The Match Day Of Catastrophe!!!!!

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As promised, after a LOONG break, new chapter begins!!!!!!!!

'AT LAST!!!!!!', Burdine exclaimed loudly and the cameraman who obviously censored her parts carefully stepped back as she rushed to the front screen as she cupped it to let the WHOLE world see her entire face caked with lots of makeup and red bright lipstick. 'WHO WOULD WIN & SHOW THEIR REAL MANPOWER?!'

'The knight in shining armor', she gestured the screen at Skarra who kissed his biceps in pride before she turned to Toni who produced her a bouquet of roses as she added reluctantly '... & A madman who's job is to be committed to the club who's too stupid enough to resort to cheating to even win for the half final rounds!!!!!'

The spectators even for the Super League clubs except, of course, Invincible United FC all gasped in shock as they muttered their angry thoughts and glared at the screen over the diss about Technicali FC as The Supa Strikas all looked at Chuck & John in sympathy.

'That is not a nice thing to say!', Miko scolded as he glared at the screen while still covered his body in his blanket and on the sofa.

'I'd say she hit the limit!!!!', Ura Giri confirmed as the others nodded.

'Her beauty increase more as she leaned closer....', Buddy Watkins, Cosmos FC Manager drooled at the screen in love zone as Ninja rolled his eyes in disbelief while the others looked at their Boss in silence.

'I got a feeling we should put a stop to this craziness!', Riano blurted out in irritated as the others agreed. Golare could only put a hand on his left shoulder.

'911! I'D LIKE TO REPORT THE CASE OF NUDITY WITH PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN AN ELDERLY AND A YOUNG MAN WHO JUST LOST HIS VIRGINITY!!!!!', Coach Belmont ranted intensely as his players all looked quite flustered over the who drama of knights in shining ARMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Yeah! I doubt he's a virgin from the start!', Bones Jones sneered at Vladmir Savich as he only snickered in thrilled.

'NO!!!!! YOU'LL GET ZE ZROOL ALL OVER ZE SCREEN!!!!!!', the others wrestled to a tag of war as they pulled Thor aside as their Manager lectured about his taste, well, woman!!!

'Damn it! Let the main event start already!', Liquido groaned as he filled his mouth with more popcorn. ' I was anticipating for robot sharks or dirty dribble!'

'Let's just hope this fiasco will end earlier for public sake!', Coach Del Aqua shook his head.

'', El Matador was lost in his words.

'It's a long story but short notice it's their part of the story so if you don't mind; boundaries....', Chuck simplified without a reaction, completely seemed to get used to the criticism.

'..We thought you love to cheat.......', Klaus voiced out heavily as the others looked at Chuck for confirmation.

'Our Boss hardly have time for us, to train us for preparation, always put the rest on my shoulders..', Chuck shrugged as he confided quietly as he frowned at the screen. 'He's always obsessed with his finest creation to give us a proper strategy game plan. It's in the contract to obey him & to use his gadgets for testing. If you don't obey, you're out of the picture...', even Coach seemed to grit his teeth in disgust. He always knew something was not right with the team but like his team, they could not fault the team itself as they seemed to be as clueless as the oppositions are. Now he know the real cause the team always seemed unprepared due to their disorganized Manager!!!!!

'We're sorry...', Twisting Tiger gasped in guilt.

'We didn't know you're a victim as well', Shakes stated slowly as Chuck just remained unfazed as he focused on the screen.

'But Toni has a nicer side', they turned to John as he grinned at them in his usual jovial side as he sat beside Chuck ' He treats us like a family and always give advice on how to lead a good live. He always screams at us saying 'You will not lose your job, not yet while I'm still here'. He's also helpful and care to those in need!!!', the others could only smiled in respect for John's enthusiasm.

'But right now....', John also got worried as he focused on the screen. 'Our fate right now is the match today'

'You will pay for this!!!!!!!', Toni barked as he assumed position on the far opposite side from Skarra. 'It's bad enough you're a well- known cheater in the Super League but THIS?! OH NO!!!! I will NOT let anyone being possessed by your black magic. Not ever. I will love her and care for her had I not be such a terrible manager in Techicali myself!'

'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', the spectators including Brenda sighed in awe over his manliness.

Toni clenched his fist together as he glared at the man he's going to clobber to death on this time of battle. 'I will show the true power of brain! Just because I lack athletic prowess, does not stop me from wanting to battle you today!'

