Chapter 1

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You are just hanging in your room when you receive a text-massage. You get your phone and read the massage: "Hey Jara, would you like to come at my place? Come when it's already getting dark. J"

You immediately send something back: "Hey, thnx for the invitation, I'll be there! See you soon. Jara"

It's almost dinnertime so you go downstairs and ask if you can help. When you're eating with your family, you say that you're going out, "That's no problem sweetheart, have fun." says your mother. After dinner it's getting dark, so you get your bicycle and you go to his house. You had never been there before so when you get there, you're surprised. His house is very dark and gloomy, and even a little bit scary. It looks like a house you always see in vampire movies. You slowly walk to the door, when you were just going to knock, Jason already opened the door for you. "Welcome to my humbled abode." he said with a big smile on his face, typical you thought really something he would say. After a few minutes of just talking, he is looking to you with a very serious look and says: "I need to ask you something, promise you won't say anything to anyone about it." "Yeah sure, what's up?" you answered. "I'm not a normal human... I'm a vampire." you don't know what to say, you think about all the times you two were hanging together, all when it was already dark outside. After a few seconds you ask: "But what was your question?" "Well, I thought we were getting along pretty well right?" you nod, he continues: "Would you like to become a vampire too?" He sees you're hesitating and says with panic in his voice: "Oh no, I've scared you! I'm an idiot!" You wake up out of a sort of trance and quickly you answer: "Oh no, you didn't, I just need to think about it, it's a big decision you know..." Jason is getting calmer: "Oh, okay, I understand..." While you stand up you say: "I think I can better go now." you see the disappointment in his eyes, so you say: "I'll see you tomorrow, then I've made my decision." He also stands op and while you're walking to the door together he says: "Okay, see you tomorrow." and without another word you walk away and he closes the door. While you're heading home, you look back. You see Jason looking at you from his window, and he doesn't look happy. At all.


Hey guys, sorry that it's so shirt, but this was a project for school and I couldn't write that long 'cause then it would be too long. Anyway, this is the second story I'm publishing. The other is called 'I'm not like you' it would be awesome if you want to read that one too. And sorry for the messed up vampire I'm picturing here. Thanks for reading this story and I'll just shut up... for now...

-XXX- RainbowRose8

PS: Dedicated to Dreamyme1998 for helping me, supporting me and more and of course for making the awesome front picture

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