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Taking a taxi, we went to the airport for our early flight. It was a good thing that we decided to leave early since the line for the check in was really long. Now, I regret not sleeping right away after finalizing our plan. Whenever I don't get enough sleep, I easily feel tired and get irritated, so this time the lack of sleep is taking its toll on me for I'm getting annoyed with the hustle and bustle of the crowded airport. After falling in line for 30 minutes, we pass the check in counter and immigration. We go directly to boarding gate. I am walking faster than Ming and P'Forth as I want to board the plane right away and sleep. Since I am in a hurry, I don't care about the people around me and I accidentally bump into someone. If he hadn't been quick enough to catch me, I would have fallen down flat on my face.

"Are you okay?" the person in front me asked. I am suddenly lost. He has a husky voice and his smell is so intoxicating. He is holding my arms that give me a tingling sensation. That time I thought I could hear my heart beat loudly.

Shaking my head, I try to focus and answered him. "yes, I'm okay." Without looking at him, I said "thank you" and continue walking. I could feel that I am beet red and I could feel my heart beating fast. What is happening to me?????

It took us one hour from Bangkok to arrive at Krabi Airport. I am totally exhausted. There are always many tourists this time of the year at the same time many of us go on vacation as well. After reaching the lounge of the airport, I sit on the seat while Ming and P'Forth go to the conveyor to get out luggage. Because of sleepiness, I fall asleep unconsciously. I don't know exactly how long I have slept, but I could feel that my head is resting on someone shoulder. Maybe it is Ming, without opening my eyes, I snuggle closer, but something is different. I could smell the scent of the person I bumped into in the airport. I have tensed up then I immediately lift my head from his shoulder and look at him.OMG!!!! He makes me catch my breath. He is an epitome of perfection. He has a heart shaped face with clean cut haircut. His eyes and smile are sexy that make my heart do a somersault. A sudden blush creeps up to my face. I cover my face and try to calm myself down. After a while, I look at him again and put a smile on my face.

"Hi!!" Greeting him. "Sorry for using your shoulder as a pillow. I hope that I didn't make you feel uncomfortable." I continuously said. Pretending that I haven't met him I asked "have we met before?"

"Personally, we haven't." he is smiling at me.Oh my!! His smile is melting my heart.

"But we bumped into each at the airport a few hours ago." He continuously explains. I am amazed that he can remembered that."By the way, my name is Phana" he said while staring at me intensely.

"Uhhmm...I'm Wayo" still feeling shy I reply to him. I couldn't hold his stare, so I turn my back at him to look for Ming and P'Forth then I see them walking towards me. They are looking at me with a wide grin on their faces. To avoid being teased, I said goodbye to Phana and hurriedly go to my best friend and brother. While I am trying to walk fast, I could hear his fading voice calling my name, but I am so embarrassed to look back for I don't want him to see how he terribly affected me.


Beam,Kit and I left as early as possible for our flight to go to Krabi. When we arrived in the airport, it was fully packed by people. After falling in line in the check-in counter for a long time, we head to the boarding gate. As we are walking, they suddenly told me that they need to go to the comfort room. I am standing near the railing while waiting for them and checking my IG when all of a sudden someone crushes into me. Caught by surprised, I grab his arms to keep him from falling down. Then I find myself looking at the face of the cutest boy I have ever seen. He has his eyes tightly closed, maybe he get scared. He is as red as a tomato. OMG!! I find him absolutely cute!! Right there and then I almost kiss his kissable red lips, but I hold myself back. Why do I feel this way???

Trying to control myself, I asked him "Are you okay?. He isn't looking at me. He looks so lost. I am about to ask him if he is alone when he replies to me.

"Yes, I'm okay" still without looking at me he said "thank you"walking fast away from me.

He left me standing here wondering what his name is. His voice is so soft that sends a shiver through my spine. I want to get to know him more. I hope we meet again someday. I am still lost in my thoughts of that cute boy when someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and I see my best friends with a questioning look on their faces.

"Who is that cute boy you were talking to Ai'Pha?" Beam asked. He likes teasing us and he is the nosiest among us. I needed to lie to avoid being the subject his entertainment.

"Oh, he is just a stranger. I helped him that's why I was talking to him". Glancing at them, I could see the knowing look they exchanged with each other." Let's go, we might miss our flight if we don't hurry."

"Okay, let's go!" both of them said in unison. They were still grinning while looking at me. I just ignored them.

After an hour, we arrived at our destination. I am standing in the airport lounge when I notice someone who looks so familiar sitting on one the seats. As I walk toward him, I realize that he was the cute boy I bumped into in the airport few hours ago. I sit on the seat beside him to talk to him and know his name, but suddenly he leans his head on my shoulder. He is sleeping soundly and I could hear his soft breath. I am so surprised that I couldn't move. 

The attraction has been so strong. STOP!! I scold myself, still my heart is beating so fast at the same time I want to hug him tightly, but I don't want to wake him up, so I let his head rest on my shoulder until he wakes up. I feel him snuggle closer to me that makes me hissed deeply. It feels so good to be near him. I hope that he will wake up soon for it is hard for me get hold of my emotion. As if he heard me, he quickly lifts her head from my shoulder. He has this bewildered look on his face while gazing at me. His face suddenly turns red and he covers his face

While staring at him and smiling brightly, I am waiting for him to say something. He looks like he is trying to relax himself. He is really adorable!!!

"Hi!!" finally, he uttered as he is looking at me. I could feel that he is pretending that we haven't met before, so I just let him be."Sorry for using your shoulder as a pillow. I hope that I didn't make you feel uncomfortable" he said apologizing to me.

"Have we met before?" he asked still pretending not to know me.

"Personally, we haven't ."Giving him my best smile.Two can play this game. "But we bumped into each other at the airport a few hours ago." There is a look of surprise on his face when I said that.

While staring at him intensely, I introduced myself "By the way, my name is Phana."

"Uhhmm...I'm Wayo" he replied to me shyly. He couldn't hold my gaze, so he turns his back as though he was looking for someone.

I follow his line of sight and I could see two men with a wide grin on their faces walking towards us. Before I could say anything, he said goodbye to me and quickly walk to go to them. I try to hold him back by calling his name, but he didn't look back at me. I wonder who those two are?but as Wayo was walking away, I notice something, he turned beet red again. Does he feel the same way as I do? I wish we could see each other again. I wish we could stay in the same resort, I wish...



Thank you for reading my fanfic!!!So sorry for the late update!! I will try to update twice a week if I am not so busy with my work. I hope you enjoy reading this as well!! Please comment and vote for me to know your reactions.

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