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"Amber! Thank goodness you're here. Dream was yelling at us again."

"No I wasn't! A, they're lying."

"Wow," Tommy let out just as Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, George, Ranboo, and Tubbo followed after, scoffs escaping some of their lips. "Now you're calling us liars?"

"What's going on?" Amber chuckled, clearly confused about the situation as Kai babbled, walking towards her. Amber picked him as soon as she felt him slapping her thigh, eyes resting on the names of the people. "I'm so confused."

"Dream was yelling at us, Amber," Ranboo dramatic sighed. "He was saying how we were being mean to you during Jackbox."

"It was all fun and games, right?" Tubbo asked. Amber felt Kai play with her rings, the boy later putting one of her fingers in his mouth to soothe the ache from the teeth that were growing. "Right, Amber?"

"Yes, it was all fun and games, Dream," everyone let out sighs of relief, the anxiety that they were feeling from her silence immediately leaving their bodies. "Is that why Ranboo texted me?"

"Yes," Ranboo chuckled. "I just had to. I was feeling scared and because Tommy told me to."

"Don't say my name out loud!" Tommy exclaimed before sighing, most likely pinching the bridge of his nose as Dream exclaimed his name. "Listen, I was bored so why not being in Amber? She calms you don't, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, because unlike you idiots she's actually someone I can tolerate," Dream hummed and Amber shook her head, passing Kai his pacifier. The rest of the group let out exclaims, offended by his words.

"After what we've been through?" Sapnap scoffed. "Bitch."

They all eyed the chat where Callahan had posted a, "This is why I like Amber because she's not mean like you :(."

"No, Callahan!" Amber eyed his name. "Don't be sad. I appreciate you."

Callahan • Today at 2:33 PM
Thank you Amber :,)

"Let Dream have baby duty, Amber," George said. "Since you two now live together, have him change the baby's diapers or something as punishment."

"I already do that, dumbass," Dream chuckled. "Kai is my boy!"

"You guys have a baby?" Tommy gasped. "Since when?"

"Tommy," Quackity began, "Amber literally mentioned it months ago on stream. She said she's the legal guardian of her nephew. You know what you are? A fake fan. Don't call yourself an Amber stan no more, please."

Everyone burst out laughing when Tommy spluttered out a response but ended up giving up when he couldn't defend himself.

"Amber," he cackled. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Tommy," Amber chuckled under her breath, swaying the baby side to side to lull him to sleep, and he did. After having a blast running around the home that Amber had moved into, well, of course Kai would be tired. "It was a long time ago. I bet people forgot."

"I met Kai and he's so adorable," Karl giggled. "We were on a call with Corpse, Dream was there, I don't know, I don't care. Anyway," everybody laughed as Dream exclaimed, "Kai said his first word."

"It was Mum wasn't it?" Tubbo gasped.

"Yes!" Karl exclaimed. "It was so cute."

"But I'm teaching him to call me aunt now," Amber smiled, watching the baby's eyes closed. "He tried to say Dream's name, too, but he only got to the first two letters and just giggled. It was adorable."

"If his next word is not Tommy," Tommy started, "he's not an Amber stan. I said what I said and I stand by it."

"Fake!" Quackity exclaimed. "Fake fan! Ban him, Amber. Ban him from your fans. We don't claim people who don't think Kai is an Amber stan because he is!"

"Tell him, Quackity!" Sapnap yelled.

"God, you two are so hot," Karl softly giggled, receiving a soft "Karl" from Sapnap who stopped laughing, too, to say his sentence. Quackity simoky laughed with him, muttering a "let's go" rather cheerfully.

"How's it like living with Dream and Sapnap, Amber?" Ranboo asked and Amber smiled, eyeing the way JB came to rest near her desk on his bed, eyeing Kai. "Are they too boy-ish?"

"The two are... okay-ish roommates," Amber smiled immediately when the two gasped at her words.

"But I provide you with my love and kisses," Dream mumbled and everyone playfully gagged except for Tubbo who aw'ed at his words. Ranboo simply let out a "that's disgusting" under his breath.

"I just provide you and bless you with my presence," Sapnap hummed and Amber rolled her eyes, turning around when she heard footsteps heading her way. She smiled at coming to see Dream, the man coming closer and smiling widely when he saw the baby sleeping.

"Where the hell did Dream go?" Quackity asked after George and Tommy called for him. "Never mind. I know where he's at. Tell him to get back to his fucking room Amber."

"Quackity said to go back to your room," Amber chuckled, eyeing her boyfriend who had taken Kai in his arms, swaying side to side. He leaned closer, being careful not to wake the baby, and let Amber fix her microphone in front of his lips.

"Fuck off," he whispered. "Leave me alone."

"This is why no one likes Dream, Amber," George commented. "This is why you're my favorite person."

"Wait, can we try to test the theory that Dream can for sure sense when someone is flirting with Amber?" Tubbo gasped and everyone else let out noises of agreement while the girl tried so hard not to facepalm.

"Man's got spider senses," Quackity giggled. "But instead of spider senses it's.... it's his Amber's senses! Ooh, let George start."

"Amber, you look beautiful today," George complimented. "I saw your hair from that picture you sent me a couple of hours ago and you look nice."

"Stop," Amber shook her head, cheeks turning red. Dream eyed her and the baby before placing his hand on the back of Kai's head and leaned in.

"George, shut up," he said and everyone burst out laughing. "You always do this!"

"Tell him it was Tubbo's idea!" Tubbo immediately gasped, no's escaping her lips.

"Quackity said to tell you it was Sapnap's idea," Amber lied, hearing the teenaged boy let out a sigh of relief.

"And who was it?"


"Here, hold Kai."

"Where are you going?"

"To Sapnap's room."


I've been having this
stuck in my drafts now,
but more bonus scenes
will pop up!

What more do you want
to see?

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