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Hey, Amber!
2:57 PM ✔️

Hi, Dream! 😊
2:57 PM ✔️

How are you?
2:57 PM ✔️

I'm doing good :)
I'm just hanging out with
the boys on Discord but
I just wanted to check up on you
2:57 PM ✔️

How are you?
2:58 PM ✔️

Oh! Tell everyone I said hi
and that I hope they're doing
well <3
2:58 PM ✔️

And I'm doing okay! I'm
just chilling before I have
to stream
2:58 PM ✔️

What time are you
2:58 PM ✔️

In two minutes
2:58 PM ✔️


Not receiving a response, Amber quickly started up her stream. The chat went wild and she waved at her camera, moving her chair side to side while propping her legs up. She drank from her usual drink on the side and fixed her mic a bit before settling down on her chair and relaxing.

"Hello, chat!" She exclaimed, a toothy grin forming on her face. "Glad that you're all here. Very grateful. Also, chat guess what?" A bunch of responses flowed. "We hit 1.4 million followers on Twitch and 16k subs! It made my whole entire day. I appreciate all of you."

| twitchuser1: if we get to 20k subs can
you tell us you love us?

"Um," Amber chuckled nervously as she read the question in her mind. "We'll see. In the meantime, I appreciate all of you. I'm really happy that you're all here, I'm glad you're all doing well so far. If you're not, you can just rant in the chat. I'm reading everything so I try to respond to any questions or if you need advice in anything I try to read, too."

| twitchuser2: when are we going to
talk about crimes? im looking forward
to learn more

"That's a good question," the girl thought out loud, furrowing her eyebrows. "Maybe tomorrow if you guys want. I have found new crimes I wanted to share so yeah, maybe tomorrow."

| twitchuser3: why is your whole attitude

"Um, I'm just trying to be nice," Amber smiled brightly. "It's not something I'm trying to fake. It's just something I didn't grow up with, you know, niceness and meeting people with a nice personality so I just want my viewers or followers or friends to know that they're not alone and I want them to feel comfortable."

| twitchuser4: ugly

Knowing that it would be this type of stream, Amber awkwardly shifted in her chair and sighed, ignoring the comment, knowing that the mods will kindly do something about it. She smiled a little when she saw a dono pop up, but furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the name "Sapnap" and later "Karl" pop up on her screen.

Sapnap's said, "Open your Twitter DMs. I sent you a link. join now."

While Karl's said, "Open your messages, Ambs!"

Confused, the girl went to Twitter on her computer and pressed on the link Sapnap had sent her. She realized it was a Discord link and she was immediately blasted by loud voices as soon as she clicked it.

"You fucking asshole!" She heard and she flinched before noticing that it was Dream speaking. "You better not go and- Oh, hi, Amber."

His tone softened and Amber smiled widely. "Hi, Dream!"

"I'm sorry about that," he cleared his throat, ignoring the way his friends snickered in the background. "Sorry for yelling, again. But, um, how-how are you? Wait, I already asked that, ha. Um, I-Are you streaming?"

The chat was amused at how nervous and soft he turned around the girl, but Amber ignored them all and giggled softly while letting out a hum. "Yep. Say "hi"."

"Hi," Dream laughed a little before clearing his throat. "Amber, meet George, Sapnap, Quackity, and, of course, Karl."

"Hi, Amber," she heard a British accent greet her. "Nice to meet you. I'm George."

"Nice to meet you, too, George," she continued to smile.

"Can I just say that you have an amazing voice?" He continued and loud laughter was heard from Quackity. "Like, it's soothing. I'll do anything for you."

Everyone laughed at George's last sentence and the boy was spluttering out some type of apology as he realized what he just said.

"Um, I..." Amber was left speechless and her face turned red as small giggles continued to escape her lips when she heard him begin to question himself if he really did say that out loud. "I-Thank you? I've never heard someone compliment my voice."

"I didn't mean to say that out loud, I'm sorry," George apologized. Amber shook her head.

"No, don't worry about it," she reassured. "Your comment just made me more confident about my voice."

"Hi, Amber," she saw Sapnap speak. "It's me, Sapnap. Um, question, can we curse around you? Because I've heard that you don't really say bad words."

"Go ahead," Amber said. "I'm friends with Corpse and that man curses in every sentence."

Karl giggled and let out a "true" while Amber briefly glanced at her chat who was buzzing with excitement and were all commenting on everything happening.

| twitchuser5: Not George simping for Amber 😭😭😭
| twitchuser6: notice how quiet dream got LMAOOO

"Hey, Amber, I'm Alex, though I go by Quackity," Alex said next and the girl chuckled a bit as he started singing. "Amber, ¿te puedes casar conmigo por favor?"

"As much as I love the offer, Quackity," the brunette breathed out, "I will politely decline your marriage proposal."

"Quackity!" Dream exclaimed.

"Alex!" Karl exclaimed next.

"You understand Spanish?" Quackity asked and Amber hummed.

"I can also speak it."

"Oh, God... George, Sapnap, hold me, I'm falling in love."

"Oh, my God," Amber and Dream simultaneously spoke, one out of annoyance and the other out of amusement.

"Hey, Ambs," Dream spoke as George, Sapnap, and Quackity argued amongst themselves over who was Amber's favorite so far. Karl gasped at the nickname Dream had called his friend, about to argue. That was his and Corpse's nickname. "So... how's your day going so far?"

"It's going pretty well," Amber softly answered with happiness laced in her tone. "I finally slept well and woke up to Corpse bringing me breakfast so that made my morning better. How's your day going?"

"You know, pretty good," Dream answered. "I slept in, watched a movie, listened to some music, and I'm here with you so it's going great!"

"Ha, you simp!" Sapnap giggled. Amber smiled and glanced at the dono she had received. She furrowed her eyebrows, eyeing at Dream's discord name before chuckling a bit.

"Thank you... Dream for donating," she sipped her drink and continued reading the rest. "And thank you for complimenting my sweater! Sykkuno got it for me and it's so nice."

"It's a nice a sweater," Dream continued. "I like that it's green."

"Yeah, many people don't like wearing green as much, but I love the color," Amber smiled. "It reminds me of the grass and flowers. I love grass and flowers. Flowers are beautiful."

"You should buy Dream's merch," Karl butt in, receiving hums in agreement from the others. Dream stayed quiet, wanted to hear what his friends were going to say. Hopefully, nothing stupid or
embarrassing that would leave him in a stuttering mess. "It's green."

"Oh!" Amber perked up. "For sure. I like supporting my friends either way. Send me the link." In a sec, Sapnap had sent her the link on Discord, giggling excitedly as Dream continued donating. "I'm gonna grab three hoodies."

"Three?" Dream exclaimed. "Oh, my God."

"Anything for you, Dream!"


can we talk about how
adorable, beautiful,
handsome sam is 😭😭

also, the amount of good
streams today; the tales from
the smp and quackity teaching
dream how to play roblox.
the content!

have a good day!

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