I waited for u forever... but u??!!!! 😠😠4

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Sumedh mudgalkar as abeer singhania
Mallika singh as akshara malhotra....

Let's start....
Akshara's pov...
We were all eating in the dining table but.... Suddenly my phone beeped....
It... It was a message....

Who should it be.....
I thought....

It was a message from.... Unknown number.....

After completing eating...
I gone to my room and there I opened the text, sat on the balcony's swing.. And start reading...


Hey akshara.... What are u doing??
What happened ?? Are u fine?? ... 😑😑😤😤

'Someone wrote it but how he/ she knew my name '

How u knew my name??
I spoke...

Arey akshara this is abeer singhania didn't u remember me 😒😒
He spoke...

Oo oo.... U? Why u texted...??..

I spoke...

So.... What should I do haa!! Why were u not receiving my phone 📱📱... I called u more than 20 times....
I am tensed and u!!! Uu!! Asking why u texted...?? ..
Wooww... Don't text me again...
Get lost block my no... Don't dare to call or text me again !!!!...

He just bursted out on me...
But did he really called me for more than 20 times... I should check call list.... Yaa he did... But why?? ...

Heyy abeer...
Sorry.. But why did u called me??!! ...

I texted...

He didn't gave reply....

Next day I gone college... He was just ignoring me flirting😏😏 with girls.......
I was very angry 😤😤now...
Means how could he do that....
He didn't gave a damn to me....

He who few days ago proposed me now not giving a damn too....

What do he think of himself... Huh!!! ....
This day gone like that... Neither he talked to me nor I.. 😔😔

I left.... For home 🏠🏠 ... ...
Next 3 days gone like that but.... In forth day.....

It's too much now I have to talk to him.......he have to clear everything.... Today....
I stand before abeer blocking his way....

Akshara :- heyy what's going on?? Haa!!! .... What do u think of ur self.....
Haa!!?? .... Why are u ignoring me haa!? 😤😤😤

Abeer :- stop this nonsense...
What the h*** u thought of ur self haa??!!! I will love u..?!! No never the only n only abeer singhania can't love anyone.....
I was just using u for ur property....
But now I don't want....
Leavve nnowww!!!!!! 😡😡😡

He not shouted he yelled....
I was full brocken... How could he say so... ??? Just how....
I was in a state that I would going to fall unconscious.....

And I did too... Don't know what happened next....

I... I was in home when I opened my eyes

I was all fuming in anger... 😠😠😠😠😠

But I controled and consoled that.... He must said it cause of some reason.....
I know he loves me from the core of his  heart ❤❤ I know... He will never betray me ...
Yaa right....
So being consoled.. I gone to meet him but he was not giving a dammnn....

I know there must be some... Misunderstanding or some reason.....
I know.. 😔😔

Then our college overs.... He still not talked to me... I am feeling ill 😷😷+ depressed 😫😨😭....

Means how could he do so....


One day he was passing through the street but... Unknowingly he was crossing the road and a car hitted him.... I shouted in pain...

Akshara :- aaaaaaaaanbbbbbbbbbbbweeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!?! 😫😫😫😫😭😭😭😭

He was all laying lifelessly....

I immediately called ambulance🚑🚑...
And admitted himm....

I was crying making my heart ❤out ..... My both hands were in my head....

I was crying 😭😭😭silently as it was hospital🏥🏥........

All I could do was calling everyone of his family....
I called them... They came...
I was crying😭😭😭😭 sitting in a corner... But suddenly dau came....

Dau means abeer's big brother....

Dau :- akshara dekho mai jaanta hu tum depressed ho par... Sahas rakho sab thik hoga....

Akshara :- kitna sahas dau... Kitna.... 😭😭😭😫😫😫😫 ....

I was not able to control myself....
I fell unconscious a last time.....

Pov ends...

Abeer's pov
I woke up.... And saw I was in hospital🏥🏥.. I remember when my accident occur all I could hear was a scream...... Scream.... Of....... Akshara...???!!! Whatt??!! ......

But why... Then all came to my room..... Actually they rushed....
Aai 🤗🤗hugged me tightly but all were looking tensed.... For what...?? And where is akshara?? This was the only question beeped in my mind... 😶😶

I asked them about akshara....
They didn't said anything but pointed towards a bed beside me.....

