15 || he goes on a mission

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Hi, lovelies! I'm alive and I'm very sorry for not updating. School has been taking almost all of my time and I couldn't get a special time for writing except for today (finally yes!)

Biology, Chemistry and Physics are torturing my brain a bit, but I'll be fine 😂 Okay I'm gonna stop rambling here.

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He goes on a mission.


He always leaves you to do his 'missions', and you've understand the pattern after being with him for so long. He will stress himself out a few days before he goes, and rarely spend his time with you— but you are used to it since you know him so well. But he will make it up to you after he is back from the mission— which he always bring success home; he showers you in hugs and kisses.

R I C K  F L A G

Sadly, he always had to leave for missions because of his job. Some missions will take him days, weeks or even months being away from you and that of course, hurt both of you.

But before he goes, he will gives you a long and passionate kiss and let you know that he will come back. You are worried everytime, afraid that someday he might not come back to you. But he will assure you that he will always stay safe because he has you to come back to. 


You'll notice him being quiet all day, and it means nothing but he had to go on a mission on the next day. You know he doesn't want to leave you because you will be crying— he always know that— but you'll assure him that you are fine and you could manage a few days without him.

But then if days becomes weeks and weeks becomes months, you'll miss him too much and you are on the cloud nine when you see him leaning at the doorframe, smiling at you sweetly. You are glad that finally he is home.

K I L L E R  C R O C

You won't be stopping him from going to a mission. You will try to understand that it is a part of his task to do it so you just had to live with it.

You will hug him for minutes before you let him goes on a mission, and when he is not there with you anymore, you will cry your eyes out. But he promises you that he will come back, and not even once did he break his promises.

C A P T A I N  B O O M E R A N G

You will sulk after he told you that he will be going on a mission. He will convince you that he will come back and be safe, but you are so worried for him. He still goes though, but not before giving you a sweet kiss and swears to you that he will come back really soon to you. You are glad that he keep his words everytime.

E L  D I A B L O

Tears. There will always be tears whenever he had to go on a mission. You are the sunshine in his life and without you, his days are gloomy and sad. You love him dearly, but you also know that he must be going on the mission so you will tell him that you are going to be fine if he leaves.

He will hesitates, but then he will agree with you. He gives you a short and longing kiss before he goes and you will try your best not to cry in front of him. You know that he will be back in your arms after the mission. He must.

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