'The countdown begins, people! 3- 2- 1...', Mac began to count as the crowds and Hydra players chanted in enthusiast.

Skarra had a maniac smile while Toni had a maniac grin before they charged at each other.

Shakes covered his eyes with his left palm as he winced over the men growled in such animosity.

'By the time this absurdness is over, the Super League needs to come up with a new rule! Giving the trespasser a restraining order!'. Coach frowned while he folded his arms.

'GO!!!!', both Toni and Skarra charged at each other with such hostile as the battle begins.

'GO BURDINE! GO BIRDBUTT! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!', the Tweevils cheered in such high pitched tone that some glasses began to break.

Toni swung his fists on his direction as Skarra dodged them just in time.

'With this match and my girlfriend, Shakes will be soo jealous he cannot even perform in the next match!', Shakes could only stare at the screen in bored expression as he rolled his eyes.

'With this match, all of LA will fawn over me!', Toni managed to swung his left fist on his chest as Skarra fell in shock and knelt down quickly with a glare.

'WHAT A TURNAROUND OF EVENTS! TONI MANAGE TO LAND A SWING ON SKARRA!!!!!', Mac cheered as Hydra players chanted as well.

'OH YEAH! Eat this!', Skarra leaped forward with his left leg swung to his direction but Toni managed to dodge it, making Skarra fell to the ground with his face landed on the grass.

'This is amazing!', Agent 1 inquired. 'If things turn out well, Burdine will finally go on her awaited honeymoon with Skarra!'

'Not only that, she needs a youth stamina to satisfy her urges and he appeared to be virile to proceed for hours!', Agent 2 also probed before the two were met with angry glares from Supa Strikas and frowns from Chuck and John. 

'The nation of Jamaica is crying!', lamented Dancing Rasta as he face palmed with his left.

'Even my eagle eye cannot spot anything...', Eagle Eye analyzed curtly.

'My ears! My ears! I  rather get stuck in the ocean for days than listen to more of this!', North cried as he covered his ears in such annoyance.

'So Shakes, do you appear to be envious of Skarra?', Shakes turned to the Super League agents in the same bored look as he sarcastically said 'Definitely. I'm soo jealous that I want this madness to end ASAP!'

Toni marched forward and landed a karate chop with his left leg to Skarra as it landed on his-


'MAC! THIS IS THE SUPER LEAGUE, NOT SUPER LEWD!!!!! KEEP IT DOWN!!!!', Brenda scolded her partner in flustered as Mac seemed too eager to continue.

'You go for it, Toni! Kick his balls hard! He totally deserves it for all those dirty dribble he landed to me!', Liquido cheered as he turned to his phone with a twitter hashtag 'GOTONI' became viral.

'YOU ASSHOLE! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!!!! AHHHH!!!!', Skarra charged at Toni as Toni appeared to be in silent as he suddenly developed a buddha mode to meditate.

'That's it!', Uragiri excitedly exclaimed as he watched Toni as he clenched his fist in such excitement  'Breathe in and let those demons out! That's how you operate!'

'Eat this!', Toni opened his eyes and slowly lifted Skarra swiftly and dropped him on the grass in such delicate move as if he were in praying stance. 'That's for dissing me!'

'GGGGGGRRRRRR!!!', Vince punched hard on one of the lockers in the Invincible United main room as the locker collided to another, creating a domino effect.

'3 POINTS FOR TONI VERN! BUT LOOK!!!', Mac pointed out as a censored Burdine rushed to Skarra as she hugged him in a loving manner. 'BURDINE IS STILL WITH HER RIGHTS TO CHOOSE SKARRA AND OH MY IS THAT A BONER?!', as Skarra's crotch began to-

'That's it! All Agents move in!', The Agents left the room as they rushed to the match to stop this whole madness. 

'Took you this long to finally take action?!', El Matador whined in horrified.

'Guess Skarra's boner began to turn off the Super League!', Cool Joe stated sarcastically as the others gulped in horrified.

Burdine wanted to kiss Skarra when she and Skarra were being handcuffed by the Agents and they were dragged out of the match, earning sad awes from Mac, the crowds and Hydra guys.

Surprisingly, Toni did not appear to chase after Burdine as he collapse to the ground in such sadness as a referee helped him to his feet and escorted him back to Supa Strikas locker.

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