The Marsh

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Sage's POV:
"Maya." My father said as he barged into my bedroom. I opened my eyes and said "what?" "One of those obnoxious boys are here to see you." I sat up. "Which one?" I asked. "The blonde one." My father knew of my infamous friends but never wanted to refer to them by their names. "JJ?" I said excitedly. I immediately jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs. "Maya, you need to eat breakfast!" Dad yelled. I opened the front door and JJ turned around, looking at me. "Hi, JJ." "Hey, Sagie." I smiled and said "what're you doing here so early?" "John B wants us all at his place later today. Has something to tell us. I came to get you. Since Kie already headed over." "What about Daisy?" JJ shrugged and said "haven't heard from her. I'm assuming John B will text her." I watched JJ's eyes go to the incredibly short shorts I had worn to bed. "Why don't you come in for breakfast?" I said. JJ shook his head and looked back up at me. "Your dad in there?" "Yeah, so?" "Is it ok?" "JJ, of course it is. You're always welcome here." My mom said. JJ nodded and said "as long as it's ok, Mrs. Ripley." "I'm sure Maya would love it if you came in." My father retorted. "Dad!" I said. He walked away and I sighed. I grabbed JJ's wrist and pulled him inside. "I have to go and get dressed. You ok with waiting here?" "Yeah. Since I can't come with you." He said. I quickly went upstairs and changed, putting on shorts and a crop top, my bathing suit under them. I went downstairs and my mother was currently talking to JJ, asking how he was. His eyes went up and down my body as I went to sit down at the table. "So, what's your plans today?" Dad said to me. I looked at JJ who said "we're going to the beach and stuff. Your normal summer stuff. Maybe go surfing." My father groaned and my mom said "that sounds fun." "That's all she ever does. She's a beach bum." Ambrose said as he sat down across from me. I greeted my brother who smirked at me. I quickly ate my breakfast and JJ did the same. I pulled on my socks and sneakers, saying goodbye to my family. JJ and I walked outside and he walked over and got on his bike. "We could always drive my car." I suggested. "Can I drive?" JJ asked. I nodded and handed him my keys. He winked and said "thank you, milady." "You're welcome, good sir." I bowed dramatically and JJ unlocked my car, throwing his bike in the trunk. I grabbed a piece of gum out of my purse and started to chew on it. I had practically begged my parents for a car so they got me a small suv. It also helped that everyone could fit inside whenever we were doing something. JJ and I got in the car and he exhaled, starting the car. He looked down at my shorts again. "See something you like, Maybank?" I said with a quirked eyebrow. "Yeah, I do, Ripley. Are these new?" His fingers tugged at the end of my shorts. I grabbed his hand and said "they are." "I like em." "I'm sure you do." He played with the ripped denim and then said "does your ass hang out of these?" I hit him on the arm and said "no!" JJ clicked his tongue and said "too bad." I rolled my eyes and said "can we go? Before my dad comes outside and forbids me from leaving?" JJ put the car in gear and said "let's go." I shook out my hair and said "where're we going?" "John B's." I nodded and scrolled through my phone as we drove. JJ stopped at a red light, drumming his hands against the steering wheel to the song that played. We had been driving for a few minutes and I was getting tired of the gum I had in my mouth. I went to toss it out the window and JJ said "does it still have flavor?" "Yeah. I'm just done with it." "What flavor is it?" "It's mint, JJ." I went to get ride of it and JJ grabbed the piece of gum from me, putting it in his mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he said "what?" "I could've given you a fresh piece." "Eh, I don't mind. Plus, you were going to throw it out." I shrugged and the light turned green, signaling that JJ could go. He smirked at me and I shook my head at him. My hair blew in the wind as JJ rolled the windows down, letting the summer heat in. I felt JJ's hand on my thigh, the cool metal from his rings pressing up against my skin. I jumped at the coldness and JJ smirked again. My skin was adapting to the heat outside, making my whole body hot. "Is this ok?" I nodded and JJ drove the entire way to John B's with his hand on my thigh. When we arrived at John B's, we were greeted by John B and Daisy. "It's about time you guys got here." John B said from the porch. JJ removed his hand from my thigh slowly. He winked at me and I then got out of the car, putting my backpack purse onto my shoulders. "Sorry. My parents made us eat breakfast." I replied. "Us? JJ was at your place?" "I only went there to pick her up. Chill." JJ threw my keys at me which I almost didn't catch but luckily I did. Daisy motioned for me to come over where she stood. "He's staring." I looked at JJ who looked me up and down. "When is he not?" I put my keys in my purse and Daisy said "I think he likes you." "Even if he does, you know the