Chapter Twenty: More Pokemon

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        "Wait, where's Yoshi?" Link asked.

        Link was with Mega Man, Robin, Duck Hunt, and now Pikachu and Charizard.  They had just befriended two Pokemon, but Yoshi was gone.

        "Oh, no!" Mega Man exclaimed.  He had forgotten to look for the green dinosaur.  He was probably crushed under the pile of wood, possibly dead.  Suddenly, Mega Man heard a noise.  A faint screech for help.  It sounded just like Yoshi!

        "Under there!" Robin pointed.  Yoshi's feet were sticking out from under the wood pile.  The six heroes ran to Yoshi.  Mega Man and Charizard lifted wood off of Yoshi while Link and Robin tried to retrieve him.  Eventually, the dinosaur was out of the wood pile.

        "Yoshi!  Yoshi!" Yoshi cheered.

        "We have to find more Pokemon," Mega Man informed the group.  "Some of the Pokemon are characters here."

        "Pika Piii!" Pikachu pointed.  He directed the heroes' eyes to beyond the building.  More Pokemon would be in the city.   So, Charizard and Pikachu led Mega Man, Duck Hunt, Link, Robin, and Yoshi to the city.

        They walked through some plains and grass.  Suddenly, in their walking, a pink blur shot out of nowhere.  It streaked in front of the heroes and hit a big tree.  Everyone looked over.  It was Jigglypuff!

        "Chari!" Charizard cried out.

        Mega Man ran over to the hurt Pokemon.  "Hey you're a Smasher in Smash Bros," he pointed out.

        "Not a good one," Link mumbled to himself.

        "How would you like to join us?" Mega Man asked the pink creature.

        "Jigglypuff," Jigglypuff responded.  It was a sure yes.  So, the group went on with Jigglypuff by their side.

        More walking was done.  Lots of it.  Then, Pikachu pointed at a big center of buildings.  By it was a sign that read "Lumiose City".  It was no doubt the building that they were being led to.  So, they went on and entered the city.

        When they went in, Link, Robin, Mega Man, and Duck Hunt looked around in awe.  There were so many buildings and so many people.  Everything you wanted was there.  There were coffee shops, training facilities, Pokeball shops, you name it!  But, the most prominent thing was a building that stood smack dab in the middle of the city.  It was a big tower that amazed everyone.

        "Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, signifying that they were here.

        Then, a screaming noise interrupted their sightseeing.  The heroes went straight to the noise.  It was near the center of the town.  When they got there, they saw a Pokemon terrorizing some civilians.

        It was Greninja!

        "Yoshi!" Yoshi yelled out.  This got the ninja Pokemon's attention.  He stopped harassing the people and stepped out to the heroes.

        "Greninja!" he stealthily said.  The heroes could see his deep purple eyes.  Then, all of the sudden, he disappeared.  In a split second, he reappeared right in front of Jigglypuff, doing a handstand.  He licked at Jigglypuff and the pink Pokemon was shot back.  He had just used his Shadow Sneak move.

        Yoshi jumped up and was about to pummel Greninja with a Yoshi Bomb.  Instead, when Yoshi came down, Greninja used an up attack that completely caught Yoshi off-guard.  This made him fall down.

        Link and Robin ran up to him.  They both had their swords ready.  Then, the two heroes came at the Pokemon from opposite sides.  But, Greninja made two swords out of water.  Then, they had an epic sword  fight.  However, Greninja flipped Link's sword out of his hand and sliced Link with water. This shot him back on the ground.  Then, Greninja spun his swords around like he was a water tornado.  This easily knocked Robin down.

        "Dammit!" Robin swore as he was knocked down.

        Next up was Duck Hunt.  He shot a dynamite at Greninja, but he defected it with Water Shruiken.  This shot the dynamite back at Duck Hunt and it exploded in the dog's face.  This knocked him out.

        Mega Man and Pikachu stepped up.  Pikachu stepped on top of Mega Man's head.  Then, the rat used Thunder Jolt.  Mega Man put the projectile through his Spark Shock to make it an ultra-powerful thunder attack.  It hit Greninja and make him jolt up and down like he was having a seizure. Then, Mega Man and Pikachu ran up to attack him with their hands.  But, when they attacked, Greninja disappeared and a log was in his place.

        "What the-" Mega Man started to say, but he was interrupted by a strong kick that hit both Mega Man and Pikachu.  This knocked both of them down.

        "Greninja!" the Pokemon cried out.  Then, he started teleporting up the ledges of the tower.  He was heading for the top.  Soon, everyone that was knocked down was up again.

        "If he destroys the top," Robin said, "it could destroy the whole tower."

        Charizard heard this.  He could not let the city be destroyed.  Suddenly, he flapped his wings and burst up high into the air.  By the time he got to the top of the tower, Greninja was already there.

        "What is he doing!?" Link questioned.  "He'll be killed."

        They both landed on the top.  Charizard used Flamethrower, but Greninja was able to walk through the fire with minimal damage because he was a water type.  Greninja hit Charizard with a water sword, which almost made the orange pokemon fall of, but he caught his balance.  Then, he used Rock Smash on Graninja.  This damaged the blue pokemon a lot andstunned him.  Then, Charizard swiped ferociously at Greninja.  He was at the very edge.  Then, Charizard slashed him one last time and Greninja was knocked off the tower.

        He fell down and streaked through the sky, helpless.  Then, when he landed, a bright light filled the whole city.  When the light faded, Greninja was back to normal.  The heroes ran to him.

        Greninja looked around.  "Greninja?" he seemed to question.

        "We saved you," Mega Man informed.  "Do you want to join us?"

        There was a pause.  Then, he said, "Greninja," and saluted.  Then, he got up and started running out of the city.  he looked back at the heroes and beckoned them.  The heroes followed because Greninja seemed to know where he was going.  

        Greninja just decided to head this way from something he heard.  He heard the sound of engines in the distance...

        ...and flying cars.


Hey guys! It's sad to say this, but this is the last of the consecutive chapter run. Now, I'm not saying tht I may be able to do daily chapters sometimes, but I just can't guarantee it.

Besides that, be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget ro come back for chapter twenty-one. (Man, I can't believe I've made TWENTY of these chapters already).



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