Late Morning/arrived at Strikaland

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The next weeks:
Shakes just sleeping in his apartment when the time is 7 am & he'll slept at 8 am because he was late at his job.

[*Look at the time at 8 am*]
Huh!? Oh no! Coach gonna killed me!
[*run fast as he can*]

When he's better later. Shakes pack his jerseys & his stuffs inside his bag. He's washing his body & dressed his clothes. He's eating his breakfast then he grab his bag & ran downstair then outside of the apartment.

{Shakes POV}:
Holy crap! I must fast as I can! I won't be slow!
[*gasp & he looks at the taxi*]
SIR! TAXI! Ugh! No seat!....

[*smiles at his best friend*]


Come in dude!
[*used his car*]

[*he enters Spenza's car*]

Spenza drove it with Shakes. They goes to the Strikaland. Shakes thanks to his best friend. He ran fast as he can. He was enter the other room for practicing.

Shakes, Why are you late?

Sorry, Coach TwT... I've got rushing out...

{Odion Kendi}:
You can't rush yourself, Mr. Shakes.

Chief!? I mean Sir!? You're here now O-O... I'm very sorry I was so very late if I woke up :(

{Odion Kendi}:
That is alright
You should be careful for not broke the rules.

I always tried my best...

{Odion Kendi}:
You did everything for tried your own best, young boy. You already did good behave. As I am here today, Coach should told me as I would be assist it.

We will have a match here today in this afternoon. Today's your practice with Supa Strikas. Captain, will you come here.

{Dancing Rasta}:
Yes, Coach?

You & the others must be practice. Our Chief and I have a meeting in my boss' office. You guys start it right now. 
[*gave his folder to Dancing Rasta walk away*]

{Odion Kendi}:
[*walk away*]

Seems those two has meeting without anywords.

{Dancing Rasta}:
[*hold Coach's folder*]
Don't worry, Mon! They have to be busy. I know just think in this our match. Come on, others are waiting. 
[*walk forward with Shakes*]

{Supa Strikas players}: 

{Dancing Rasta}:
[*opened Coach's folder*]
Everyone, Listen to me. Coach has a meeting today with his boss & our leader in his office. For follow the instructions. Tiger must stay on the right side with Klaus will behind him. Shakes should be on the center after North Shaw will run towards against other player.
[*next page*]
Uh... That was very weird...

{North Shaw}:
Weird???? What kind of other player that I against him?

{Dancing Rasta}:
We should against Iron Tank, they arrived here. Coach made a mess for our moves has scrambled problem T-T. For right now

{Big Bo}:
Wait? Right now?

{El Matador}:
Why does they are too strong for this 🙄. I have my perfect beautiful hair. It will be my protection without a mess UwU. I'm getting twirling & twirling make me dizzy & pukes!

No one asked you, El...

{El Matador}:
Pfft! You're right =_=....

{Dancing Rasta}:
We don't have much time to talk, guys. We will do this for our win! And together, we will faced against other teams, I'll think the ideas for you have a new position, instead of his folder. Start our practice!

Dancing Rasta reminded his team to start the practice until the end, they should be concentrated their moves. At 3pm, All of the Fans from Iron Tank & Supa Strikas arrived at Strikaland. They are cheering their teams. 
Guntler Louis Matteo (Chief of Iron Tank) has met Odion Kendi shaking their hands before watch the game inside their lounge.

{Mac & Brenda}:
Match day at Strikaland!

Supa Strikas & Iron Tank had to start the game! Oh, I can't wait! >w<

You have be patience, Mac. The two Chief of each team has being friendly to be rival for their own meeting.

Ah yes! My friend! They are our leader! Maybe I brought this duckling squeak.

You are already got so many duckling squeaks inside 😑

[*Look at many ducklings at the back*]
Oh, Right. 😅

Meanwhile at Supa Strikas' locker room. They wearing their jersey before they are ready.

So, any plans?

Hmm??? No idea?

{El Matador}: 
Eh... Captain has tried to think of an idea.

{North Shaw}:
Nah, Dude! There's no way that Iron Tank can't beat us. They look like a piece of shit. 😆

{Twisting Tiger}:
Languange, North. 😒

{North Shaw}:
Hehehehe  😅

{Dancing Rasta}:
I've got an idea. If they beat us, Blok should stay behind Big Bo before Uber can't kick it on the net.

Bhwrgahgdtryabrea? (Wait, I was behind Big Bo?)

[*look at Blok*]
Before he can't kick it.

{Cool Joe}: 
 What if someone get hurt?

{Twisiting Tiger}:
Just me only. I've get hurted by Liquido last time T-T. That was his stupid moves as I ever seen,

{Dancing Rasta}:
Twisting Tiger cannot hurted by Thor if he nears him. I have exactly found the new good moves for you. We will win the game. Iron Tank will be defeated. Your new positions are stay for Blok behind Big Bo, El Matador stands on the right side & Shakes stands on the left side. While I'm gonna follow your instructions. By the rest of you will get the ball by distract the Iron Tank. Coach will need us help!

{Supa Strikas}:
Yes, Captain!

{Dancing Rasta}:
Let the game begins! On three...
[*putting his hand together with Supa Strikas*]
... 1...2..3...

{Supa Strikas}:

Supa Strikas & Iron Tank are ready to stand for faced each other.

