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I decide to pack up a few guns and all the ammo I can take. I put an M4 over my shoulder and a glock in a holster on my belt. I start to walk outside trying to find a ride so I can get out of town.
"This is gonna be fun finding a ride" I say to myself.

35mins later

I find a motorcycle and it looks to be in good condition. I turn it on and I know it's loud and is gonna attract a lot of the undead but I have no choice. I drive out of town as quickly as I can, and after about driving 20miles down the road I come across what seems like a fort. It has wooden spikes all over the place and from what I can see coming out of the ground, looks to be landmines in case of a living intruder.

I decide to walk through it being cautious of the mines. I look up for a moment and catch a glimpse of the sun reflecting off of something then its gone.

"Oh no..." I whisper..."They've got a rifle".

I run through the mines tripping a few and explosions ring out from the mines, and make it inside the walls. I realize I'm trapped. As soon as the explosions rang out it was like a dinner bell to the undead. And now that I'm in here, they can shoot me.

I see a building and run into it, but as soon I get in the door I have a gun to my head. I rase my arms up and ask them to lower the gun. I get a rough no in reply. I smack the gun and pull up y glock and point it at there head.

"Put away your gun or I shoot" I say, as I scan the room and notice a few other people but they don't have guns.

"To be honest I don't wanna have to shoot. I'm only here to find people or food...and well I'd like to stay here cause I have nobody. Everyone I know is dead. So...what's your names?"

Please leave name suggestions and descriptions of your character. There are 4 more so hurry and make your character!!! And I won't start the next chapter till I have all 4

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