Chapter One - Nightmares

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Requested by: xFandom_Queenx

'Hey, I can't wait till the one shot book starts kicking off :) could you please write a one shot maybe set in the future where Jonny and Lizzie have a daughter and she has a nightmare and goes to Jonny for comfort and he sees their daughter about to wake lizzie but stops her before she can because she's pregnant with their second child and instead he settles her back to sleep :)'

I know it's a bit late, but I wrote this in like half an hour, and want to post it to give you guys some content. Feel free to request as many times as you want!

Just a note, most of these oneshots aren't canon, especially this one as I haven't decided what to do child wise. But for those of you who so desperately wanted pregnant Lizzie, here you go. 


11pm at the third Goodman residence was usually the only times the house was quiet. Lizzie was usually working on a marketing campaign and Jonny was either reading though emails, or drafting ones to shout at some attorneys about some flat. Amelia was usually put to bed around 7, and it took a good hour to actually get her asleep, so the two only got a few hours in the evenings before bed.

Today however, Lizzie was fast asleep on the sofa as repeats of Doctor Who played on the telly. As the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond save the world once again on screen, Jonny is doing the washing up in the kitchen.

Slowly, the stairs creek as a little blonde girl walks down them, clutching a blue teddy which had been geniusly named 'Blue'. Lizzie had almost pissed herself with laughter when Amelia's first words weren't 'Daddy' or 'Mummy', but instead 'Blue'.

"Mummy?" The girl asks quietly, walking up to the sofa, Lizzie doesn't stir. Jonny looks back into the living room and sighs. This was the second time this week. Amelia touches her mum's arm slightly and Jonny dries his hands on the tea towel, walking into the living room quietly.

"Another nightmare?" he asks the girl, noticing her tear-stained face. She nods, clutching her teddy bear.

"I want mummy," she pouts

"I know sweetheart," he leans down to her level "But Mummy's asleep, you know how annoying your baby sisters been this past week," he gestures to Lizzie's very bloated belly.

"But in the dream, she was -" tears well up in her eyes and Jonny shushes her, picking her up.

"Hey, how about you talk to mummy about it in the morning, and tonight, you let me put you back to bed, deal?"

Amelia thinks for a moment "Will you tell me that story about grandad and his painting again?"

"Of course," Jonny grins, heading upstairs, quickly checking Lizzie was still asleep.

After an hour of storytelling, Amelia had finally fallen asleep again, however this time she was draped over Jonny's chest. He sighs, and checks the time. He could take a short nap before getting Lizzie in bed. She'd kill him if she slept on the sofa again, her back was bad enough.

The next morning though, Lizzie wakes up at 6am on the sofa, her back killing her "Oh I'm going to murder him," she struggles to stand and grabs her phone, preparing to go up to bed. On her way, she sees Amelia's door slightly ajar, so pokes her head in. There she sees Jonny fast asleep, Amelia next to him. Jonny's clutching Blue and Lizzie smiles. Maybe he would live another day. Quickly snapping a photo, she sends it to the family group chat she claimed she despised. Oh, Adam was going to have a field day with that.

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