chapter sixteen

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"Ive been thinking, when all of this is over, and we're just rolling in the dough, I'm gonna get a new board. I'm gonna deck it out,  and I'm gonna go on a surfer trip. I don't know where, but, like, the worlds calling. I don't know. Name a place." Jj yaps on as we were still waiting on pope and John b.

"Spain." I sigh.

"Then after Spain, South America or South Africa. One of the south places." Jj suggests.

"Your gonna go to South Africa?" I laugh.

"Then Micronesia maybe, and then... just ride." Jj smiles as he suggests all these places.

"So that's the plan, if we were to get a ton of cash? That's the dream? Surf trip?" I smile.

"Tipping jungle break all day long. Bamboo hunt, cooking fish on a fire, and after that, you go back out and hit the waves again. That's the dream." Jj chuckles.

"Sound perfect." I state with a smile.


"Got room for one more?" I ask.

Jj looks up at me and laughs until he realises I wasn't joking.

"You got your passport?" He asks.

"You don't have a passport." I laugh.

"Hell no, I don't got a passport. Kookiest thing ever. You don't need-"

Jj was then cut off by pope whistling outside the window.

We get up and open it for them but then another familiar face comes in with us.

"Jesus Christ! I kill you, John b!" Cleo whispers loudly.

"Cleo?!" I smile.

"Hey girl, how you keeping!?" She says as she jumps in.

Me and John b met Cleo when we fled.

"Who is this?" Jj asks.

"Just relax. Just relax, okay?" John b sighs.

"No, who is she? What's going on? John b!" Jj shouts.

"Hey, jayj, relax. Relax." I say to jj.

"Remember I told you about the girl in the Bahamas who saved us?" I then say to jj.

"Uh... Cleo, yeah?" Jj says.

"Meet Cleo. She's gonna help us, all right?" John b states.

"Next time, ask me." Cleo groans.


We are now arguing about our next plan.

"Let me get this straight. You four, with no weapons, decided you were gonna hijack this tramp steamer on your own? Do you have any idea who these people are? Eberhimi, if he catch you, he's gonna kill you. Dead. Cut off your fingers." Cleo explains.

"Okay. What about waiting until we get to port? At least then, if something goes wrong, we have a place to run." I ask.

"No. No, we can't do that." Pope says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause I've run the scenario over 1,000 times in my head, and our best chances are on this ship. There's 15 crew members and five of us. Three to one odds. Best it'll get. We wait till we get there, they'll trap us." Pope explains.

"We have no chance." I say.

"No, vi, there's something else. Wards alive. He's alive, and he's on this boat." John b states.

"What?!" I shout.


"You gotta be kidding me."

"Are you serious."

"It was all a setup, blowing up the boat, the confession to shoupe. Think about it. That was to clear rafes name. And he does what? Goes to the druthers. What's on the druthers?" John b asks.

"Scuba." I sigh.


"So, wards alive, huh? And he has sarah and more power over us and a reason to hurt Vienna again." Jj groans.

"Thanks for rubbing that in." I say sarcastically.

"So he's just gonna get away with everything again, huh? Not happening. We're not watching this move again, right, pope?" You said we need the win. And with her, we're going to the bridge, and we're gonna take it right now. You with me?" Jj says pointing at Cleo.

"Let's do it." I say.

"I'm with you, and I wanna be the one to take that bridge." Pope says.

"That's what I'm taking about." Jj states.

"He's gonna take the bridge? He couldn't even take me." Cleo chuckles.

"First of all, I was going easy on you." Pope defends.

"I went easy on you." Cleo whispers.

"Shhh." I tell both of them.

"Shut up." John b tells them aswell.

We talk about the plan until some workers started smacking and shouting.

"Okay, let's open these up!" The man shouts, walking over to the container we were in.

"They're checking the containers." I gasp.

"Uh oh." Pope says.

Cleo jumps up and jumps out the window.

"Macias!" We hear Cleo shout from outside.

"She's gonna tell them. Shit!" Pope sighs.

"Hold up! This one's clear, sir. Went through it, inch by inch. Nothing but tubing and plastics in there." He hear Cleo then say.

We all smile as we realise she's covering for us.

She walks back to window and her and pope walk out.

Me, John b and jj wait until it's time to leave.

We hear the captain over the intercom, witch meant it was our time to go.

"Okay, split up, okay? Vienna your with me." Jj says.

John b runs off and me and jj run off.

We get into a room with red lights.

"How many?" I whisper.

Jj holds up eight fingers as we count the rest.

I then notice rafe walking down.

All the crew then go into the room that we planned to lock them in.

"That's all of the crew." I whisper to jj.

"Except ward. We need ward." He whispers.

"We can't wait." I whisper back.

He nods and we run over to the door and lock it then we quickly noticed there is another door.

We run over and push against it as the men behind it are also pushing at it.

As we are pushing the door shut, jjs muscled arms are wrapped around me.

We lock the door and we then see pope.

"You go help him, I'm gonna get Sarah and John b." I say to jj.

"Be careful." Jj says.

"I'm always careful." I laugh before running off to find them.

I make it down to a boiler room, probably a good hiding spot for them.

I look around until I hear a really big bang right infront of me.

"Watch your head, Vienna." Rafe says as he pulls away the metal hook he had just smacked against a pipe.

"Rafe." I whisper.

"What the hell are you doing here, Vienna?" Rafe asks as he swings around the big hook.

"Just put that thing down, all right?" I say as I start to back away.

"Why would I do that? Huh?"

"This isn't about you, all right?" I sigh as he gets closer.

"It's not about me?" He asks.

"No." I state.

