Chapter 1: Part 1

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They say before you start a war,
you better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

- Angel with a Shotgun, The Cab

c h a p t e r 1 : n i c o

Nico approached the young Apollo boy with a grin so large it stretched to both of his ears. The sun ,being an Apollo kid, seemed to slant just perfectly so that Will's hair became even more dazzling. If that's even possible, Nico thought inwardly. He immediately scolded himself as he met the blonde boy at the end of the green. A small smile played upon Will's lips, and he had his hands tucked in his short pockets.

"What was that ,Death Boy?" he questioned Nico noticing the odd expression plastered against Percy's face. He stood dumbfounded as Annabeth attempted to steer him away. Nico flustered a bit realizing he'd have to admit his sexuality. Maybe that was good, maybe he needed to let it out. Possibly it may help him come to realization with him.

"I told him, erm... That one time I used his toothbrush while he was on a quest." Nico lied twiddling his fingers behind his back. Wow, I thought we were telling him ,Nico...

"Just used his tooth brush? His face seemed like you'd admitted you made out with Annabeth one time!" Will exclaimed watching intently as Annabeth proceeded to yank Percy from the scene.

"I used it to clean my toilet." Nico added uneasily, "it was a dare." Suddenly Nico was very aware of Will's arm brushing lightly against his. He could sense his cold skin demolishing under Will's beaming skin. He could get used to that feeling. For once, he didn't shove the emotion deep inside barley containing it.

It was nice being able to conclude his erupting feelings pleading to burst through his chest. His excitement rattled his heart and his emotions. He missed that warm breeze Will Solace had delivered him during the war. When Jason arrived that morning his heart increased ,yet it melted when he noticed he was just witnessing Jason. Maybe he couldn't admit it yet, but his heart chanted for Will Solace- son of Apollo.

"Alright, but right now you owe me three total days in the infirmary. No buts ,Death Boy." he slowly wandered towards the direction of the infirmary while Nico reluctantly shuffled behind. His mood soon became disappointed considering their arms weren't connecting.

"Don't call me that." Nico mumbled grazing the dirt with his shoes attempting to not begin kicking it.

"Skeleton Buddy?"

"Gods no."

"Bones and Stones?"

"I like Death Boy better."

"How about... Oh! Sunshine!"

"Ew. Your happiness and content disgusts me."

"How about princess?" the smirk Will's lips were forming was almost as good as his hair. Nico hastily plopped that thought to the side and removed a disturbed face to threatening one.

"When you choose your death in a few seconds, would you go for Elysium or rebirth?" Nico retorted grinding his teeth together. They halted at the entrance of the infirmary.

"Death Boy it is." Will decided leaving the door open for Nico. Nico stepped inside allowing Will to herd him towards his assigned room. Many patients were still recovering from the war. Nico recognized a few while they searched for his room. Hammocks clung to the walls in certain areas while others were treated with beds for comfort. Props were decorated around to help boost broken legs from the ground. Bandages with blood seeped through were dressed around brakes, scrapes, and gashes. Past a couple corridors Will finally paused in front of a separate room, not attached to any other patients while a small twin sized bed was neatly placed in the middle of the room surrounded by medical cabinets and machinery.

"Don't you need these rooms for people who are really hurt?" Nico murmured as he sprawled onto the hospital bed while Will eased a chair beside the bed. Snatching a clipboard, also removing his jacket then replacing it with a doctor's white coat.

"You are hurt. No death voodoo for the next 2 weeks. Whether you're in the infirmary or not." he paused for a moment as if to heave a breath for a presidential speech, "Nico. I know you think I don't really care- that I'm just your doctor and it's my job, but there is so much more to it. Maybe you don't quite understand it, but there are people you love and care about you."

Nico didn't have any response, he simple nodded and urged Will to continue his job. Will informed him on the rules and regulations of the infirmary. He also recalled his condition and the terms he must abide to in order to maintain proper health. After a while Will decided to allow Nico to rest while he checked on other patients. Nico reluctantly agreed then watched the son of Apollo escape the room to aid other demigods.

Nico was bothered by his disappointment that pierced his heart when the aroma of vanilla left. Will always smelled like vanilla. He also longed for that warmth that once was accompanying him. Nico brushed away his feelings by fluttering his eyes closed, then falling into a deep dream.

"Why hello ,Nico." a soft voice much like the ring of a bell sounded through Nico's head. Suddenly the room around him dissolved and he was surrounded by never ending shades of white. A figure appeared, first a gorgeous lady with black hair and sea green eyes. After a bit of concentration she morphed into a girl with blonde hair and blue ocean orbs.

"Aphrodite." he replied stumbling back.

"Indeed. Nice to finally meet you ,Nico Di Angelo. I've heard much about you. Your father, speaks of you often. He mentioned you a few times- but since the war you're the only one that he has spoke about. He desires your happiness. That's why I'm here."

"You're the goddess of love, not happiness. You can't provide me with what I desire."

"Oh, but I can. What's his name again? Oh yes, Will Solace is it?"

A gulp ventured through his throat, "What about him?"

"Isn't he the boy your heart desires?"

"That's none of your business."

"Oh, but it is. You said it yourself! I'm the goddess of love." she bowed as to prove her point. A small necklace in the form of a heart that was cracked by an arrow draped from her neck when she lunged over. It gleamed with power, much like Will's hair when it breeched the sunlight.

"Why are you here ,Aphrodite?" Nico nudged her further, he was beginning to ponder whether this was a blessing or curse.

"Your father. That's why I'm here. He mentioned that his children are quite unhappy when they grow up. They never find true love- or even a reason to keep living. He blamed it on me, he claims it's my fault for this theory. So I offered to play a game with him. Your father offered that if he won I would restore happiness to you, allow you to be loved. Unlike most of his children. He only asked for you, so here I am." she explained brushing invisible dust from her white gown.

"What was your half of the bargain?" Nico tested her boundaries to which she was willing to allow him with shove.

"That's none of your concern." she started, "now would you like your blessing or not?"

"I don't want it." he stated crossing his arms around his chest.

"You don't?"

"No. It's my job to get Will to like me. He shouldn't be forced to love me, it should be a choice." the words escaped Nico's mouth like rust. He wanted more than anything for Will to feel the same way. But somewhere deep inside his black pit of a heart, he contemplated on whether this was right. Love should be a choice not a punishment or forced act.

"I'm glad ,Nico. You're learning quite well. I just hope you understand that I can't aid you again. This is your only option. If you wish for my blessing I can offer you the heart of Will. You both can grow old together and live in full peace or satisfaction."

"No, thanks." was all that he needed to say.

After that phrase everything burned from white to the infirmary room. Will was rushing in and out of the door when he finally noticed the tired boys eyes were awake once again. A sigh of relief was conjured from the son of Apollo and the smell of vanilla returned when he snuck into the seat next to Nico's bed. Without warning Will's arms clutched around Nico, embracing him. The warmth and cold battled against each other as Will's skin radiated sun. He finally released from Nico and gave a weak grin.

"How long was I out?" Nico wondered worriedly considering Will's reaction to his sudden gesture.

"3 days. I called Reyna and she informed me that you usually seem to sleep this long. I was just.... really worried." he promised leaning out to touch Nico's hand. Nico gulped much like the time before and forced a smile.

"You're cute when you smile. You should do it more often." Will commented before chuckling at his burning cheeks and then sauntering out the door.


So how do you guys like? I felt like it was a pretty good chapter....

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I've already got 31 views and I just posted the first chapter, I'm so pumped!!!!

Love you guys!

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