Rival encounter moments

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Meanwhile, as Skarra strode at the street with his hood covered his identity, he walked to the cafe nearby to get himself a Mocha.

'Gimme a smooth one, pops', Skarra said bluntly.

'Sure thing, son', the bartender said as he received the cash from Skarra before he proceeded to his order.

As Skarra waited, he caught a glimpse at the screen as the crowds were watching the football match that occurred that evening! He looked at the screen with annoyance as he heard the commentary, Mac gasped.

'Fantastic goal from Miko Chen', Miko Chen had tackle him from below and completely distraught the goalkeeper as he approached in front to tackle the ball from there. Miko is just too sneaky, Skarra swore... too sneaky.......

'Invincible United need a miracle to proceed on the game, since Nakama had already got 3 pointers to bring back home while Invincible United haven't score even one goal in their home turf', the other commentary, Brenda observed the match through fully.

'Guess why they can keep up since they already scored 4-0 with the Sultans last week', Mac shrugged.

That was only 3 minutes before the game ends!

'Your mocha, son?', the bartender handed the coffee to Skarra as he swiftly took it and sipped as he browsed in the city of South Africa. He smirked. When he was a kid, it was easy for him to choose which one can be his friends, since he's from a rich family and the owner of Invincible United was none other than his uncle, Vince! But, as he grow up, he felt like everything's a challenge. His insecurity and jealousy over one success led him to become a jerk and cheater. He had to! He felt like it was no use to try think using his original ideas. It was no surprise if he used to pick up on Shakes, since he was from an average family. He felt like Shakes knows everything that will flunk his future. That's why he hated him!

After browsing a chocolate bar shop, he was about to spin around when suddenly......he bumped into someone.

'For gods sake', Skarra groaned harshly 'Can't you see where you're going?'

'Sorry, sorry, here, let me help you', Skarra looked bewildered from his hoodie. He knew that voice and that person could be none other than his previous rival, Miko Chen, the sneaky one.......

'Skarra?', Miko asked in shock. He was wearing his clubs tracksuit and jacket like all sport stars wear when they're free.

'You again?!', Skarra yelled as he got up from the ground, ignoring Miko's attempt to help him, proving he still knelt on the ground while extending his hand. 'What more did you want again, loser?'

Miko was dumbstruck. He knew Skarra was a bad sports but he never knew him that much like Shakes did. And by the looks of it, Skarra looks vengeful than ever like he always shows to Shakes, his loyal foe. Miko sighed as he looked at him in reserved. This is just silly matter. He just sulk over the previous match, nothing else........

'Skarra, my team won honorably today and we felt very satisfied with the results', Miko reminded him quietly as he got up as well ' We worked very hard for the past few weeks and our victory proved our hard work was worth it'

'Whatever, bone head', Skarra scowled at him ' Like I didn't know the real you, the sneaky, tackle me from behind.....'

'That was a clean tackle', Miko probed casually ' And even the referee knows you put up an act when you purposely fall beside me....'

'Let's see if you can bring the same result when you beat Supa Strikas one day', Skarra scoffed proudly ' Just one minutes away and then they'll be the ones to send you guys to hell hole'

'Stop....about Supa Strikas, you'll be facing them in the next 2 days, right?', Miko asked, trying to change the topic from his dramatic vow to take anyone down as usual. Miko shrugged before he said again 'It's nothing, except wishing you good luck for the derby....'

' Then your coach will be ranting on how good Supa Strikas are and you'll be hanging your head in shame for realize how pathetic you losers are', that does it! Miko glared at him. He didn't mind Skarra mocking him, but mocking the team? That was the last straw!

'Exactly, what is your main problem, Skarra?', he asked calmly but lowly this time ' You seem to have a lot of dissatisfaction with your life. Never for once you want to be grateful of what you have, and never for once trying to change your ways for a better improvement....'

'Shut up, loser', Skarra scoffed 'Just because I lost, doesn't mean.....'

'This is not about today's match, Skarra.... this is about your attitude......', Miko was glad they were in a complete isolated area or their quarrel will led to a viral.

'What the heck do you want to pry in my life?', Skarra roared at him angrily.

'Your attitude, you're never honest with yourself, you never show a good example as a captain and you never have a good sportsmanship. You cheered and called us such when you won but fall drastically when we won the match. And by the looks of it, every time you lost, were always the result of cheating. You never played honestly and you even set hatred for me just because I won', Miko said calmly as Skarra twitched his eye in denial.

'Hatred? You?', Skarra scoffed, then laughed ' But then again, you have a good future to be a psychologist.....knowing all'

'Not just me, everyone....let me recalled. Last month, you called Riano a snail for not keeping up and in the end, his team won 4- 0. And then Liquido, you called him a mermaid for spending too much time underwater and cannot keep up one bare floor. In the end, his team won with 3 - 0...... and then, Shakes.....'

'Why do you stop?', asked Skarra sarcastically 'I like your voice like a melody through my ears....'

Miko gave him a small smile ' I don't want to burst your bubble but Shakes truly does have potential to be one of the greatest in the world. He's a good friend, good sportsmanship and even helped in need'

'It's himself you hated, right? Because no matter how hard you try to downgrade him, he always get back on his feet and win the match. Your team has never won with his, right? I'm also into rival teams, I watched their match every time.'

'Shut up!', Skarra yelled rudely ' You're not entirely a good man yourself. Remember your match against Tiger for the first time? You flunk and ruined your very friendship. How foolish can you be', Miko smiled sadly as Skarra laughed harshly. Yes, he had been a fiend to Tiger but he already made amends with him, alongside his team.

'Yes, Skarra. I flunk and caused us to strain for temporary but you want to know the bright side? He and I were closer than our previous moments a few years ago.... and all because I loved him dearly'

'Pfft....', Skarra walked passed him as he scoffed 'Later, loser...'

'You called almost everyone that, you know that? And yes, I used to want to become a psychologist if I didn't stick with football. And in Japan culture, mermaids eat human in order to stay young', hearing that, Skarra gulped as he said while walking away ' Yeah.... can't blame that. Your cultures are always dark and disturbing.'

Miko walked to him while he patted him lightly on his shoulder ' Change yourself if you want to be success. Believe me, it will work', before he left Skarra alone by the shop.

Skarra scoffed as he mumbled 'Whatever, gramps.... lets see who really is a hater in the end'

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