"Yeah, it never is." Rafe says before trying to hit me with the hook.

I dodge as he takes more hits.

He hits me with the blunt end and throws me to the ground.

"Vienna, we could've had a good thing... remember? Me and you. Until you chose jj." Rafe groans as he stands over me, swinging the hook again.

"Just let me go, and we can forget about this." I suggest.

"You know... you know I can't let that happen." He says before he takes another hit at me.

A hit that I dogged. I stand back up and run away.

"Hey! Come here!" Rafe shouts, running after me.

I finally make it back outside, away from rafe.

As I stepped outside I felt someone pull me and cover my mouth with their hands.

I look behind me and it's jj.

I sigh of relief as we sneak around the corner of the ship to be met with the captain.

"Get down on your knees." The man says.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Jj says before tackling the man.

The man also was armed with a machete.

We both take punches at the man.

"Where's John b?" Jj asks, still fighting eberhimi.

"John b?!" I shout over the boat.

I then heard a thud and it went quiet.

I turn around to a machete being swung at me.

I dodged it and it hit jj right up in the head, throwing him into the water.

I kick the man before jumping right into the water after jj.

"Jj!" I shout as I pick him up in the water.

"Jayj!, stay with me. J, please. Please!" I shout as jjs unconscious.

"Jj, stay with me. John bs coming, okay?" I keep repeating as I hold onto jjs lifeless body.

"John b! Help!" I shout before seeing the life boat filled with my friends driving over.

"Oh my god!" Pope shouts.

"No, no, no!" John b shouts as he helps me and jj onto the boat.

"Jj Wakeup!" I shout, not caring about the fact rafe was pointing a gun at us.

"Jj! Please! Please!" I cry out.

I smack, pull, push him until he starts coughing out water.

I tap his back, helping him cough out the water.

One of my hands holding up his head and my other hand placed on his chest.

He looks over at my hand before looking at me with a confused smile.

"Hi." I smile at him.

"Sup?" He smiles.

I push his head away before pulling him in for a big hug.

"Always looking for attention, huh?" John b chuckles.

"Whatever it takes, right?" Jj laughs as I'm still holding him in my arms.

I hold a piece of cloth at the wound on his head.

"What the hell happened?" Jj asks.

"The blunt end of a machete." I sigh.

"Machete?" Jj questions, proudly.

"The blunt end." I state.

"Next time, duck." Cleo chuckles.

"I'll try to remember that next time. Thanks." Jj sighs.

We then later make it to a little island.

A hot island.

Me, Sarah and Cleo, chilling in our bikinis as the boys were mostly shirtless.

"Jj, you all right there, buddy?" John b asks jj.

"Yeah. Still a little dizzy." Jj groans.

"Okay, anybody know where we're at?" Jj then asks.

"Deserted beach. Unknown island." Pope replies.

"All right, I'll take that as a no." Jj says before sitting down beside me.

"Plan a, huh, pope? That went well." Jj sighs.

"This is the lowest we can go. We literally have nothing here. Literally nothing to loose." Pope groans.

"Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I'd say we're at a dollar fifty." Jj chuckles.

"More than I got on me." I laugh.

"That somehow doesn't make me feel better." Sarah sighs.

"Yeah, you're right." John b says to Sarah.

"But, I mean, we've... we've had some good stuff happen, right?" John b asks.

"Name something." Pope scoffs.

"Um... uh, the boiler room. If the boiler didn't explode I wouldn't of gotten away from rafe." I say.

"Wait... away from rafe? You fought with rafe?" Jj asks, concerned.

"Yeah, and I won." I smile.

"Atta girl." Jj smiles as he gives me a high-five.

"See! We are happy. Guys, this is it. This is the pogue life." John b says as he stands up and points around.

"We are in the Caribbean. It's our own little slice of paradise. With my best friends, with my family. I don't know. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else. Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing... jj?" John b smiles.

"Hm?" Jj replies as he looks over to where John b is pointing.

"I was looking at those burly lefts." John b chuckles.

I let out a laugh, as does Sarah.

"There's some slabs out there" jj sighs.

"Just a few."

"Vi, see that? I know you wanna get out there." John b smiles at me.

"No boards." I roll my eyes.

"Well, we can bodysuit till we make some boards." John b suggests.

"Pope, come on, man." John b chuckles.

"They do look pretty tasty." Pope sighs.

"Oh, yes, the do." John b looks out.

"There's nobody around. We could camp here for a bit." Sarah states.

"Kind of belongs to us now, huh?" I smile.

"Sure does." John b handshakes with me.

"Poguelandia." Jj spits out.

"Oh god." I groan.

"I claim thee poguelandia. I like the ring of it. I'm gonna make a flag. It's gonna have a chicken on it. With a coconut bar, smoking a j... in crocs." Jj yaps.

We all laugh.

"I could use a j." I chuckle.

"Can we vote?" Sarah asks sarcastically.

"Shall we get to work?" John b asks pope

"We shall." Pope sighs.

"Vienna." Jj says walking over to me.

"jj." I greet.

"Till death do us part?" He smiles.

"Till death do us part." I smile back.

"Full pogue." Jj cheers.

"Full pogue." I laugh.


a woman knocks on a blue bricked house door.

An a older man answers.

The woman holds up a letter and the man lets the woman in.

"How is he?" The woman asks the man.

"Half dead for a long time." The man sighs as they walk outside.

"Out here." The man points before the pale lady walks out.

The lady is then met with a back yard and a different man sitting on a chair.

"I got your letter." The woman states to the man.

"I know where it is, I can help you. But you... have to help my children." Big John routledge states.

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