Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

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Scott had been up all night, sat by the Professor's side as Jean worked, hooking him up to a heart monitor and running tests every few hours

Sam had managed to get into the shower, washing off the bits of blood Jean had missed when patching her up. She'd ran the sponge over her shoulders, wincing at the pain that shot through her every time.

The purple bruising would take a few weeks to clear up, and Sam would be sleeping on her side for at least a week.

Fuck Sabertooth.

Fuck Toad.

Fuck Magneto.

Fuck everyone.

She walks into the MedBay in a worn pair of jeans and a soft cream blouse, embroidered flowers spreading across her back and chest. Her boots clack softly against the tiled floor "Any news?"

Storm shakes her head, and Sam looks at the rest of the team, Logan included.

"I can't just watch him...lay there," Scott mutters, chin in hand, close to biting his nails - something he hadn't done in years.

"Cerebro was contaminated, someone must have snuck in," Jean looks tired, dark circles starting to appear.

"Mystique," Storm sighs

"We really need to up our security against shapeshifters," Sam walks over to the Professor, looking down at his temple where several electrodes were taped.

"We're a school," Scott scoffs

"Yeah, with us cooped up down here. Let's not pretend we've not got enemies," Sam adjusts herself, making sure her feet are solid on the floor before grasping Charles' head softly in her hands.

"What are you-"

"Shh," she shuts her eyes, taking a deep breath and sifting through what she felt around her. There was a heavy grief in the room, almost suffocating. Everyone was worried, even Logan. He felt guilty. Sam almost scoffs, of course he always thought everything was his fault.

She tries to not get too tangled with Logan, pushing him away and reaching out to the professor, usually, she felt something prod back, telepathy and empathy often swimming in the same pond. She doesn't feel anything today, and she tries not to let that worry her, trying to block out everyone else -

She feels a calm, soft wave of reassurance washing over her.

"He's at peace," Sam declares slowly "he's alive, and okay." her eyes open slowly as she lets go, everyone else's emotions rushing back into her with a deep breath "And if he were awake, he'd say we should all get some sleep, then find Rogue,"

"You got a new power now huh?" Scott smirks, clearly teasing.

"No, I just know him," Sam brushes her hand over Jean's shoulder "Get some sleep," she starts to leave, softly patting Scott on the back "You too Loverboy".

She hears Logan softly apologise before following her out. She starts to head upstairs, they still had a school to run.

"Hey! Sam!" Logan enters the elevator after her, his chest pushing against her in the tight space "You feelin' any better?"

"Little bit," she smiles "I'll recover, not the first time I've fallen flat on my ass,"

"Flatt on your ass...into a car?" Logan raises a brow and Sam shrugs "I meant mentally, y'know," he gestures to his head and Sam bites back a smile "Powers and all,"

"Oh," it was strange, the concern Logan held for her, she knew it confused him too, although she couldn't tell why - she couldn't read minds.

"Yeah, it's been okay, got a lot of negative energy out on Sabertooth...It really helped y'know? It was like I had all these pent-up feelings that weren't even mine-" the elevator dings, the doors opening out into the hallway, interrupting her.

 Sam steps out "I should get to class, the kids aren't going to learn Marxism in a billionaire's house any other way,".

By sunset, Sam had managed to wrangle the kids to the upper levels of the mansion, getting them ready for bed and allowing them to break out the board games and TV - she'd never regret purchasing the 'Hercules' DVD.

Scott had asked her to fetch Logan, informing her that Jean had managed to get a lead on Magneto, and suddenly 'Miss Claremont' had become 'Psi' in seconds, her teacher attitude replaced with her hero allies.

"Hey," she gently knocks on Logan's door, letting her hips lean against the frame, Logan looks up, dressed in his jacket, looking ready to leave "From what I know, I'm surprised you stayed this long,"

"What do you know about me, huh?" there's an edge to his voice, but it doesn't threaten Sam

"Everything you feel...everything you've felt. You let me in, remember? I've felt your pain, buried so deeply beneath that anger," Logan looks down, slightly ashamed "You want to run, whether that's back to Canada, or to find Rogue, I'm not sure... We can help you"

"I don't need anyone's help,"

Sam smiles, trying not to laugh, if the professor were here, perhaps he'd comment on their similarities "You needed our help back in Canada and at the train station,"

Logan scoffs "So did you," Sam raises an eyebrow, a teasing grin on her face, Logan isn't sure he'll ever understand her

"Exactly," she looks back over her shoulder "Cyclops said he'd like to see everyone - He wanted to know if you'd like to join us. I think maybe you need some friends,".

With that, she leaves, walking down the hall and down the stairs towards the lift, she hoped he'd come, but didn't expect it.

That's why she jumps when a familiar body brushes up against her in the elevator. She bites back a smile and looks forward. Logan doesn't speak for a moment, but Sam's glee is contagious, whether it was due to her powers or Logan's admiration, he wasn't sure.

"Shut up,"

She takes a moment before deciding to ignore him, looking up and letting her mouth open "You keep coming back,"

"Maybe something's pulling me in," he says softly, the flirty undertones don't go unmissed by the woman he's stood next to.

"Come on, they're in the map room,"

"The map room?"

Logan enters behind Sam, noticing Jean sitting in the corner, resting her elbow on the armrest, cradling her head in one hand. Scott tries to hide his shock when he sees the buff man enter behind his closest friend.

He starts adjusting the settings on the large round table, and a replica of the Statue of Liberty rises from it, constructed out of small silver balls. Cyclops turns a dial and a map of New York harbour rises as well.

"Magneto is here - Liberty Island. Presumably, his objective is to blanket the U.N. World Summit on Ellis Island with the radiation from his device,"

"We don't know the effective range of the device," Storm walks around the table "If Magneto were to give Rogue enough power -"

"He could kill everyone in New York City," Jean sighs, there's a moment of silence as they contemplate this.

"All right, We can insert here, at the George Washington Bridge," as Scott touches the map, it transforms around him "Come around the bank just off Manhattan. We land on the far side of Liberty Island. Here,"

"What about Harbor Patrol Radar?" Logan asks, breaking his silence, Cyclops knows this means that he's in, and he smiles.

"If they have anything that can pick up our jet, they deserve to catch us,".

They assemble in the jet quickly, Storm and Cyclops taking the front seats, Sam and Jean behind them, then, Logan.

Sam wasn't sure how Scott got him to wear a matching suit...but god was it tight.

She wasn't complaining.

He raises an arm forcefully, causing a ripping sound to spread through the jet, Sam and Jean glance at each other, quickly looking to the windows to avoid laughter.

There are two more tears in the time it takes for the Blackbird to rise from under the basketball court.

Sam glances back just in time to see Logan extend his claws, creating perfectly shaped holes for later use.

"You guys really go outside in these things?" Logan grumbles

"What would you prefer, yellow spandex?" Sam can hear the smirk in Scott's voice, and she watches Logan contemplate it.

"We tried it once, wasn't Scott's colour. Suited me well enough," she shrugs

"Course it did," she swears she hears him mutter something about 'sunshine'.


a/n: Anyone spot the Cherik reference?

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