rules." "Do you like him?" I gave her a look that said 'obviously.' "Guys, I'm calling it off." John B said. We all looked over at him, JJ going to lean on a table to throw rocks. "Peterkin said if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." JJ scoffed and said "and you believed her?" "Yes, I believe her, JJ." "An actual cop, John B. A cop." "All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting the gun." I walked over to the couch that Kie was sitting on, Daisy sitting on the opposite side of me. John B currently had a black eye and it looked pretty bad. "You know what I should've done, man? I should've let Topper drown your ass." JJ said. John B rolled his eyes and said "Topper was gonna drown me?" "Sure looked like it." JJ shot back. The two of them went back and forth for a bit and I shook my head. "They always win don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win." JJ said. "Look, it's ok!" Kie said, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's not ok! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it. I know you do." JJ then looked at Pope. "I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy. You've got too much to risk." JJ then looked at Kie, Daisy and I. "And you guys, you're rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?" Kie rolled her eyes at JJ and I scoffed softly. Daisy glared at JJ. He then looked at his best friend. "But me and you, we've got nothing to lose! We really don't, alright?" "JJ." John B said while sighing. "I know it didn't used to be that way for you." "I don't wanna talk about this. I don't wanna talk about it." John B got up and pushed past JJ, walking away. Kie looked at me with a frown and Daisy said "John B..." He looked over his shoulder at her with a half smile and then turned back around. "Look, you got the key to Cameron's boat right?" "No." "There's scuba gear!" "No." "We borrow that, and then go down to the wreck this afternoon." John B gave into JJ's words as he always did. The five of us knew the dangers that would come with this but we were determined to find whatever was at the bottom of the wreck. It could help JJ and John B's situations a lot. I pulled JJ aside and said "hey, I know you don't like to talk about it but you could always stay with me. There's plenty of room at my house." "And live amongst Kooks? No way." "Listen, I know how much you hate them and wouldn't want to live there but, just know, you'll always have a place to stay." JJ nodded and I gave him a quick nod, going to walk away. JJ then grabbed my wrist before I walked away. "Sagie?" I turned to him and said "yeah?" "You mean it?" "Of course I meant it. You're one of my best friends, JJ. I care deeply about you. I know we don't bring that stuff up but I do care about you." JJ let go of my wrist and said "you can bring it up. Whenever you want. It's ok if you say it. You're a girl. If I say's weird." I shook my head and grabbed his hands. "No it's not." JJ half smiled and looked down at our hands. I let go of them and walked over to Daisy. We then grabbed our stuff and headed down to the dock to the HMS. Pouge. John B got the scuba gear and we went out to the wreckage. "Wait, are these empty?" Kie asked. John B sighed and she picked up another tank. "And this one is a quarter full." "It's enough for one of us." JJ said. Daisy looked at John B and said "who's going to go down?" "Doesn't matter. How hard can it be? You just put the thing in your mouth and breathe. I'll go." JJ said. Kie shook her head and said "does anyone know how to dive? You definitely don't so you're not going." JJ rolled his eyes at her and Pope said "if you come up too fast, nitrogen gets in your blood, and you get the bends." My eyes widened and JJ said "like, bend over?" He started to bend over and Pope said "the bends kill you." JJ immediately straightened himself up and John B said "I can dive." "Good. I'm good with you doing that." JJ said. Daisy looked at John B and said "since when can you dive?" "I'll do it. It's fine." "It's not fine when you don't know how to do it." "Daisy, I'll be fine. You can give me mouth to mouth if something goes wrong, ok?" He was standing up now, looking down at Daisy. "Let me do some calculations before you go down." Pope said. John B nodded and I pulled off my tank top, revealing my bikini top underneath. JJ's eyes went to my chest, his eyes going up and down. He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth as I watched his eyes stare at my chest. "So, the boat is about 30 feet down, which'll take 25 minutes to get to at the depth. Which means you need to make your safety stop at about ten feet. For two minutes." Pope told John B. Daisy ran a hand through her hair as John B put on the scuba gear. Pope gave him more pointers and Kie jumped into the water with no warning. "What was that?" John B said. JJ looked at the spot where Kie had jumped in and said "I don't know but I liked it. A lot." Kie came up a few seconds later and said "I tied my t-shirt to the anchor which is ten feet down. It's where you'll make your safety stop." John B nodded and said "ok." Daisy stood up and