A Perfect Moment

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'Thanks for the dinner', Burdine thanked him as they left the fancy restaurant and headed to his car to leave the building in a dust.

'Nah..', Skarra said sheepishly. Oddly, he felt warm up with the editor who had interviewed him and had to admit, she is rather attractive for her age. It wouldn't be a surprise if he agreed to be her young good looking boyfriend. 'I really appreciate you want my help for sports sake. And dont worry about the dinner, rich guy like me never think to give a cash.'

'Want to go to my place? I have a really good collection of cards and cars I want you to see', Skarra smirked over the idea. He wanted someone to know his real champion in some areas.

Burdine placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled sweetly 'Oh, I loved to, gorgeous....'

'Ha, you said it,ma'am. Handsome Africans like me are hard to come by', Skarra smiled as he focused his eyes on the reel.

Burdine rested her head on his shoulders and cooed 'Then, I must be the luckiest woman in the world'


'The simulator is about to be accomplish, sire', a machine like programmer informed its master as he smirked in the shadows to observe his latest creation in a flash. We may not see it since his back become our view.

'Then all I have to do is to wait for tomorrow to begin with my masterpiece!'


Meanwhile, they had reached Skarra's mansion and she had to admit, it was extremely luxurious compared to her mansion. She gawked over the building as she and Skarra sat by the living room in a giant sofa.

'Oh, let me see your babies again', she cooed as she placed a hand on his left leg.

'Of course, Sugar...', Skarra flashed her a bundle of his foreign cards.

'Oh...they're seem..purr fect', Burdine purred softly as she scooted closer to him.

'Why don't we continue this conversation upstairs? Where I can show you my skills', he breathed huskily as Burdine snaked an arm around him and kissed his left cheek lightly 'That would be delightful...'


Toni Vern sighed heavily as he viewed his old picture through his smartphone. A picture of him and obviously Burdine?! smilling lovingly by the camera while they sat on the boat by Miami that one night.

'Why did she leave me?', Toni sobbed as he said to no one in particular. He dabbed a tissue on his eyes as he hunched by a chair nearby to pack his stuff to call in the night.

'You alright, Toni?', Toni spun around to find Chuck T Chipperson and John J Johnson Junior stood by the wall near the door with a small package in John's hand.

'Everybody else left the Hub to have a shut eye', Chuck said as he looked at him in a concerned look 'Something bothering you?'

'Nah...', Toni denied quietly 'You kids don't get it'

'Look, Toni...', John opened the package to reveal a wrapped sandwich and a juicebox with a grin on his face ' We saved one for you in case you are hungry'

Despite Toni's cranky and dishonest demeanor, there are times he can show some soft spots to his close associates, like his family and especially his players. Taking the package from him softly, he smiled warmly 'Thanks, John. This looks delicious'

'Who's that?', Chuck pointed out at his screen. Toni quickly shut down his phone. 'Just an old friend of mine. Nothing serious'

'Then why are you crying?', John asked lightly as Chuck glared at him to be quiet.

'I'm not. I'm just tired after a hard day of work', Toni yawned sheepishly.

'You've been like this for a few days ago...', Chuck said quietly 'Just tell us what's wrong and we'll help you'

'I doubt very much if you kids can give such advice', Toni gasped as John dragged a long bench nearby and he and Chuck sat on it while facing Toni. He sighed in defeat.

'Fine but heed my warning. Never reveal this to anyone or you'll be benched!', the two nodded slowly as he sighed again 'It was a few decades ago when I was on my bachelor in Oxford that I.........'


'Sleep with a Gorgeous Romeo this country could ever afford', Burdine squeeled as she turned to her left where Skarra snoored warmly in his chamber. Burdine lifted the mattress on her body as she sat up a bit. She had a view of Skarra's physical outward appearance. He draped an arm above her head while another stretched on his own head. She smiled lovingly. She took another glimpse of her slender finger. A diamond ring was presented.

'Will you marry me, gorgeous?', Skarra asked her as Burdine gasped over the beautiful ring. She took the ring and pinned him down.

'Yes..yes...My magazine will rule the world and we'll be the most tempting spouse the universe could ever afford', she smirked as she kissed on his nose. Skarra sat up and embraced her.

'No way in hell am I going to let you screw me first', then things started to black out (you know, mature scenes..)

Burdine smirked as she viewed herself on her compact powder proudly. In the luxurious house, in a royal chamber with a Romeo, what more could she asked?

Then, a sly idea came to her mind as she took her phone from the coffee table and took a quick selfie.


John sniffed dramatically while Chuck frowned over the story before he voiced out.

'Forget that woman, Toni. She was the one who left you selfishly and to think it was only because you have received a job as our coach and manager', Toni narrowed his eyes on the floor.

'You make it sound like it's easy', he scowled.

'Waaaaa...and to think she dumped you like that, the pain', John sniffed on his tissue as Chuck comforted him.

Suddenly, the table vibrated and Toni grabbed his phone from it to check on his phone before he turned extremely red.

'What's wrong?', Chuck asked worriedly as he and John leaned closer.

Toni turned his phone to his players and they gasped in horror.

There's no doubt a picture of Burdine Maxwell in her covered form with a sleeping Skarra beside her.

'That demon stole my love from me! He's going to pay!', Toni boomed loudly that will guarantee a hurricane if he continued for the second time.

Silence defeaned the lab in a mere moments before Toni stood up and grabbed his suitcase to exit the room.

'Wait, Toni. Where are you going?!', Chuck asked frantically as Toni instructed him 'Tell the entire team that there won't be training for this week onwards. There is something I have to deal with...'

'Look, Toni..it's not what it seems. Skarra was sleeping...', John immediately shut up as Toni whipped him a menacing glare.

'After he had his fun with her. That does it. He may be a devil who caused the Super League with his tactics. But there's no way he's giving me this crap!'

'We're following him', Chuck said as he stood up and began to follow his Coach who was farther from them.

'Why?', John asked naively.

'To make sure he doesn't caused any blood to splatter. Skarra is a jerk but that doesn't mean we have to kill him like that. And to also find out the truth!'

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