Mr. Fizzles Approves (Garth Fitzgerald IV x reader)

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You pulled the bottom of your sweater down as you entered the home behind Garth. Garth glanced over his shoulder and smiled. He turned to you and gave your shoulder a squeeze indicating that everything was going to be alright. You were a new hunter and you had met up Garth during a Rugaru hunt. He'd saved your life and then allowed you to tag along with him to learn a little more. This was your first hunt with him and you had to pull the whole "child psychologist" card.

"Do you mind if Dr. Hawkins and I speak with your daughter? Then, I'll need to have a look around?" Garth was asking the mother of your survivor. Dr. Hawkins? That was the best he could come up with? You bit back a laugh. You were hunting a monster that apparently only children could see. The mother lead you to the little girl's bedroom. The small child looked up at the two of you in fear. You gave her a smile. "I'll just let you work," her mother whispered before leaving the room.

Garth crouched down to the little girl's eye level. "Hi there. My name is Garth. This is my friend, Y/N. Can you tell us what you saw?" The girl's eyes went wide and she shook her head vehemently. It was obvious she was terrified. You flashed her a smile as Garth pulled something from one of his pockets. A sock puppet. You arched a brow at him and he shrugged. You watched as Garth tried to get the child to talk to the sock puppet. Mr. Fizzles.

After several minutes, you both could tell that Mr. Fizzles wasn't doing the trick. Garth stood up and looked at you. "Mr. Fizzles always works. I don't understand it." You shrugged. "Maybe she just doesn't like us. Let me try, okay?" Garth stepped back and you took the small chair at the tea party table across from the girl. "Hi. Would you like to have a tea party with me?" She shyly nodded and reached for the tea pot.

A few minutes later, the girl was talking up a storm, not even realizing she was giving you every bit of information you needed about the monster. You glanced back at Garth who smiled. He still had Mr. Fizzles on his hand even though he'd been searching the room while you were talking. He made the puppet nod at you in approval and you laughed. Garth was something else. "Thank you. Garth and I are going to go now but I promise we'll be back." She smiled and gave you a shy nod. You patted her hand and left the room with Garth.

"You did real good in there, Y/N." You thanked him before noticing that he had yet to remove Mr. Fizzles from his hand. "I take it Mr. Fizzles approves as well?" Garth chuckled and took the puppet off. "You bet. Now, come on. We've got a monster to hunt," he said softly, not wanting the girl's mother to overhear. "Sounds good to me. But first, I need my good hunting gear. This sweater is terrible."

Nowthat you knew what you were hunting, the hunt went quickly. The two of youworking together was something great. If the two of you partnered with theWinchesters, the four of you would be unstoppable. You took off the monster'shead, not even caring you were getting covered in blood. Garth looked on inpride. You turned to glance at him. "Mr. Fizzles approves?" Garthlaughed heartily. "Mr. Fizzles approves."

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