Where ends meet...

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Its been days since I've walked out of my camp. I try not to think of everything that has happened but i cant help it. Im walking without stoping, going past every walker i see. I stop at a gas station to see if there is anything left. There wasnt. "Just great!" I say. I walk out to find a truck has silently pulled up. I raise my gun but see nobody. I was just about to walk out when suddenly a sharp pain tears through my side. I look down to see a bullet has went through me. I limp/run back into the store when a barrage of gun shots go off and i see where they are coming from. He's under the truck. I pull up my gun and aim at his head and i pull the trigger. All the shots stop and as the cloud of gun smoke disappears i see i hit him dead center of his head. I try to walk out but i cant. I say to myself "I wont die and come back a walker...this is it world..." I pull my gun to my head and close MY eyes. -pulls the trigger-

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