𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Hi everyone. It's been a while. So, I assume that everyone is curious as to what I've been up to. Well, I will fill you in.

First, I will be eighteen in three days.
Second, I am finishing my first semester of college.
Third, Elisha and I are still very happy together.

So there you go, you're all caught up.

Still here?

Well, I suppose some more information is probably required. I have been gone for a long time. So let me give you some details.


Elisha and I are extremely happy together. We are nearing six months together. Our six month anniversary will be on New Years Eve, January 1st! We have lasted longer than any of the previous relationships either of us have been in. It is very exciting. I can't name a time in my life that I have been happier than since I've been with him. My relationship with Elisha is perfect.
Now I don't want you all to think it doesn't have it's flaws. Every relationship does. We've argued and had little fights. But none of them were ever big enough to break us apart. We understand each other and instead of yelling at or hurting each other during arguments we talk through it and learn what is was that caused the other person to be upset. Then we try to fix the problem. By apologizing and making sure the other knows we love them.
The fear of losing him has lessened. It is still there but I know that he would never leave me for something small or silly. So I am able to rest easy knowing that the man I love loves me in return and would never hurt me intentionally.
As for not writing or updating for so long, I have just been blocked. It isn't that I don't have had inspiration. I have all the inspiration in the world. Being with Elisha has constantly reminded me of my many blessings. But I've just been very busy and when I do have the chance to write nothing seemed to come to the page. But I have been trying to fix this issue. Thank you for having as much patience as you already have. I know it is difficult when a writer does not update. But please have some more patience and I will try my hardest to find the right words.
School, though college has me stressed, has not been too bad. I will be finishing my first semester by December 4th so that will give me almost two months of break time. (Lots of time to try and write.)
My family is all well. They have just been sure to keep me busy and annoyed. Siblings are getting older and therefore are becoming more annoying. And with this being my senior year my parents have been stricter on my schooling and schedule. Preparing me for college.
As for being eighteen. I have always been excited for this age but now that I'm so close it does seem rather scary. But I know that I'll get the hang of it. As long as I learn how to be a better driver and get a steady job. But I'm working on it.
Now that I have filled you all in. I need some help. So, because I know Elisha is going to read this, I have to be careful about how I word this. But... I am making a little surprise for him that I will be sending for our sixth month anniversary. I can't say what this surprise is without spoiling it but I can give you all a hint. And with this hint I'm going to ask you all to answer a question in one word. The question is...

What is love?

To you?

Remember to answer in one word. My example would be:

Love is Friendship

So give me all your answers and pm me if you wanna know what the surprise is! Thank you all for your patience and thanks for reading!

Here is a collage I made of myself Elisha.

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