Hah! You can't play these little bunch of toys XD. But you can't beat us!

Huh? What will gonna do now? You need some clean those stupid dishes. That's quite funny of you, Uber. 
[* wink his eye & ran with Supa Strikas for ready*]

{Uber POV}:
[*groan & angry*]
This punny pipsqueak will be fucking dead to me. I will beat these team.
[*ran with Iron Tank*]


Soccer Field:
Blok will stand in front & Big Bo will protect the net. Shakes & El Matador are standing in their different sides by position. Dancing Rasta will start play the ball. He faced Von Eye ran into him, Rasta passed North Shaw & he's with Klaus distracted Iron Tank. Twisting Tiger start ran fast as he can. He waved at North & he passed it to Twisting Tiger. He gets twisted the tornado if he cannot be hurt by Iron Tank, suddenly Thor slides on the field. Tiger will keep an eye on Thor slides, Somehow, he can used his feet to hold the ball & jumps on under of him. He ran fast as he can for whatever he nears Thor. He passed it to Klaus & ran before Iron Tank gets him. Klaus wave at Shakes & Dancing Rasta nodded the sign is "start run". Shakes knew the sign but he eventually run fast before Uber will get catch him. Uber pushed Shakes & his left arm got hurted. Supa Strikas shocked at him get hurt. The Referee shows the red card at Uber.

[*his left arm got hurt & he should be careful*]

{Dancing Rasta}:
Shakes Mon! You okay?

I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I can handle this.

{North Shaw}:
But your left arm gets weak, dude.

No need to be scared. Besides, we're gonna continue our play cause Iron Tank getting win.

{Dancing Rasta}:
Whatever you says, Shakes. You're right! We will win this game & let see how we became stronger than Iron Tank!
[*run foward*]

Soccer Field:

Dancing Rasta & the rest of Supa Strikas continue plays with Iron Tank. He will wave at Cool Joe. He used his sign "must go the right side & stay put". He accepted to his Captain. Cool Joe stay on the right side before he faced back on Von Eye got the ball then Cool Joe catched it & ran fast, he gets chased by Von Eye. Von Eye have Ja Nein gets the ball while Cool Joe got it. He chased him. He was founded by Ja Nein infront of him. Cool Joe passed the ball to Klaus. He look at the minutes & second was almost. He was rushed side to side by Iron Tank. He passed to Dancing Ratsa. He keep an eye on two Iron Tank players have him. Suddenly, he kick the ball very hard & the Mangler is not catch it by on the net. The time is now over, Supa Strikas won at 1 score & Iron Tank got lose the game. It was the end of the match.

{Mac & Brenda}:

[*squeak the squeaky duckling*]

[*looking at Mac* 🤨]

Hehehehe... Don't be ridiculous, Brenda TwT.

[*smiles at Mac*]
Supa Strikas have won the match, and looks like Shakes' left arm was okay! Phew, He is safe for today!

Meanwhile at the soccer field of Supa Strikas:

Wow! We won! 

{Supa Strikas}:

[*yelled hooray & gets celebration*]

I am very proud of you all, boys.

{El Matador}:
AHA! Amigos! We beat these Iron Tank party poopers with the asses!

{North Shaw}:
The dude is right! Now we have finally learn these moves!

{Cool Joe}:
Yeah, Brothers! Our moves are very very cool than them!

{Big Bo}:
I thought the Iron Tank might be best punishment TuT

You're right...There is something?

{Supa Strikas}:
[*heard the yell of Colonel Von Push Up*]

{Colonel Von Push Up}:
[*mad at his Iron Tank*]
You are so big trouble, little those pipsqueaks! You need to distract from Supa Strikas! Not such as playtoys!

But... Sir...

{Colonel Von Push Up}:

What will gonna do for us now???

{Colonel Von Push Up}:
[*grin smiles*]

{Ja Nein}:

{Von Eye}:
[*start running*]

{Iron Tank}:
[*start ran & chased by their coach*]

{Colonel Von Push Up}:
[*ran & he chased them for their punishment*]

{Supa Strikas}:
[*got nervous*]

Hehehe...Don't interrupt them. 😅

{El Matador}:
Talking about those guys. Maybe they get...

{Supa Strikas}:
[*nervous again & hear Von Push Up's angrily yell*]

He is the coach thing. Let's get back our room & don't watch them. They have violence..
[*walk forward*]


{Supa Strikas}:
[*walk away from Iron Tank punished*]

At the lounge of Super League Head-leaders

{Odion Kendi}:
Are they okay?

{Guntler Louis Matteo}:
They're gonna be punishment...

{Odion Kendi}:
What about you? Aren't you punish them?

{Guntler Louis Matteo}:
[*stand up*]
Nope, I'm just watching very not well. I am very disappointed them indeed.Anyways, my friend. Thanks for invited me of your team's stadium.
[*shake hand to Odion Kendi*]

{Odion Kendi}:
[*shake hand to Guntler*]
No problem, Sir Guntler.

{Guntler Louis Matteo}:
[*walk away*]

{Odion Kendi}:
[*watching at the window*]

Odion have to watch down at the window. Somehow, Iron Tank players were punished by their Coach, Colonel Von Push Up. Supa Strikas won the game of the match. This journey will be continue to play another match.


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