Summer Winds Motel

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Sage's POV:
The six of us rode on the HMS. Pouge, spending a day how we would normally spend it. "Faster, Pope." JJ said as he stood up. Pope made the boat go faster and Kie cheered. JJ stood at the front of the boat, currently getting beer all over the place. Then the boat abruptly stopped. Kie gasped and JJ was thrown from the boat. John B fell off the seat and onto the floor. Daisy and I had screamed at the same time. Pope stumbles and braced himself against the steering post. "Pope, what the hell." Daisy said. "It was a sandbar. The storm probably did it." Pope replied. John B sat up and said "Kie, you ok?" "Yeah." She said. "Daisy? Sage?" John B asked. "I'm ok." I quickly said. I stood up and looked for JJ. "Are you ok, JJ?" He came up from the water and said "I think my heels touched the back of my head." Pope walked over and helped JJ get back up onto the boat. "Guys, I think there's a boat down there." Pope said. JJ scoffed and John B said "shut up." Kie shook her head and I saw what Pope was talking about. "Guys, there really is a boat." I said. JJ stood next to me and said "holy shit." Kie gasped and Daisy's eyes widened. John B furrowed his eyebrows and JJ said "you think there's a dead body down there?" "Let's go look." John B said. JJ jumped into the water, John B following him. I took off my tank top and shorts, going in after them. The six of us swam down to the boat, looking at it. I went back up to the surface, everyone following me. We all climbed back on the boat and John B said "I'm gonna go down there." "It's too deep." Pope told him. John B shrugged and said "maybe for you. But not for me." He pulled the anchor out of it's compartment and Kie said "John B." "What? I'll be fine. It'll drop me right down there." "I'm not resuscitating you when you die. Just letting you know." JJ said. "That's fine, JJ." John B said. Daisy bit her lip and said "be careful." John B nodded and said "always." He jumped into the water and went down. After a minute or so, he came up. Kie gasped and said "that took forever!" JJ said "any dead bodies?" John B shook his head and said "no." "Any looting potential?" "No." John B held up a key and said "a motel key." "A key." Pope said. "Yes, a key, Pope." John B replied. JJ sighed and said "great. We salvaged a motel key." "We could see where it goes." Daisy suggested. John B nodded snd said "we could." "We should report the wreck and get a finder's fee." Kie said. Pope shook his head and said "and have to work all summer? No way." "Can I see it?" I asked. John B handed me the key and I looked at it. "Summer Winds Motel." "I've never even heard of this place." JJ said from above my shoulder. I looked at him and he took the key from me. "Let's go find this place." John B said.


We arrived at the Summer Winds Motel. "Motel or meth lab?" Kie asked as we drove up. JJ hopped off the boat and tied it off. "JJ and I will go to the hotel room. Everyone else be lookout." John B said. "Please don't do anything stupid." I said. JJ looked at me and said "no promises." John B shook his head and got off the boat. "Be careful." Kie and Daisy said at the same time. Pope sat down and John B saluted us, walking off towards the hotel.

John B's POV:
JJ and I walked up the steps, going to the second floor of the motel. JJ grabbed me by the face and said "be so careful, John." I pushed him off of me and said "god, you're so weird." "What was that about?" "I don't know. Maybe they just want us to be careful." JJ rolled his eyes and said "ever since Daisy heard you've been threatened with exile she's been like oh, be so careful John B." He grabbed my shoulders and I threw him off of me. "Get off." I said. "Oh, just give me that John D already. When are you gonna swoop on that man?" JJ asked. "Bro, you know the rule. No pouge on pouge macking. Besides you're the one who's always hitting on Sage." I replied. "Of course I'm hitting on her. She's a super rich chick slumming it with us. Why? I can't figure it out. And I know that door's locked cause I've tried it. Have you tried with Daisy?" JJ said. I shook my head and said "you need help. Not just a little help. But a lot of help. It's like with every girl with a heartbeat you're like all over them." "What? That's not a big deal." JJ said as he rolled his eyes. We stopped at the door and I said "29. This is it." "Ok." JJ knocked on the door and said "housekeeping." He went to the window and looked in. "Should I try it?" I asked. "Yeah. No power. No security cameras. No one gonna know." JJ replied. I unlocked the door and the two of us stepped into the hotel room which was completely dark. "Check for a name on this stuff." I said. JJ and I began going through all the belongings in the room. They were all expensive items, at least over 50 dollars. There was a map and JJ suggested that that's where whoever's room this is could've been fishing. "No. That's Big Swell. Nobody fishes out there." I saw a sticky note with numbers on it. I looked to the safe and decided to give it a go. The safe opened. Inside was a bunch of money and a gun. I gasped in disbelief and said "JJ, you're gonna want to see this." JJ came over and his eyes widened at the money inside the safe. JJ picked up the gun and said "look how cool this is." "JJ! You touched the gun!" He aimed it at random things in the room. "Bam! Bam! Bam!" "We're not stealing anything." I said firmly. JJ groaned and said "you're no fun. We could totally use this gun." "For what?" I said. "To shoot things. Duh." JJ said in a smartass tone. I heard a tapping sound. "What was that?" "What was what?" I went to the window and opened it. Kie, Pope, Daisy and Sage stood at the bottom of the building. "Cops!" They were all saying it in a hushed tone. "What is it?" JJ asked. "Cops." A knock on the door made the both of us jump for the window. I quickly opened it and the two of us climbed out of the hotel room. We stood on either side of the wall where they couldn't see us if they opened the blinds. The cops were inside the room rummaging through the belongings inside. I turned to look at everyone on the boat. "What're you guys doing?" Pope said in a hushed tone. I put my finger up to my mouth, telling him to shush. Daisy and Sage watched in fear as we stood, waiting for the cops to leave. JJ then dropped the gun. Sage gasped and Pope's eyes widened. I looked at JJ who was silently cursing. I heard the blinds open and told JJ to keep quiet by putting my finger up to my lips. I looked back at Pope and everyone else. They were acting like they were just talking. Sage and Daisy has their backs to us and Kie talked to Pope. Pope fake laughed and I heard the cops beginning to leave. As soon as they left, JJ and I jumped from where we were and hightailed it to the boat, peeling out of there so quickly. Sage punched JJ in the arm who said "ow! Hey what'd I do? What'd I do?" "You really scared me, shithead! You could've gotten caught!" Sage said. JJ scoffed and said "they could never catch me." "Did you find anything?" Pope said. "Did we find anything? Yes. We did." JJ replied as he held up the gun and some money. "What the hell?" Pope said in shock. "Dude, what?" Kie said. Daisy looked at me and said "seriously?" "Why would you take that from a crime scene? I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship." Pope said. "Pope, it's fine. At least you have us." JJ said to him. "I'm living the nightmare." Sage shook her head at him and said "it's fine. As long as nobody knows we have it. It's fine. Don't freak out." Daisy nodded and said "she's right." "That was really tense. When you guys were at the window." Kie said. "I was terrified you guys were going to get caught." Sage replied as she ran a hand through her hair. "When have we ever gotten caught, Sage?" I asked her. Sage went to answer and JJ said "never. We've never gotten caught." Sage shook her head and Daisy said "you guys need to be more careful." JJ smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Nobody say anything about it. How about that?" I said. Everyone nodded.

This was fun to write tbh. And I apologize for not updating this sooner!! I've only seen Outer Banks one time all the way through so I went back and watched the first episode so everything was accurate. I don't want the chapters to be inaccurate so I hope you all enjoyed this!!!

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