A Light in the Darkness (Dean Winchester x reader)

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(a/n: Warnings: ANGST! for blood and death.)

Dean watched as you came out of your room, your pajamas crumpled and your hair messy and he smiled. He wasn't sure when it happened, but Dean knew he loved you. He kept it to himself because of your job. You were a hunter, just like Dean and Sam and in that life, there were no guarantees. You could be happy one minute and then the next, the people you loved could be taken from you. Dean didn't want that for you, so he kept his mouth shut. That didn't stop him from staring at you every time you entered a room. After all, you were a bright spot in his otherwise dark life.

"Morning, Dean," you greeted when you finally noticed him. "Morning. Sammy's on a run then we have a hunt. Vamp nest." You nodded, immediately grabbing your coffee so you could be ready for the hunt. Back to work. Dean watched as you walked out of the room and ran his hand through his hair. What on earth was he doing? He couldn't afford any distractions when there was a hunt.

*time skip*

You felt yourself being thrown backwards, away from Dean. You closed your eyes upon impact with the wall and when you opened them, you watched in horror as the vamp that had thrown you advanced on Dean. Despite the pain in your back, you got up and threw yourself at Dean, pushing him out of the way. You felt the vampire's teeth sink into your flesh, causing you to cry out. "Y/N!" Dean cried and tried to run to your rescue but another vamp appeared and tackled Dean to the ground. The vampire kept on draining you until you began to see stars and then, Dean was up again.

The intense pain you felt as Dean ripped the vampire away from you was like nothing you'd ever felt before. You crumpled to the floor as Dean killed the vampire. "Y/N? Y/N?" you barely heard his voice as your eyelids grew heavy and you passed out. Dean looked back at you and his face fell. He dropped to his knees next to you and saw the bite marks. "No no no no," he said, feeling the tears welling up in his eyes. "SAMMY! HELP!" Dean carefully picked you up, ready to get you to the car. Sam came in the room just as your eyes reopened.

"D-Dean." He looked down and nearly dropped you. "What is it, Y/N?" You winced as you tried to shift in his arms. Your (e/c) eyes met his candy apple green ones. "You know w-what you have t-to do," you told him. He shook his head. "No. We can save you. Just please." You shook your head with effort. "It's too late, Dean. I've lost too much blood."

Dean choked back a sob. "No it isn't, Y/N. Don't say that." You chuckled before a cough ripped through your throat. "It's okay, Dean. There won't be any more darkness for me. I can have light now. Find your own light, Dean." He shook his head. "Don't you understand?  I would rather walk with you in the darkness than alone in the light. YOU are my light. Please, Y/N."

You didn't hear his pleas. Didn't hear the anguished cry that was ripped from him when he realized that the light had left your eyes. You didn't hear him scream your name over and over again in agony. Sam literally had to force Dean to let you go. He had to give you a proper hunter's funeral himself because Dean just couldn't find it in himself to do it. He had lost you. His light. As the flames on the pyre grew and your body burned, Dean cursed himself for not telling you how he felt sooner.


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