made sure the scuba gear was on his shoulders right enough. "Be careful." She said. "I will." He replied. JJ John B then went into the water. I helped Kie back onto the boat. We all waited for John B to bring back whatever was down there. Even though it was later in the afternoon, the heat was still there. I huffed and pulled off my shorts, revealing my bathing suit bottoms. Pope looked at me and said "hot?" "Very." I replied. "Damn, so you got a new suit as well?" JJ asked me. I looked at him and said "yeah." "New shorts. New suit. I like it. Looks hot." I rolled my eyes playfully at him and I picked up my shorts from off the ground. Pope looked at JJ and said "enough with the flirting." "I flirt with everyone, shut up." JJ said. Kie shook her head and JJ wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his lap. I giggled and said "don't, we'll fall!" "I won't let ya fall." Pope made a disgusted face and Daisy said "do you guys think he's ok?" "I'm sure he'll be fine. He's probably being extra cautious." Pope said. Daisy nodded and said "ok." Kie looked at me and said "it's a nice suit." "Yeah, I think so too." JJ said as he pulled on the strap on my hip, making it slap against my skin. "Stop!" I said as I hit JJ's hand. He laughed and tightened his arms around my waist. Pope stretched and Kie pulled her hair in a ponytail. Eventually John B came up, Pope and JJ pulling him into the boat. John B looked at JJ and I, quirking an eyebrow. "What's this?" "What's what?" JJ replied as he leaned back, pretending that we were falling. "No, stop!" I said while reaching for Pope. Pope grabbed my hand and kept me from leaning back with JJ. "Like I said before, I won't let you fall." I turned my head to look at him. "You promise?" "Yeah. I promise." I took in JJ's features as the two of us were in bed close proximity of each other. JJ's eyes flickered to my lips and mine did the same. I'd kiss him right now if it weren't for the rules. But even then, how would our group of friends feel? How would it effect our friendship? I had amazing friendship with JJ. I didn't want a relationship to ruin it. I don't think I could bear it if our relationship went south. "Guys, bogey at 2:00." Kie said. I looked away from JJ. John B pushed his hair out of his face, looking over at the boat. I was still sitting in JJ's lap, the attention not on us any longer. "Do you guys recognize that boat?" Pope asked. "I've never seen it." Kie said. "Me neither." Daisy added. "What're they doing here? The marsh is closed." "Let's not stick around and find out." JJ said as he removed me from his lap, standing in front of me protectively. JJ pulled up the anchor and John B immediately started the boat. The boat started following us and Kie said "shit! They're following us." "John B." Daisy said as she grabbed his arm. Pope looked over his shoulder and JJ said "you gotta go faster! Go faster!" "I'm going!" John B replied. "Gun it!" I stood next to JJ, fear rising in my chest as the boat continued to follow us. A gunshot went off, causing Pope to immediately dive to the ground. I screamed and JJ tackled me to the ground. "John B, get down!" Daisy said from next to Kie. Kie looked up at John B and another shot went off. I jumped and JJ practically rolled on top of me. "JJ." I said as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. "Shit! Pope move!" Kie grabbed the fishing net from where Pope was and began unraveling it. The gunshots went off again. "Kie, get down!" John B said. Kie threw the fishing net overboard into the water. The boat was getting closer and closer and then stopped. I sighed in relief and Pope did the same. JJ looked at me and said "you ok, Sagie?" "Yeah. Are you?" "Yeah. That was insane." I chuckled and said "yeah." JJ stood up and helped me to my feet. I grabbed my crop top and shorts, pulling them back on. When we reached the dock, John B set the bag he brought up from the wreckage down. "What's in the bag?" Daisy asked. "I dunno." John B replied. "Can we just open the bag?" Pope said. Everyone looked at him in shock. "Whoa, he's actually showing some emotion." JJ said to the group. Pope rolled his eyes and John B began opening the bag. "We risked our lives for this. I hope it's something good." I said as he pulled a capsule out of the bag. He unscrewed it and inside was a compass. JJ sighed in defeat and Pope said "well that won't do us any good." John B stared at the compass, mesmerized. JJ noticed his best friend and said "what is it?" "This was my father's."

I hope you're all going to stay to see this book through. Like I said in the last post, I apologize for not updating this. I had a lot going on last year and hated everything about 2020. Anyways this book will start getting updates and will no longer be on hold. Now, before I actually write it chapters down the line, there might be some smut thrown in. Nothing crazy and not every chapter but it might be mentioned or the deed might actually be done. I also added a couple of cast members to the book so make sure to go back and look at them if you haven't already!!

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