parkour: the love story

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 so before we start a tragic event happened I accidentally erased everything "tears"

alright let's start over with" more tears"

So you are now a famous parkour youtuber and Liquido's sister your name is MILA liquido( her last name is liquido because Liquidos's real name is Giorgio so his last name is also liquido ya get me now)

ya look like this but with blue hair

so supa strikas had a day off  and north shaw decided to go to the beach with Shakes,blok, and eagle eye

he was chatting with blok when out of the corner of his eye he saw someone falling from a building

North: jesus Cris- I got you bra

MIla: wow there dude chill out I'm fine it was just for a video  but thanks

North: ho um well no prob dudette but aren't  like from a youtube channel because I think I know you

MIla: hah you know me I'm flattered but I should be the one asking for your orthographe I'm a huge fan Mark

North: oh coo- wait how do you know my real name

MIla: liquido told me

North: oh so you like know liquid

Mila: know him he's my brother

North: whaaa-

Mila: well it was nice talking to ya but I got to go

North: uh hu bye

north went to the others and told them what happened but they did not believe him cause they "ve have never seen liquido with a girl much less one related to him.

Coach: alright boys we have a match against Hydra so everybody in the boat

shakes: yo North maybe you'll see liquidos imaginary sister

North: dude im telling the truth like she was real

Eagle eye: you sure he wasn't  hallucinating 

Blok:bxzvvgjkh hdfg ( too much sea water )

North: uhh  yall are like so blind dudes

time skip


(Auther  cut scene)

Announcer: and the award for  the laziest writer goes to HONEY

HONEY(ME): YES thank you thank you. You guys don't know how not hard I've worked for this

(alright back to the story)


so mila and liquido were surfing when mila spotted North on the boat balcony 

Mila: yo bro ain't that north

Liquido: pff yeah that kook and his team are coming  for the match why

MIla blushes a bit: ah no reason

Liquido: okay race you  to the floating stadium

Mila: you're on

time skip


LIQuido: hey north ya ready to lose

North: not in your dreams 

MIla: hey North

North: oh hey

liquid took North aside

Liquido: listen brah what's your deal with my sister

North: nothing dude I just met her a few hours before coming here

Liquido: sure, but if you ever do anything to her you will never hear the end of it

Coach:  north shaw practice time

North: coming

North: pff why would I hurt her she's too nice and cool and pretty-

wait did I just say that

alright so Mila decided to watch  supa strikas practice

MIla: wow north is really good

North: I didn't know mila was coming oh shit what if I make a mistake 

shakes: yo north sorry for not believing  you it just seemed so random

North: it's all good shakes dude. but it did seem random  I'm going to ask her

MIla: wow north you're so good, nice job dude

North blushes: oh hu thanks dudette but I wanted to ask you why we've  never met before like if you're related to liquido then wouldn't you be with him at the floating stadium

MIla: oh you see the thing is I travel a lot for the channel and I rarely have time for family but now I'm on a break so I visited liquido. and on a side note, Shane is very annoying

North: hahhahha.well I want to get to know you more so how about a game of 5 questions

MIla: ok sure I'll start

North: what!no, I start

MIla laughs 

North: what's so funny

MIla: haha nothing just the fact that you sound like liquido when Mom brings us to the arcade and tells us to choose one game and take turns!

North: hey there save them liquido stuff for my questions

Mila: alright alright what's your first question

North: whats liquidos first name

MIla: but isn't this game a yes or no questions

North: well he knows mine so it's only fair

Mila: fine it, Giorgio

North: ok ill be sure to use that next time he calls me a kook

Mila: alright next question

North: are you younger than liquido

Mila: yes

North: ok did he teach you how to surf

Mila: yeah

North: knew it

COol joe: yo brotha ya done oh hello

MIla: hi

EL matador: oh hola senorita pst north this your girlfriend

MIla and North blushing: what -haha no we're just friends

Liquido: uhh what's going here .mila

Mila: oh nothing me and North were just playing a game of 5 questions( ok look I know it's 20 questions but that would be too long to write )

Liquido: grr whatever I guess you've already replaced me

MIla: oh don't you play that card on me mister you know you'll always be my favorite

LIquido: aww sis I'm your favorite how sweet

MIla brings out a boxing glove

Mila: oh you son of a bi-

LIquido: wow there we have the same mom

Liquido; it's fine I will leave you and this kook alone but no funny business

Mila: pff go back to Shane

Liquido: alright fine 

North blushes harder: what does he mean by funny business

COol joe: he means you and her kissing brotha

Blok: bx sjjfbcz( I ship)

Mila blushing extremely hard: uh hu I need to go um  iron my dog yeah iron my dog

North: ha she's cute when she blushes wait why how can she iron her dog what why am I like this, am I in love? 

time skip


 north pulls liquido aside to talk 

North: dude I think I am in love with your sister or something

liquido: pff you think I don't know that

North: wait WHAT! it's that obvious

Liquido: judging by your excessive blushing then yes 

North: and I'm judging that you don't want me to like date her

Liquido: WELL normally  I would not want you anywhere  near her but she seems she is in love with you so-

North excitedly: wait you really think so!

Liquido: yeah whatever she does and I have a plan to hook you guys up but first 10 bucks

North: fine just take it maybe go pay for surfing lessons 

Liquido: ayo watch that mouth

North: fine fine what's the plan

Liquido: alright here's the plan

after explaining the plan

North: dude are you sure she won't be like weirded out or something

Liquido: brah she's my sister I know what weirds her out and what doesn't

Liquido: first don't act romantic like jesus  crist I want to punch you just thinking about that

North: so how am I supposed to act

Liquido: like you

North: alright cliché but ok

alright got bored so long  story short they went on that dates liquid keeps face pauming at North because he had some issues but all is good and they are now dating but this does not mean the rivalry between North and liquido is healed NEXT PAGE-HONEY

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