Chapter 5

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The shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in gray,
And the sun will set for you.

- Shadow of the Day, Linkin Park

c h a p t e r 5: n i c o

Glistening dark particles enveloped Nico as Will cried his name. Instead of responding, Nico beckoned his body to float away into the inhaling darkness. Within seconds his was body was resting on firm ground. Surrounding him were skeletons of serval kinds and demons struggling to call his name. They often recalled his presence and were aware of the Prince's place in the Underworld. Souls withered off into countless places while Nico trudged through the forsaken place. The son of Hades burst through the palace doors of the Underworld muttering Italian beneath his breath. Persephone was bickering with Hades about something when the boy shuffled in.

Hades eyes snatched the boys gaze, the King peered from his throne uneasily. Persephone sighed and lingered towards her own assigned throne. Nico desired nothing more than absence of himself, he hated his father's palace. The gloom is radiated was nothing more than a depressing aroma. In other words, it's scent was nothing compared to the son of Apollo, Will Solace.

"Nico, my son. What are you doing here?" the god of the Underworld bellowed while his wife chipped at her nails, mumbling about their current argument. "You're not needed in the Elysium. I informed you that your attended your duties when you terminated the war. I've proved other guards to watch the heroes."

"Father," Nico started, "I'm not here to work. All I wish, is to stay." The god was silent for a moment, pondering his sons decision. Never had the boy agreed to accompany his father in the Underworld. For many years the boy had resented his father for showing more affection for Nico's sister.

"Of course," he consented, then halting Nico before the boy had the option to disappear. "Nico, before you leave. Did Aphrodite visit you ,as promised?" the words slammed into Nico. He had dismissed Aphrodite's dream and denied her request.

"Yes. Although, I did not want her present. I suggested that love wasn't real love it was forced. He deserved a choice, not a spell." the words grazed through Hades heart as his glare drifted towards his wife. Her eyes dazzled with life, the comment was nothing more than she pleaded for. Possibly the god of the Underworld had grown on her, yet she begged for a choice in love. He'd obtained her by pure force, leaving her with no other choice than death. She probably was dreading to stay another day in solitude. He loved her with all his heart, yet he kept her prisoner in Hell.

"Indeed. You're dismissed." Hades responded coldly and the son gathered himself then allowing his mind to explore the forming black dust around him, and he arrived in his chambers stationed in the palace for the Prince's use only. Nico visited rarely, so the sheets for the queen sized bed were neat and polished with linen.

He stripped of his clothes then replaced them with provided sweatpants and a t-shirt. He soaked in the fragrance of his old room, it lacked of Will's odor of vanilla. His heart fluttered with the idea of Will. The boy was hundreds of miles away, and yet Will's effect on the son of Hades was so powerful he still could feel the sensation.

What was Nico thinking? Kissing Will was ridiculous. Who would love a dark son of Hades like him? No one. If Percy wouldn't feel the same way, why would Will? They weren't any different. He should had demolished the idea of kissing Will on the cheek, it was simply preposterous. Why did he like Will anyway? They'd only been friends for a couple of days and he was already feeling for the son of Apollo. Perhaps he was so desperate to exchange his feelings for Percy, he soaked in the boy that was currently chatting with him that his mind soared at the conclusion. Now he was bolting from his problems, as usual.

Instead of sulking, Nico scurried into bed, ruffling up his perfect sheet spread. Many thoughts attempted to reveal themselves while he laid sprawled against the mattress ,yet he quickly scattered them. His orbs slowly closed and his mind was forced to shut down. No thoughts portraying in the boys mind.


A small child stumbled from her bed, then dashing from her room through the halls. She screeched inaudible sounds along with the words, "Daddy! Daddy!" groans erupted from a certain room that the girl proceeded to sprint into. Two figures were cuddling in bed, fast asleep when the little girl raced into the room. She bounded onto the bed pouncing on the two men.

"Daddy! Daddy!" the girl hollered shaking the two bodies. The man with blonde hair rubbed his eyes reluctantly while the other with dark hair moaned in protest. "It's Chwistmas!" she announced shoving against the dark man's shoulder. He was bare chested while the other man was covered with a shirt.

"Of course ,Bianca. We're coming." the blonde man replied. "How about you go wait while Daddy and I finish getting ready?" the girl nodded hastily then screeching down the stairs.

"Nico..." the blonde man cooed yanking against the dark man's arms that were strapped around the blonde man's chest. Nico grumbled words and buried his face into the blonde man's neck. "Death Boy..." the blonde man offered again.

"Will. Shut it." Nico responded with sharp negativity. Will slowly moved his hands to Nico's waist and started tickling the man's bare chest. Nico giggled and rolled over, releasing Will. Will smirked in accomplishment and Will's lips moved towards Nico's neck. He pecked the cold skin causing Nico to shutter. Will traced his fingers along Nico's bareback leaving kisses.

"Come on ,Darling." he whispered seductively. Nico twisted from the bed, yanking on a shirt and entwining his fingers with Will's as they roamed down the stairs to falter in front of a Christmas tree.


Nico jerked from his dream, sweat beads drizzled down his neck and forehead. Thoughts drifted through his vision about his dream. It was Will and him. Or at least he was convinced it was. There was only one person who could have conjured such a dream, then alter the son of Hade's mind to witness such a scene. Honestly, it gave his false hope. She was probably luring him in with this intriguing story but it was really just a set up. Will could never love him like that. Nico knew just who created the dream.



This is a smaller chapter and I understand that but I didn't have much in mind. I know exactly how I want this story to go and I have everything for the ending planned, I just can't seem to type it out exactly how I want it.

Percabeth FanFic that just came out and I'm calling it: "Around the World". Hope you'll like it :)

Urg so much snow these past days!! It's cray cray



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