Presidential Seal

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**An idea I got from a couple other one shots I've read, but I liked it too much to not do it. What's that? This plot is unrealistic? Isn't that what we love about fanfics, though! It's super short, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to do something cute and easy for y'all tonight! Enjoy!**

Peter say in class, his cheek pressed into his palm. He was so bored.

The worst part of chemistry class was that Peter had done all of these experiments before. I mean, come on. Liquid nitrogen on a flower to shatter it? So 5th grade! Bruce had done this for the teen when he was a kid!

Peter and Ned made eye contact from across the room. Ned stuck out his tongue and rolled his head back, like he was dead. Peter suppressed a snicker and shook his head.

The teacher droned on and on, how the properties of a nitrogen frozen object can be completely different than their natural properties. It was all so simple and obvious and boring.

Ned sent his friend a pointed look. The teacher had just quoted Bruce's book on thermonuclear science. The two teens smiled, holding laughter back, as they thought of how embarrassed and red-faced Bruce would look if he knew this man was quote that book to Peter. Peter had written part of it, after all.

Pushing a hand through his wild curls, the super-spider sighed and let his face settle further into his palm.

Peter looked over at the clock. 9:32? He'd only been here 32 minutes?  Dear, Gods, it felt like it'd been hours!

Just as Peter was about to doze off, his phone rang, causing him to jump.

He shoved his hand into his pocket to get his phone out, the national anthem ringing through the room. The screen was lit up with the presidential seal.

"Mr. Parker," the teacher called. He was an old, balding man, with thick rimmed glasses perched on his nose. "Answer it on speaker."

Peter knew exactly what this call was about when he saw the caller ID and the last thing he wanted was to answer this call on speaker.

"Oh, uh, Mr. Watson, I don't think that's necessary, I can always call them back, I don't-"

"Answer it. You were nearly falling asleep before that horrible thing went off, so I might as well thank whoever it is who got you up."

Peter sighed in resignation and accepted the call, sitting up as he did so and taking on a whole new personality none of his peers had seen before.

"Sir, before you begin-"

"Agent Parker. We haven't spoken in some time, how are you?"

Peter startled for a moment before smiling and nodding once. "I'm good, Sir. I have finals coming up."

"Oh, wait, are you in class?"

"Yes, Sir, but it's chemistry. Dr. Banner and I have did similar experiments when I was in elementary school."

The man on the other side of the phone laughed, and Peter imagined him throwing his head back. "Oh, yes, you've been a spitfire since you could walk! So smart and precocious. I still can't believe you're adopted, you act so much like Tony!"

Peter blushed. "Well, I was adopted young, so maybe it's all learned. How are you, Sir? How is the First Lady and your kids?"

"The missus is good! She's in Budapest this week. The kids are good, Beth is having a baby in 5 months and refuses to tell me if its a boy or a girl, so I keep trying to ask her sister."

"I think that may be a secret you can't sniff out, Sir. They are quite the good confidants."

"You're right about that one." There was a pause, then the man spoke again. "Agent Parker, the nature of my call."

"Yes, Sir, and please, call me Peter."

"Peter. I have a rally planned for Indianapolis. I have secret service, but I want someone better. I want you."

"I'm flattered, Sir, but the secret service is-"

The man cut the teen off. "There were some threats made against my staff and my family recently. I want someone who knows what's happening before it does. I don't need you to be in the suit, of course, that would draw attention, but I'd love to fly you out on Air Force 1."

"I serve at the will of the President, Sir. When should I be ready?" Peter straightened his back again and rolled his neck, almost like he was getting ready for the rally now.

"The rally is set for Friday evening, we'll fly out that morning. Can you get out of school without a note?"

Peter laughed. "I think my father will be able to call it in, Sir, but I'll let you know if I need a note on official letter head."

The man laughed again. "I'll see you Friday, Agent Parker. See if you can bring Agent Leeds with you, I like his Star Wars jokes."

"Yes, Mr. President. Thank you."

The teen hung up the phone, dropping his posture and persona as he shoved it back into his pocket. Looking up, he saw the entire class staring with open mouths. Ned sat in the corner, checking his email fervently. The president knew Peter was a scatter brain, so any time the two of them went on a mission, or worked security detail, the information was sent directly to Ned.

"Got it," he chimed as his email updated. "Plane leaves at 8am, they scheduled a JFK pit stop to pick us up."

Peter nodded. "I'll be there. You want Happy and I to pick you up?"

Ned nodded and looked back down at his desk, where he'd been working on math homework. Peter quickly finished scribbling the quote his teacher had used to tell Bruce later, and went back to his own work, pulling out his reading report for literature class.

The teacher cleared his throat. "Thank you, Mr. Parker, for that... interesting call. Now, class, let's get back to work."

And just like that, he went on droning, and the normal, not at all out of the ordinary, completely natural Wednesday kept going.

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