you supposed to think that I could sleep at night thinking that my boyfriend feed me with money that he got from murdering people!"

His eyes widen in shock as the words rolled out of your tongue. He couldn't believe that you would say that.

"Since the first time you chose to love me, you do know that we won't have a normal life. Did you, Y/N?"

He asked, completely trying to hide the pain that was filling his heart.

"I did. But now I regret it."

You said it, and you regretted right away when he looked at you hurt. You wished you could take your words back but you couldn't.

"Floyd, I- I didn't mean that. I will never regret that I-"

"Don't you dare to say a word."

He warned, shutting your mouth. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you cursed yourself for being so stupid.

"I love you so much, Y/N and I would never regret it. I hope you know that."
He said before left you, crying and blaming yourself for hurting the man that has given you all of his love and affection.


"Honey, can you please stop avoiding me?"

You were trying your best not to cry. He just looked at you. The guilt was building in his chest but he thought it was for the best.

"I don't want to hurt you, Y/N."

He managed to say, receiving a sigh from you.

"I know you won't hurt me. I trust you so why don't you trust yourself?"

You put your hand on his arm, but he quickly pushed you away. You frowned and to be honest, you were mad. He always thought that he would hurt you, and he just couldn't drop it.

"Stop pushing me away from your life!"

You screamed at him. He looked at you in disbelief. You would never yelled at him, but this time you had to.

"I'm your girlfriend and I have right to be with you. You can't just say that you love me but you keep avoiding me!"

By now, tears ran down your face but you kept looking into his eyes. He shook his head in regret and tried to reach for you. But you backed away and smiled sadly at him.

"Just... Take your time and I'll leave you alone."

You said, taking a few step backwards before turning your back from him.

"Find me when you need me back in your life."

Then you left, knowing if you stay you would cry even harder in front of him like a fool.


You were on your way to his house. Digger was busy with the squad lately and you were sure that the whole squad was in his house.

As soon as you arrived there, you unlocked the door with the keys that he gave you, wanting to give him a surprise.

You came in and noticed that the house was empty. You were walking almost to the kitchen when you heard Digger was talking to a woman and a man. You stopped on your track and hid.

"How's Y/N?"

You recognized that voice. Floyd.

"Oh, you're still dating that bitch?"

The woman said, then she giggled. Oh my, you knew that voice as well. It was Harley. She hated you since the first time she saw you.

"Harley, that's not so nice. I think Y/N is a great person."

Floyd scolded her. But then Digger just chuckled at his comment.

"Seriously, as a boyfriend, I don't think she is a great person."

You frowned and your hands curled into fists when you heard your boyfriend talked about you like that.

"She is so clingy. I thought it was adorable but then it is annoying now. Like she couldn't even do one thing right."

Harley laughed when Digger said that but you didn't hear Floyd made any comment. He just stayed quiet.

"Maybe she is too young that she couldn't do anything right. Like, what? I can't be there for her 24/7."

He added. Hot tears filled your eyes as your heart broke. You never thought that he would say that about you. You bursted in into the room, taking them by surprise.

"Now I know."

You breathed out, trying to hold back your tears. Digger stood up and walked towards you.

"What— Why are you here, cupcake?"
He stuttered whilst smiled nervously. You chuckled bitterly and shook your head in disbelief.

"I've heard everything. If I'm so clingy and annoying and awful what you have to do was just tell me. But you didn't, you insulted me in front of other woman!"

You screamed at his face and shot Harley a dirty look. Tears streamed down on your face as Floyd gave you a sympathetic look. He was closed to you as a friend, so it hurt him to know that you were hurt.

"Y/N, I didn't mean it. It was a joke. I wasn't being serious—"  

Digger was trying to explain himself when Harley cut in with her annoying laughs. Then she stood up and looked at Digger.

"Oh, please! Just admit that she is nothing to you. You don't love her, don't you?"

Harley made the tears built in your eyes even more. Floyd pulled her aside and glared at her.

"Stop being a child!"

She just shrugged him off and walked out of the room, but not before smirking at you. You couldn't believe what was happening. Everything was too much for you at the time.

"Y/N, I really am sorry—"

"I hate you."

You said between your tears and ran out of the room. The pain that was growing in your chest was too much for you to handle. He didn't run after you, and he wasn't sure why.

E L  D I A B L O

"Chato, I'm sorry!"

Tears ran down your face as you apologized to him. He didn't even bother to look at you.

"You cheated on me, Y/N."

He said with disgust as he turned to look at you with tears in his eyes. His heart was broken as he saw you were kissing other man. He trusted you.

"I would never!"

You shook your head violently. He scoffed and looked away from you.

"And yet you did."

Once again, you tried to explain everything but he just didn't want to listen.

"He kissed me but I didn't kiss him back. I swear!"

You were hanging out with your friends when one of them, Louis came and kissed you. You shoved him away but you didn't realize that Chato was there and saw you before you pushed Louis away.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N. I saw you kissed him—"

"No. Please listen—"

"Leave, Y/N."

He stated sternly. You shut your mouth and shook your head in disbelief.

"What? No, I won't leave until—"

He groaned and it stopped you from saying otherwise.

"Leave before I hurt you."

He could feel the rage that was burning in his chest, and he was so afraid that he might let it out all on you. He didn't want to hurt you.


"I said, leave!"

By now, he was yelling at you and you could feel the heat in the room was increasing. He was breathing hard and was not looking at you.

"I'll leave. But I'll come back."

You said then left his house. You wanted him to calm down first and you wanted to make things right.

Because you've never cheated on him.

×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×

Merry Christmas!

I love you guys and I just want to say thank you to all of your support for this book.

And I think we could get know to each other. Sorry, but I didn't catch your name guys. Let's get to know each other!


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