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( The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly - Part 1 of 1)

The fight against Mallus had not gone well, and so both Rip and Thea were both down to their last straws.

The teams had no way of winning, so they'd both (on their own terms) decided to take drastic action. But of course, as is often the way with things like these, nothing ever works the way one wants.

'If anyone here is carrying out this plan it would be me. I know that I can come back.' Thea stated, teleporting in front of Rip and into the field the time drive had generated.

'Thea, what?' Rip replied, almost dropping the device to the ground.

'I am not letting you buy them time with your life. You've already sacrificed yourself twice, and neither of those attempts ended well. Nobody wants the third time to actually work.'

'Yeah, what Thea said.' Sara said, voice coming through the comms. 'But that doesn't mean I want to lose you either, Thea. So, save your husband and get out of there.'

'Listen carefully, Sara. This gambit will not kill Mallus, it will only delay him long enough for you to make an escape.'

'There has to be another way.'

'There isn't.' Both Thea and Rip said in unison.

Thea then took his pause to kiss Rip and take the time drive from him, before using her remaining energy to teleport him back to the ship.

'No!' Rip yelled over the comms. 'Thea, you can't! You'll die.'

'It's all right, Rip, Sara. I will miss you, and the rest of the legends. Please, stay safe, and Rip take care of our kids.' Thea said, sadly. 'But remember, I'll come back. I always do.'

The wave rider then finally boots up and Thea is left alone with the demon who gave them their powers.

'Looks like you're out of time.' Thea snarks, and then then with a blip and a flash, Thea's gone.

[ Author's Note ]

I....have no idea if this was even earned? 

Word Count: 312 words

Written: 17th November 2022

Published: 17th November 2022

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