Occasionally Clumsy (Arthur Ketch x fem!reader)

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Arthur Ketch was confused. For one of the first times in his hunting life, he was absolutely perplexed. He didn't understand how someone could be so graceful and lithe when chasing down or hunting monsters, but then turn around and be so hopelessly clumsy in their day to day life. And yet, there you were.

Ketch had met you when the Winchesters called you in as back up. The hunt was a particularly rough witch hunt. A newly formed coven of witches who didn't have a true grasp of their powers was terrorizing a small city. The boys called you in and you joined them in a matter of hours. You had burst into the room, ready to take down the threat. Ketch was almost in awe of your abilities.

Then, when the hunt was over, you joined the Winchester, Ketch, and Mick at the bar for a victory drink. That was when Ketch began to see how clumsy you were. In that night alone, you tripped over your own feet at least four times, spilling your drink down your front at least once. You had simply shrugged and grabbed a clean shirt from your bag. You also managed to bump into several people and run into the corner of the table, bruising your hip.

When you moved into the bunker, things got more interesting. You had fallen off stools, chairs, and ladders. You bumped into people all the time and tripped over air. And yet, when there was a hunt, none of that happened. You were like a gymnast or a dancer. Every move was graceful and purposeful. You did your job and you did it well. It confused Ketch to no end.

However, the man got used to your klutziness over time. And soon, he found it as just another quirk in your personality. An endearing one at that. Sometimes, when you tripped or something, you'd get embarrassed, especially if someone else got hurt. Then, if you were the only victim, you'd simply laugh it off and go about your day. Then came the day when you couldn't laugh it off.

Mary was in a particularly foul mood. The hunt she'd been on hadn't gone well and she just wanted to drink in peace. You came into the kitchen talking to Ketch and smiled at her. "Hi, Mary." She hummed in response. You shrugged and went about your business. You grabbed a beer for yourself and Ketch. When you turned to hand Ketch his beer, you tripped over the door of the fridge. Your open can of beer went flying and landed right on Mary's lap.

The blonde squealed as the cold liquid hit her. "Mary! I am so sorry!" Mary glared at you and snapped, "Get yourself together and learn how to walk without causing casualties. Hopeless." She stalked out of the kitchen, leaving you behind, your lip trembling. Dean sauntered in. "Just saw Mom. Was that your doing, grace?" Normally you would have laughed at the sarcastic nickname, but this time, it hurt.

No one had ever snapped at you for being clumsy before. It wasn't like you could help it. You tried to be more graceful. Really you did, but you just couldn't get your body to cooperate unless you were focused on a hunt. You knew it was inconvenient for those around you, but they usually just laughed it off like you, even Mary.

You didn't say a word as you left the kitchen and headed for your room. Ketch watched you go and sighed. "What was that about?" Dean asked, looked to Ketch. Ketch didn't answer. He decided to follow after you instead. "Well okay then," he heard Dean mutter.

Ketch knocked on your door and heard a muffled, "Come in." He slowly opened the door and saw you sitting on the floor at the foot of your bed. "Why are you on the floor, love?" You looked up at him, tears still in your eyes. "It's the only place I can be without causing causalities. Can't trip or fall if I'm already on the floor," you told him, "Mary's right. I'm hopeless."

Ketch arched a brow and motioned for you to get up. You sighed, but did what he asked. In the process, your feet got tangled together and you fell, right into Ketch's waiting arms. It was as if he'd expected you to fall. You groaned loudly and pushed away from him. You landed on your bed with a soft PLOP! "I AM hopeless!"

"You are not hopeless, Y/N. You are...unique for certain, but not hopeless." You let out a bitter chuckle. "Unique? Yeah. No one trips over air like me. Spills beer like me. Runs into walls like me." Ketch laughed and sat next to you. "Come now. Have you seen yourself when you hunt?" You nodded. "Of course. It's the only time I'm not a klutz. I'm too focused. Maybe I should just hunt all the time. I'd never be clumsy again."

"Then you wouldn't be you, love." You shrugged. "Would that be such a bad thing?" Ketch's brows drew together. "Yes it would. I don't think you realize how much you mean to the Winchesters and Mick. To me." You turned you head to look at him in surprise. "To you?" Ketch reluctantly nodded. He had made leaps and bounds in breaking his programming from Kendrick's, but feelings were still new to him and expressing them, even more so.

"Yes, to me. Hunting is all I've ever known and there is so much darkness in that. Then you came along. You showed me that, even with the darkness, there is light. Your clumsy ways and the way you laugh at yourself. It reminds me that life, even this life, doesn't always have to be so serious and...grim." Ketch felt the words starting to stick to his tongue. It was too much. Too much feeling.

"Aw, Ketch, I didn't know you cared," you teased, sensing his discomfort at sharing such a soft side of himself. He glared at you. "Yes, well. I suppose I do." You grinned. "You like me," you said in sing-song, "You want to love me. You want to hug me. You want to ki-" You were cut off by Ketch's lips being pressed against yours. You moved to cup his cheek with your hand, but you misjudged how close you were to the edge of the bed.

You promptly slid off the mattress, accidentally grabbing Ketch's lapel and pulling him down to the floor with you. You both landed with an "Oof!" before you burst into a fit of giggles. Ketch shook his head and laughed quietly. Yep, you were definitely a klutz, but you were his klutz.    

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