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I run around trying to find my wallet so I can grab my card and buy food. I look and look but can't find it.
"looks like I'll have to do this the illegal way..." I say as I grab my 9mm, and head to my car...

2Hours Later

I peel out of the store loaded with food. My heart is pounding.
"I'm only doing this to survive...nobody seemed to notice the undead..." I pant.
I get back to my house and get my food I stole put up and relax. As I turn on the TV, I hear a scraping noise at my door. I shake all over for the fear it might be another undead. I open it and see nothing. I look down and see...what is that...a dog? It...looks like a dog but yet its...undead.
" no no...NO" I start shouting as I realize..."hell hound" slips out...........

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