A bedsheet was covered over a human body....

Wind blows 💨💨and the cover half opens....

I..... I was numb 😑😑+ shocked 😱😱😱🙀🙀🙀+ senseless + sad.... But whhyyy????!!!! .........

She wispered the last word before lefting the last breath............... Of her.........

Abeer :- aaaaakkkssshaaarrraaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I ran to her....

Cupped her cheeks ....
Tried waking her up but she didn't responded......

She was lying there lifelessly.....
Abeer :- akshara... Akshara plz plz plz🙏🙏🙏 wake up I promise I won't leave u again.. I promise..
Plz plz plz🙏🙏 wake up....

Please akshara a last chance please please 🙏🙏🙏🙏......

That day was the worst day in ever in my life.... That day I lost my love❤ my akshara.... That day I realized how much I love her but when she was alive till her last time I didn't gave her a damn too...

Why??!! She left me why.... Whyy...??!! .. Whyy???!!! I did this with her why!???

One year passed but she didn't came back to me... We were waiting for each other to be united....

She was waiting for me but I... I the only fool didn't give a damn to her....

And now I am craving for her to come back.....
She waited for me a whole year but I.... I the only bastered didn't came back to her...... 😔😔😢😢😭😭

Yaa now enough today I am going to call angel of her body.....

Yaa u heard right...
She is angel more than angel ......

I was in a meditation to call her.... Yaa....

Heeyy akshara today I calling u from whole heart ❤❤with full pure love that u created in me...


A very bright ✨✨✨✨light came.....

I opened my eyes and saw her.... She slowly opened her eyes and tears brimmed in both of us's eyes we wiped it.....

Abeer :- plz plz plz plz forgive me akshara... Plz plz plz come back to me.... Plz a last chance....

I layed on both my knees by ╥﹏╥╥﹏╥joining hands... Tears in eyes craving for her to come back.....

Akshara :- listen....
Abeer..... Don't cry.... U will also be given a chance but not by me by ur destiny all a last chance.....

Which is salvation.... Means death... But not now..... The time has not arrived yet....

She make me stand.... And said all this calmly.....

I was crying😭😭😭.....

Abeer :- okk but till then how will I live without u?? ...

Akshara :- u have to and u will easily if u truely loved me any of the moment.....

Abeer :- what are u saying?? I didn't loved u I love u ❤❤....

Akshara :- I don't think so if u would have love me than u wouldn't have make me wait so long to realize ur love ❤❤.. If u would have love me than u wouldn't have cheated me like this....
I .. I always trusted u the most but uu???!!! What did u do???!!! ....
U just broked the trust...

I am sorry... I behaved rudely but this was the only truth u gave me.... 😢😢

I am leaving now


Abeer :- no noooooo.......

She gone....
The room again filled with darkness...
I was crying badly 😭😭😭 .....


When I was crying... I didn't realized how I came to the middle of the road..the same truck 🚛🚛that hitted me before came and hitted me again.....

For the very first time I feeled releived and peace......
Bye world.... 🙂🙂🙂

I died.....


So, guys recognise the learning points as per the challenge..... Say me here no cheating honestly......

The end ✨✨.....

So the learning points are....

If u want to love someone... Love him/ her truely..... But if not then don't even dare to hurt 💔💔her / him....

If u truely love someone trust him / her.... Forever till the eternity....

Don't loose hope....

If u truely love someone.... U have to bear pain for him / her but trust ur love❤❤ he/ she will finish ur all pain and all....

Trust is the main thing u should do the most in love at any cost.......
Trust is the rope of any relationship if it brokes then the relationship will also broke... So trust the correct person........

Don't break anyone's trust......

That's it....
Wrote 1592 words......

Very long oneshot....

Will meet u in next oneshot, story chapter , pm message, message board or somewhere else who knows....

Plss plzz plzzz plzz plzzz plzz plzzz plzz plzzz plzz plzzz plzz plzzz plzz plzzz plzz plzzz comment and like...

Goals :- 10 comments, 20 likes and 200 viewers plzz plzzz plzz...

Sorry for long goal....
Complete it

Stay safe, tunned, amazed and happy
Till then...
Radhe Radhe 🥰🥰💖💖💖✨✨✨✨

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