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Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was often alive with energy, with children of all ages running through the grounds between their studies.

The only time it was truly calm was the dead of night, when the students had gone to bed, and the teachers could take a moment for themselves. Samantha Clearmont, Sam, as the students called her, found solace in these moments, when the children were finally at peace.

She was an 'Empath', a mutant with the ability to feel others' emotions, and she struggled to turn it off. Often, it became too much for her and she had to seek refuge below the school, in a small office area Charles had converted for her. It was quiet there, she wasn't as overwhelmed.

How the professor and Jean dealt with people's thoughts was unknown to Sam. Jean had comforted her once when they were teenagers, saying that Sam was stronger than she knew, surviving through people's pain so easily.

She didn't believe her.

Sam's small office is where she found herself tonight, a record playing dully in the corner. The professor would scold her for not sleeping once again, but she couldn't bear to shut her eyes, knowing that she'd slip through others' dreams.

At 30 years old, the poor girl still couldn't control her mutation and the 'gifts' it had granted her.

The small pity party was interrupted by a knock on the door, Sam turned her speakers down and opened the metal door - although technically an office, it did have to keep her mutation in check.

Instantly, she's hit with hundreds of feelings at once.








She shuts her eyes, trying to calm herself, taking a deep breath and looking at who disturbed her.

"Hey Scott," he's leaning against the door frame in his X-Suit, an apologetic smile on his face

"The professor got a lead on Magneto,"

"So much for a quiet night huh?" she shuts the door behind her, following Scott toward the hanger

"Sabertooth is out in Canada, two mutants are nearby, we're unsure about his intentions, but Storm and I are heading out there,"

"Got it, me and Jean are on Doctor and Nurse duty?"

"You make an awful nurse," Jean appears from almost nowhere, her heels clicking against the tile behind them "No bedside manner," she smirks

"Depends what mood I'm in," Sam shrugs "Or their moods..."

The hanger doors slide open, and Charles and Storm greet them on the other side.

"Ah, Samantha, I see you weren't in bed," The professor says it in a calm manner, but she can sense his disappointment.

"It's a weekend," she shrugs

"It's Tuesday,"

"And I'm an adult," she smiles as genuinely as she can, but her old teacher raises an eyebrow "Should we get a move on then?"

"Yes," Storm says quickly, turning toward the Blackbird, Scott and Jean step back, having quiet words which end in a kiss, Sam feels the surge of love echo through her.

"Good luck,".

Logan was having a really shitty night, first, he gets kicked out of his favourite bar (well...he says favourite but really any bar did it for him), then he gets stuck with some teenage girl looking for a ride, gets in a crash and ends up fighting another him.

And now? Well, now it wasn't even night.

By now, he felt bad about trying to kill the poor doctor who was trying to help him - Jean, he remembers the Professor informing him.

Now, the man was showing him around the school, passing Rouge in a classroom, the woman with bright hair stood at the front of the class.

Slowly, Logan finds himself acquainted with the entire school, and Xavier leads him down one final hallway, mentioning something about a final team member he had to meet. God, he'd already met Storm, Scott and Jean -

"There she is,"

Logan looks down the long hall to the end where a large window lets the morning light in, in front of it is a brunette woman with soft features and a pile of books in her hands, she looks back at him, smiling as she stands, her body bathing in the sunshine.

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