chapter twenty five

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the wind breezes through my hair as all six of us watched my house burn down... mine and John bs home.

"could of been a faulty wire." pope suggests.

"Thing just went up." Sarah whispers.

There was no saving it, there is about 3 pieces of wood standing.

My home was gone.

I look over at jj and he's already looking at me.

I sigh as I look back at the house.

I then look at John b.

He looked as if he wanted to scream... as did I.

As the day went on, we made it to the docks, to talk about our plan that was still happening.

"Sarah, when did you say the pilot was getting here?" John b asks.

"Probably like an hour? I mean, once he's here, my dad says we can leave whenever we want." Sarah states.

"Okay, we'll, as much as I would love to ghost my parents again, I can't." Pope sighs.

"Pope, we're talking about el dorado here. Can you just slip out the back maybe?" Jj asks.

"Great advice." I smile.

"It always worked for me. How to avoid unpleasant circumstances 101. If there's a problem, you don't wanna face it, turn that face and keister around and walk the other way." Jj states.

"I'm not doing that, okay?" Pope groans.

"I just want you to be there, bro." Jj sighs.

"I'm gonna be there. I'll meet you at the airstrip in an hour?" Pope asks.

"Yeah, we'll see you there." John b says.

"One hour, pope. Not a second later." Jj states.

"I'm gonna take a stroll back to the shack. For old times sake. I always wanted to go to South America. Great surf, cheap weed. See you guys on the tarmac!" Jj shouts as he walks off.

"I'm gonna go back to the chateau... try see if any of my shits remained. I need clothes but I'd doubt there's any left." I sigh before walking off.

"Hey, jayj. Wait." I say to jj as I catch up to him.

"Just, uh, last night, you were... you were saying something before the fire." I sigh.

"I'll tell you what. I'll tell you on the plane." He smiles.

"Just make sure you get on." He states before walking off.

I walk up to the chateau, minding my own business until a car pulls up.

"Hey, vienna. Is your brother here too?" The man asks as he gets out of the car.

I walk off.

"Hey, come back. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk to you." He states.

"Uh, no, thanks." I say walking off.

"Vienna, it'll only take a second." He smiles.

"Stranger danger." I say as I walk around the remains of the house.

I was then stopped by another man.

"Woah, dude." I say stepping back while im being cornered by men.

"Look. This can go one of two ways." The man says.

I back up realising who they were.

They are the same people who tried to take me and my brother in when our dad 'died' and wanted to put me in a girl behaviour camp and John b in a boy behaviour camp.

Kitty hawk.

"We are here to take you and your brother, we heard about your house fire and heard that your father hasn't been in sight ever since he rose from the dead." One of the men say.

The man pulls me into the car as I try to fight off but they take me, put me in the car and drive off.

About 30 minutes I arrived.

I watched all the other teenage girls do slave work as I was walked up to an office.

"Well, the good news is, we have a name for your condition." The woman states.

"Great." I sarcastically say.

"ODD. Oppositional defiant disorder." The woman smiles.

"What is that?" I ask.

She yaps on about more shit and how I'll feel at home here and I was then placed into a room.

I cry as I realise I'm stuck here.

About an hour later a woman comes in.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But at kitty hawk, we feel you have the strength to hear all the news, including bad news." The woman says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well, your cousin was here a minute ago." She states.

"What cousin?" I ask.

"Young man, blond. He asked me to tell you that Marley, well, he passed away." She states.

"Like Bob Marley? Cause..." I begin to say before being cut off.

"No, your Siamese mix, Marley." The woman sniffs.

I then begin to fake cry, realising what was happening.

The woman then hugs me.

"I'm actually gonna need a little time to process." I fake cry even more.

I then smile as I'm in my room alone.

"Jj..." I whisper to myself with a laugh.

About two hours later I'm reading, the door opens again.

"Vienna, we know you're grieving and feel you're best supported by your peers. So we're going to relocate you." The woman states.

"I really feel like I need some more time to reflect." I state.

"No stalling. Coke on. We're putting you in a dorm." The man says.

"Cabin six, let's go." The man states as he and the woman walk out.

I grab a sharpie and write 'cabin 6, P4L.' for jj.

I walk out and begin my journey to the cabin.

All the girls stare as I walk in.

I get to my bed and lay there, in silence.


as I was sat, in silence.

A light turns on.

"What are you doing in here?" A girl asks.

I pop my head up and I smile as I see jj infront of me, sneaking around.

"Uh, hey. I'm just... looking for someone. I'm looking for..." he says as he looks around.

"Me?" I ask.

His eyes dart at me.

"Vi." He smiles.

I jump out of my bed and run over and hug him.

"How? How did you..?" I ask.

"I know. Okay, yeah. It's a long story. No time to explain. Wait, there's one thing though. You know how you asked me what I was going to say last night, and, um, vi, I just... I wanted to say I'm sorry." He states.

"Im sorry, vienna." He says again.

"I love you." I say as I smile at him.

"I love you too." He says back.

He then pulls me in for a kiss.

Chills went down my spine as his lips touched mine for the first time in months.

The girls around us started to cheer.

We quickly run out.

Jj holding my hand as we ran.

"We missed wards plane, but I have a plan." He says as we get to the road.

A car then revs down the road.

"Oh my god, who is that?" I ask as the car pulls up.

"A friend." Jj states.

"Is that barracuda Mike?" I ask.

"Hop on in!" Mike shouts as we open the doors.

"Vienna, barracuda Mike. Barracuda Mike, vienna." Jj introduced.

We get in and make our way to god knows where.

We make it to another plane.

"Direct flight to South America on barracuda airlines, what more could you ask for?" Jj laughs as we get up to the plane.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"You got somewhere else to be?" He asks.

"Not anymore!" I state.

"Me neither!" He states.

"Next stop, el dorado." He smiles as he takes my hand and brings me over to the plane.

We get in, the plane starts, takes off and we are in the way to South America.

We hug as we realise are plan worked.

It was normal again between me and jj.

Like it's supposed to be.

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