chapter twenty six

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hours later, me and jj were still on the plane.

"We're gonna be landing in about a couple of hours out of tres rocas, at a farm. It's right here." Jj points on the map.

"A couple of hours?" I ask.

"Yeah, but barracuda Mike says there's a bus into town we should be able to catch, so..."

"Jayj, what if they're not there?" I ask.

"If they're not there... free vacation. We're on an adventure, baby. Come on now." He smiles.


I changed into a purple crop top, green shorts and put my hair up in a pony tail.

And not too long later... we landed.

"Damn. Barracuda mikes got this import export thing down." Jj laughs as he looks around.

"You, barracuda, is that our executive coach to tres rocas right there?" Jj points.

"It is, smart ass. Hey. We have a deal, remember? You still owe me for that lost load." Mike tells jj.

"I remember, all right?" Jj says before walking away.

"Hey, jj." Mike calls.

"What?" He replies.

"Word of advice. This ain't Kildare. Try and lay low."
Mike states.

"Sure thing, chief." Jj scoffs.


We are on the bus while a man tells us where we are going.

"People who go up to el Dorado... they don't coke back down." A man says.

"Funny. Funny..." jj scoffs as he places his arm around me.

After 30 minutes... the bus stops and we get off.

"This place makes the cut look like the Taj Mahal." Jj laughs.

"All right, how we gonna find them?" I ask.

"I'm working on it. Um, look, all right. Tres rocas is fairly small, okay? Don't worry about it, girl. We'll find them." Jj smiles

He then looks out the window of the bus.

"You gotta be kidding me. We haven't been here for two minutes!" Jj laughs.

"Oh my god." I scoff.

"Como estas, amigos?" Jj laughs.

"What the the fuck!" Pope high fives jj.

"We gotta go! We gotta run!" Cleo shouts.

"Already?! We just got here!" I shout while me and jj run out and follow them.


barracuda Mike is leading me, jj, pope and Cleo around some woods.

"Got anything to protect yourself?" Mike asks.

"Uh, kinda working on that part." Jj sighs.

"Here." Mike says as he hands jj a bag.

"What's this?" Jj asks.

"Machetes. You'll need them."

"I'm adding the cost of this rig to what you already owe me. I don't expect to see it again anyway. Look, I asked around at the landing today. Your buds did leave this morning, but I was able to get directions to el Tesoro. Pretty loose. Only Jose knows the real way, but get you in the right zip code, maybe." Mike explains.

"It's a start." I smile.

"Thanks." Pop says to Mike.

And we get on the boat and make our way.


we are on the boat still, until we spot Singh and his men.

"They're not looking for us." Cleo states.

"They're looking for John b and Sarah, they'll know where they're headed." Jj stated before stating the boat around and following them.


"Okay, guys, I think this is el Tesoro. The trailhead to the mountain is supposed to start here." I state.

"Oh shit. That's one of singhs guys. What are we gonna do?" Jj asks as he sees the man standing on a dock, not too far away.

We send over a note to the man saying...

'In five seconds you will hear a gunshot, that's your warning. The next one will be at your head.'

The note said.

And boom.

We let off fire works for the fake gun sound.

And they bought it.

And another we launched towards them.

And before we knew it they were shotting at us.

They get on they're boats and leave.

"thank god." I laugh.

"Think we're getting better at this." Jj says, smiling.

"Oh yeah." Pope handshakes him.

"Ain't no time for celebrating, we didn't do nothing yet." Cleo states as me and her walk over to them.

"That's fair." I smile as I follow Cleo.

Jjs eyes trailed me as they both follow.

We were then trying to find clues as we climbed mountains.

"Hey, pope! Couldn't find anything. You?!" Jj shouts over as him and Cleo are standing at the top of the hill.

"Yeah. The path leads this way." He points.


we followed the path, walked more and now we were spying on my dad, brother, sarah and ward... who was pointing a gun to my brother and father.

As ward is about to shoot either my father we all pull out machetes.

"P4L." We all say before run out and point the swords at ward.

"Put the fucking gun down before I slice your head off, Cameron." I state.

And he got scared, he knew he was out numbered... but that didn't stop John b from walking infront of the gun.

"Stop." Sarah states as she then walks infront of John b, defending him.

And that's when he lowered the gun.

"Your not gonna kill all of us." Sarah tells ward.

"Well I will." A voice said as it walked out.

One of Singhs men.

John b points the gun at him but the man points his gun at our father.

As he was about to shoot Sarah because John b refused to toss the gun.

And then a shout came from ward before he charged at the man, three gunshots went off as ward and the man fall off the cliff, to their deaths.

Gasps came from all of us.

But crying came from Sarah.

She lost her dad... again.

As we were all looking down at ward... I noticed my dad, something was wrong.

I run over and kneel down.

"Dad. Dad!" I say as I shake him.

John b then runs over.

We both carry him over to where are boat was.

We lay him down and cover his wound as we hope for the best.

I hold his hand as he tells me and John b how proud and how much he loves us.

"Hey, bird." He says, looking at me.

"I'm sorry I haven't always been there for you. I always knew you and your mother had a stronger bond... but- but- i love you and you... John b. I'm sorry." My dad says to me and John b.

"It's okay, it's okay." I cry.

"John b, you gotta keep this one." My dad says as he looks at John b and Sarah.

Then my dad looks over at me and jj, jj who was holding my hand as my other hand held my dads hand.

"You. And you. I've always hated you two together. But you. Look after her, okay? And you look after him." He laughs as he tells me and jj.

I look at jj with a smile and I look back at my dad.

Then it went quiet.

My dad died... again.

But I watched it happen this time.

I sob as jj holds me tight, I wasn't even daring to look at my fathers lifeless body.


"an expedition of two siblings, John and Vienna routledge, and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals, who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorer's, and admirals failed. Today, we come together to celebrate these teens, friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500 year old mystery. Let's hear it for them!" A man presents.

The big crowd applauded for us.

We stand up and smile at everyone.

Shoupe gives me a nod.

I give one back.

Jjs hand then interlocks with mine.

After that we were just talking.

"Okay, I need a reset. I need a reset right now. This is a lot. It's time to celebrate." Jj says, pulling out a joint.

"I'll take one hit." I state.

I follow jj and as we were in silent...

"He's proud of you." Jj states.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Big John. You know he's proud, he would've thought this was all bull shit... but he's proud."" Jj laughs.

"Yeah." I giggle.

"Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt." An older man says as he walks over.

"Uh, can we help you?" I ask the man.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you all... well done. But I was also wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine." The man suggests.

"Oh yeah? What type of item is that?" Cleo asks.

"It's a manuscript. I would investigate it myself, but I'm too long in the tooth, I need partners, and you all were first on my list." The man smiles.

"May I?" Pope asks.

"I was hoping you would." The man states as he opens his case.

Pope opens the book.

"1718. Jeez, this is old. Exhibition notes, dates. This is a captains log. This shows the exact position of the ship." Pope states as we all look around the book.

"The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped." The man stated.

"Who is the captain?" I ask.

"Edward teach. Blackbeard." The man whispers.

We all look at each other with smirks.

"God damn." I sigh.


this is the end of the book until season four.

I really hope you guys enjoyed the story so far.

And until season four... I'll see you later.

good bye!!

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