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Sage's POV:
Scooter Grubs. It was crazy. He was the one who wrecked that boat. Kie thought we should take the money to Lana, his wife. JJ was not having any of it. "We just need to lay low." John B said. Pope nodded and Kie suggested we throw a party. "Yes! Let's get a kegger and go all out!" JJ said. So that was the plan. And it seemed like every teen showed up to this thing. Including the Kooks. Sarah Cameron walked up with Topper on her arm. Kie scoffed and said "what is she doing here?" "It's just a party, Kie." Daisy told her. Kie nodded but still rolled her eyes at the fact Sarah was here. Rafe, Sarah's brother had also shown up. "Hey, Sage." He said. "Hey?" I questioned. He walked over to the keg and John B filled his cup with beer. The kegger seemed to be going fine. I sat next to Pope and Daisy. JJ had announced he was going to flirt with some girls that were sitting down the beach. Pope shook his head at him as we walked down to where the girls are sitting. "You think he's gonna be able to get one?" Pope asked. "No." I replied while laughing. Kie laid back against the sand and John B was walking over. JJ then walked to the kegger, signaling he failed at asking the girls out. JJ walked over to John B and said "I got this for you. Want it?" "For me? Yeah. I'll take a sip." John B replied. JJ noticed Topper and Sarah were leaving. "Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asked Sarah. She shook her head and said "no thanks." "Is it not fancy enough for you?" "No. We were just leaving." "Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper said as he reached for it. John B quirked an eyebrow and JJ said "that's nice, but I didn't ask you. If you said pretty please, maybe." Topper rolled his eyes and said "pretty please?" JJ then went to offer it to Sarah and Topper hit the cup with his hand, the alcohol going all over JJ's face. "Shit." I said. Kie sat up really quick and Pope looked over at them. JJ grabbed topper by his shirt and pushed him. I quickly rushed over and John B said "no. Let it go. It's fine." "Dirty Pouges!" Topper yelled. John B let go of JJ to go after Topper. Daisy stood up and said "John B!" Pope was now standing next to JJ and Daisy walked up to John B. "We're supposed to be incognito." She said to him. Topper then punched John B. Sarah gasped at her boyfriend's actions. "Guys! Guys!" She said. Topper kicked John B into the water. "Don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?" Topper said to him. By now the crowd's attention was on John B and Topper. "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd chanted. Topper and John B began to wrestle, the other trying to take the other one down. Sarah looked so stressed out as the two of them began to fight. John B punched Topper. Sarah gasped and Kie ran a hand through her hair. "That's what I'm talking about!" JJ cheered on John B. Daisy bit her lip and watched them nervously. Topper knocked John B down into the water, beginning to hold his head under. "Topper! Stop!" Sarah said to him. Daisy stepped forward and said "Topper! Let him go!" "He's drowning him!" Pope said. Kie stared in shock and said "I know!" "Topper!" Sarah yelled at her boyfriend. JJ then grabbed the gun walked over to Topper. He aimed it at his head and said "you know what that is. Your move, broski." The crowd was beginning to disperse, everyone running. "Chill!" Pope said. Sarah stomped her way over and said "JJ!" "Put the gun down." Topper said fearfully. "Did you say something, princess?" JJ taunted. He let Topper go and Daisy immediately checked to see if John B was ok. "Kie, can you keep your psycho friend in check please?!" Sarah yelled at her. JJ walked away from us and walked to the crowd. "Ok, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ said. He fired two warning shots into the air. Pope and Kie immediately shoved him. "Are you crazy?! Idiot!" Pope said. "Stupid!" Kie added. "Why do that?" "I'm saving his life!" Everything was so chaotic at this moment in time. We knew we needed to leave the beach quickly. So we did. JJ ended up walking me home to a certain point, afraid he'd run into Topper or Rafe. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked me. I nodded and said "yeah. Are you gonna be ok?" "You know me. I'm always ok." "That was a pretty stupid thing you did tonight. But I think if you hadn't, Topper might've killed John B." I told him. JJ looked down at the ground and said "he's my best friend. Nothing's gonna happen to him on my watch. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my friends." "Even me?" I asked. He looked up at me and said "of course. Why wouldn't I?" "I'm technically a kook aren't I?" "Doesn't matter. You hang with us. And you don't act like them. You're one of the sweetest people I know." He said. I smiled and said "I'd better go." JJ nodded and said "me too. I'll see you tomorrow." He began walking back towards the south side and I turned around, walking towards the street my house was on.

The end is dumb but it's whatever. I apologize for not updating this book! I'm glad you all are supportive of this book and like it so far!!

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