2 || attention

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What he does to get your attention.
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Joker is such a sweetheart around you. So he gets all annoyed and mad when he doesn't get your attention. He will poke you until you look at him and gives you his best puppy eyes.

If that still doesn't work, he knows the other way. If you are working on something and laying on your stomach, he will put his head on your butt and sleep.

"Don't sleep on my butt, J"

[i got this imagine on my other book, go read it.]

R I C K  F L A G

He loves to get your attention. He wants to feel that he is the only one that lingers on your mind and not to let him go.

He will starts whining like a child. He will whines your name and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You being the ticklish person you are, will laughs and it will become a tickle war between you two.


He will talk. A LOT.

He doesn't care if you need to finish your work very soon because the deadline is tomorrow or whatever. He just knows that he needs you to look at him and smile— not staring at the laptop screen all day.

So he will talk about random things using a weird voice to annoy you. You will get furious and glare at him, but he'll kiss you and you'll forget about your work.

Just wait until you pass your deadline and lose your job.

K I L L E R  C R O C

He doesn't care if you were working on something or not, but he will pull you into his lap and wrap his arms carefully around you— not to hurt you. Once he put you in his lap, you will just grin at him. You know he needs your attention more than anything.

C A P T A I N  B O O M E R A N G

He will just being rude, to be honest.

If he doesn't get your attention because you're working, then he will take your laptop and hide it. If you're watching television and forget about him, he will switch off the tv.

But of course you'll get mad! You will chase him around the house and he laughs at you because you're too slow to catch him. Whenever this happens, he doesn't get to kiss you for a month.

E L  D I A B L O

He will run his fingers down your skin. When you look at him with questions in your eyes, he just tell you that he accidentally touched you. But when he did it again, you just pull him in for a kiss so he'll leave you to finish your work that day.

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